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Last active May 21, 2021 13:07
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#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include "cPathFinder.h"
// this is a C++ wrapper for boost graph
cPathFinder finder;
typedef std::pair< std::vector<int>, int > testedSubGraph_t;
std::vector< testedSubGraph_t > vTests;
testedSubGraph_t best;
bool isConnected(std::vector<int> &sg)
// construct subgraph
cPathFinder subfinder;
// loop over node pairs in subgraph
for (int ku = 0; ku < sg.size(); ku++)
for (int kv = ku + 1; kv < sg.size(); kv++)
if (finder.IsAdjacent(
sg[ku], sg[kv]))
// node pair are linked
subfinder.addLink( ku, kv, 1 );
return( subfinder.IsConnected() );
int countNeighbourColors(std::vector<int> &sg)
std::set<std::string> colors;
// loop over nodes in subgraph
for (int ku = 0; ku < sg.size(); ku++)
// loop over nodes in original graph
for (int kv = 0; kv < finder.nodeCount(); kv++)
// node in subgraph, so not a neighbour
if (std::find(sg.begin(), sg.end(), kv) != sg.end())
// node not connected, so not neighbour to this subgraph node
if (!finder.IsAdjacent(
sg[ku], kv))
// found a subgraph neighbour
// save its colour if not already seen
// return number of uniquely colored neighbours
return colors.size();
void subgraphTest(std::vector<int> &sg)
// is subgraph nodes all connected?
if (!isConnected( sg ))
// count uniquely colored neighbours
int colors = countNeighbourColors( sg );
testedSubGraph_t tsg;
tsg.first = sg;
tsg.second = colors;
vTests.push_back( tsg );
// save best subgraph found so far
if (colors < best.second )
best.second = colors;
best.first = sg;
/** Subgraph builder and tester ( recursive )
* @param[in] sg subgraph built so far
* @param[in] M subgraph size required
* @param[in] start first unchecked node to be added
* If the subgraph is completed and has the fewest uniquely colored neightbours
* store in bestSubgraph global and continue searching
void subgraph(std::vector<int> &sg, int M, int start)
//loop over remaining nodes
for (int n = start; n < finder.nodeCount(); n++)
// add node to subgraph
std::vector<int> msg(sg);
if ( msg.size() == M )
//subgraph has reached required size
// test it
subgraphTest( msg );
// subgraph needs more nodes
// ( recursive call until there are the reuired number )
subgraph(msg, M, n + 1);
best.second = 99999;
int M = 4; // subgraph size
// read input file"dat.txt");
// std::ofstream f("");
// f << finder.pathViz();
// recursive search through subgraphs
std::vector<int> sg;
subgraph(sg, M, 0);
// display best result
std::cout << "\nsubgraph ";
for (int n : best.first)
std::cout << finder.nodeName(n) << ", ";
std::cout << " has " << best.second << " differently colored neighbours\n";
// display all results
for( auto& t : vTests )
for( int n : t.first )
std::cout << finder.nodeName(n) << " ";
std::cout << " colors " << t.second << "\n";
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