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Jaltman429 / gist:5701732
Last active December 18, 2015 01:09
Jack Altman Profile
Name: Jack Altman
Github Username: Jaltman429
Blog Url:
Tagline: ?
Profile Picture (something normal, a headshot, of a good reusable size that can be easily cropped)
Treehouse Account:
CoderWall Account:
CodeSchool Account: Jaltman429
Favorite Websites: Hackernews, twitter, quora,, svbtle,, kickstarter.
Previous Work Experience: Currently an investor at Hydrazine Capital (Seed stage startup investing)
Jaltman429 / gist:5701846
Last active December 18, 2015 01:09
Alien PB&J
DELIVERABLE: Create a numbered list that contains instructions for making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
FORMAT: Link to Public Gist
Tourist Alien
The alien is positioned in front of a table with a plate, a knife, a jar of jelly, a jar of peanut butter, and a loaf of bread.
The alien can read and recognize english and english grammar, but does not necessarily understand what specific nouns refer to in the real world.
# assignment.rb
# write an expression that returns true by using ==
# write an expression that returns false using ==
# write an expression that returns true using !=
# write an expression that returns false using !=
puts 4 == 2 * 2
puts 'jack' == 'JACK'
puts 'jack' != 'blob'
Jaltman429 / gist:5745408
Created June 9, 2013 21:51
# assignment.rb
# FizzBuzz - The Programmer's Stairway to Heaven
# Define the fizzbuzz method to do the following: 10pts
# Use the modulo % method (divisible by)
# 2 % 2 #=> true
# 1 % 2 #=> false
# If a number is divisible by 3, puts "Fizz".
# If a number is divisible by 5, puts "Buzz".
# If a number is divisible by 3 and 5, puts "FizzBuzz"
Jaltman429 / gist:5750855
Created June 10, 2013 17:57
Jukebox.rb (as a class)
# jukebox.rb
class Jukebox
@@jukeboxes = []
def initialize (name)
@@on = true
@name = name
@user_tracks = []
@user_tracks << @name
# Create Hashes for the following use-cases.
# A movie collection that organizes by genres
# Recipes with ingredients
# User profiles where each user has a list of favorite colors along with 3
# personal essays, essay_1, essay_2, essay_3
# Just be creative, create a bunch of fake data just for the practice of how you would
# store this data in a structured hash. Feel free to create a single file, hashes.rb with
# a bunch of these and send them to me for review. There are really no wrong answers -
# Construct an array with your favorite foods. It should have at least 5 elements.
# Write a puts which returns your most favorite food out of the array.
favorite_foods = ['pizza', 'bagel', 'sandwich', 'chicken', 'apple']
favorite_foods.each_with_index do |food, index|
puts (index + 1).to_s + ". " + food.capitalize
puts "Which is your favorite food? Please pick a number."
puts "Hello World".reverse
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase.split
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase.split.join(" ")
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase.split.join(" ").reverse
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase.split.join(" ").reverse.capitalize
puts "Hello World".reverse.upcase.split.join(" ").reverse.capitalize.concat('!')
Jaltman429 / gist:5752646
Created June 10, 2013 21:44
# Temperature bot is American but takes Celsius temperatures.
def temperature_bot(temp)
case temp
when temp = 18,21,22
"I like this temperature"
"This is uncomfortable for me"
Jaltman429 / gist:5754369
Created June 11, 2013 03:47
# Hashketball Nests
# Great news! You're going to an NBA game! The only catch is that you've been
# volunteered to keep stats at the game.
# Using Nested Hashes, define a game, with two teams, their players, and the players stats:
# The game has two teams.
# A team has: