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Last active January 15, 2024 19:46
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FoundryVTT Updater - A quick script to pull the latest foundry image for docker
# Docker Foundry Updater
# This script is used to download the Foundry ZIP file so it can be picked up by the Foundry container
# By felddy (felddy/foundryvtt:release)
# Save the current working directory and move to the file's location, makes relative paths easier to manage
working_dir=$(pwd -P)
parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE}")" ; pwd -P )
cd "$parent_path"
# Grab user input
# You MUST have a download url
if [[ $download_url == "" ]]; then
echo "usage: ./ PATH_TO_DOWNLOAD_ZIP"
echo ""
# TODO: Check folder actually exists
if [[ $download_path != "" ]]; then
if [[ ! -d $download_path ]]; then
echo "$download_path does NOT exist."
exit 1;
# Grab the filename from the URL then cut everything after the ? and make it lowercase
# Then combine it with the directory we're download to
filename="$download_dir/$(basename "$download_url" | cut -f1 -d "?" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
echo " [ Foundry Updater ] "
echo "Downloading to $filename"
echo ""
# Could use wget but this has the most minimal UI
curl --progress-bar -o $filename $download_url
echo "File Downloaded to $filename"
echo "Changing ownership to the foundry docker container"
chown 100420:100420 $filename
# TODO: CHANGE THIS TO YOUR USER:GROUP used by the docker container
echo "Check if Foundry is up. You can now restart the Foundry container if needed"
exit 0;
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