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Created January 3, 2018 15:10
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Custom nightwatch command waitForElementClickable()
var util = require('util');
var WaitForElementVisible = require('nightwatch/lib/api/element-commands/waitForElementVisible');
function WaitForElementClickable() {;
this.expectedValue = 'clickable';
util.inherits(WaitForElementClickable, WaitForElementVisible);
WaitForElementClickable.prototype.elementFound = function(result, now) {
return this.isClickable();
WaitForElementClickable.prototype.elementClickable = function(result, now) {
var defaultMsg = 'Element <%s> was clickable after %d milliseconds.';
return this.pass(result, defaultMsg, now - this.startTimer);
WaitForElementClickable.prototype.elementNotClickable = function(result, now) {
if (now - this.startTimer < {
return this;
var defaultMsg = 'Timed out while waiting for element <%s> to be clickable for %d milliseconds.';
return, 'not clickable', this.expectedValue, defaultMsg);
WaitForElementClickable.prototype.isClickable = function() {
var self = this;
this.protocol.elementIdEnabled(this.element, function(result) {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (result.status === 0 && result.value === true) {
// element is enabled
return self.elementClickable(result, now);
if (result.status === -1 && result.errorStatus === 10) {
return self.checkElement();
return self.elementNotClickable(result, now);
module.exports = WaitForElementClickable;
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