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Last active October 20, 2019 15:32
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"basics": {
"name": "Jakub Tesárek",
"label": "Software Engineer",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "+420 721812945",
"website": "",
"summary": "I am software engineer with more than 9 years of experience. I learn fast and in my career I adopted many different technologies a programming languages - I started as a PHP web developer. Currently I'm designing and programming cloud applications in Python using AWS.",
"location": {
"address": "Bubenečská 365/41",
"postalCode": "16000",
"city": "Prague",
"countryCode": "CZE",
"region": "Prague"
"profiles": [{
"network": "Linkedin",
"username": "jakubtesarek",
"url": ""
"network": "Github",
"username": "jakubtesarek",
"url": ""
"education": [{
"institution": "Gymnázium Opatov",
"area": "8 year high school",
"studyType": "High school with graduation",
"startDate": "2000-09-04",
"endDate": "2008-05-23"
"institution": "České vysoké učení technické v Praze",
"area": "Web development and multimedia",
"studyType": "Bachelor - droped out before graduation",
"startDate": "2008-10-01",
"endDate": "2010-12-31"
"institution": "Medio Academy",
"area": "GIT version controll",
"studyType": "Course"
"institution": "Medio Academy",
"area": "Advanced web development and testing",
"studyType": "Course"
"institution": "Jakub Vrána, Michal Špaček",
"area": "PHP applications security",
"studyType": "Course"
"institution": "Dobrý web s.r.o.",
"area": "UX testing",
"studyType": "Course"
"institution": "AWS",
"area": "AWS Essentials Immersive Training",
"studyType": "Online Course"
"work": [{
"company": "SAP Concur",
"position": "Software Design Engineer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2014-02-01",
"summary": "SAP Concur is a company based in USA. It provides travel and expense solutions for individuals and businesses. I worked on many projects and used many different language while working for Concur. I was hired as a PHP web developer for TripIt. Later I moved to an ExpenseIt DevOps team as a Python and JavaScript engineer.",
"highlights": [
"While working on ExpenseIt I cooperated work between different DevOps teams worldwide. We build a GraphQL layer over dozens of Concur microservices.",
"I was responsible for continuous education of our team - I overhauled our internal and external documentation and I was holding regular lectures and hands-on sessions on various topics - NoSQL, GraphQL, serverless, refactoring and more.",
"Our team was responsible for 12 services with average RPM 10,000. We were developed and managed services from the design phase to the production and monitoring.",
"Lately I worked on building and deploying customized travel and spend management system for US Department of Defense ("
"company": "Zoot a.s.",
"position": "Programmer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2013-11-01",
"endDate": "2014-01-01",
"summary": "Zoot is a fashion a lifestyle store based in Czech Republic. I joined Zoot just before Christmas season as a PHP web-developer.",
"highlights": [
"During my short stay I was still able to onboard and implement significant performance improvements."
"company": "Internet Info, s.r.o.",
"position": "Juryman, Pen-tester",
"summary": "I worked for WebTop100, the biggest marketing and web development competition in Czech Republic as juryman with focus on penetration testing and quality of technical solution.",
"highlights": [
"My job was to do penetration tests on all the competing websites and create a report for the owner and developers. Together with Michal Špaček we discovered security flaws in many websites, including SAS website providers."
"startDate": "2012-06-14",
"endDate": "2014-09-01",
"website": ""
"company": "Shoptet",
"position": "Lead developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2010-11-01",
"endDate": "2013-09-01",
"summary": "Shoptet is one of the largest e-commerce platform providers in Czech Republic. I started working in Shoptet as a technical support at the beginning of the company. Later a moved to programmer position and after that I took the responsibility of leading the R&D department.",
"highlights": [
"I switched the development process from manually deploying using FTP uploads to individual servers to continuous delivery with multiple deployments every day.",
"During my time the team started doing regular code reviews and TDD.",
"My main accomplishment was delivering a brand new Shoptet platform that is used to this date.",
"I also implement many modules - credit card payment gates, search engines like, Heureka and more."
"publications": [
"name": "Power of Metaclasses",
"publisher": "Mobile EMEA Summit",
"releaseDate": "2019-03-26",
"website": "",
"summary": "Presentation of Python Metaclasses for Mobile EMEA Summit - Czech Republic 2019."
"name": "DBGR - interactive terminal tool to test and debug HTTP APIs.",
"publisher": "Opensource",
"releaseDate": "2019-05-12",
"website": "",
"summary": "DBGR is my opensource terminal tool for working with REST APIs and for generating living documentation. It is currently used in SAP Concur to cooperate work between backend and mobile teams. It's also mentioned in official aiohttp documentation:"
"name": "AWS static website",
"description": "Minimalistic serverless personal website",
"publisher": "self-hosted",
"summary": "Presentation on building serverless static website using AWS technologies - S3, Lambda, CloudFront, Route 53. It is automatically build from markdown sources on Github using Lambda and Circle CI.",
"releaseDate": "2018-09-25",
"website": ""
"projects": [
"name": "Project Euler",
"description": "Project Euler is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve.",
"keywords": [
"programming", "optimization", "competition"
"startDate": "2015-08-21",
"endDate": "2015-08-30",
"url": "",
"roles": ["Competitor"],
"type": "Programming competition"
"name": "CodeWars",
"description": "CodeWars is an online coding competition. Each time you are presented with a programming challenge and you earn score for each solved problem. The challanges get progresively harder as your overall score gets higher.",
"keywords": [
"programming", "optimization", "competition"
"startDate": "2016-05-01",
"url": "",
"roles": ["Competitor"],
"type": "Programming competition"
"skills": [{
"name": "Python",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "PHP",
"level": "Rusty"
"name": "JavaScript",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "Web Development",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "AWS",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "Vim",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "MySQL",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "Java",
"level": "Rusty"
"name": "REST",
"level": "Proficient"
"name": "Git",
"level": "Proficient"
"languages": [
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Fluent"
"language": "Czech",
"fluency": "Native Speaker"
"interests": [
"name": "Muay-Thai"
"name": "Motorcycling"
"name": "Programming puzzles"
"name": "ToastMasters"
"references": [{
"name": "Miroslav Uďan (CEO and founder of Shoptet)",
"reference": "Hlavní předností Jakuba je jeho neustálý hlad po informacích a novinkách z oboru a následné efektivní využívání nově získaných dovedností při své práci. Díky tomu se z něj stal výborný PHP programátor, který si umí správně nastavovat priority, pracovat samostatně a perfektně a včas odvádět a dokončovat stanovenou práci. Nelze opomenout ani dobré managerské dovednosti, díky kterým dokáže kontrolovat, motivovat a profesionálně rozvíjet i své podřízené pracovníky."
"name": "Brian Torrey (former manager of TripiIt)",
"reference": "Please contact Brian for a reference email (English only): Phone number: +1 6504213703 (Pacific Time Zone)."
"name": "Lukáš Pítra (Freelance e-commerce specialist)",
"reference": "S programátory mám skoro 9 let zkušeností a většina z nich mne stála krev a slzy. Jakub je ovšem jako jeden z mála zcela výjimečný a vyvrátil všechny mé zažité stereotypy. Vážím si především toho, že: plní termíny, vždy umí najít řešení, své řešení si dokáže otestovat a prověřit. Když k tomu přidáte rychlou a stručnou komunikaci a transparentní cenotvorbu, je s Jakubem prostě velká paráda spolupracovat na čemkoliv. Vřele doporučuji všem, kdo potřebují spolehlivého profíka."
"meta": {
"theme": "elegant"
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