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Created September 16, 2023 16:03
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Header only C++ wrapper for Open Street Map Overpass API
/// @brief Header only C++ wrapper for Open Street Map Overpass API
// Dependency: cpp-httplib
// (c) 2023 James Bremner
#include <Windows.h>
// if OSM host reuires SSL ( i.e. https://... )
// uncomment the following define
// but note unresolved documentation errors in cpp-httplib build instructions
// these libraries will have to be added to the link in this order
// -lcrypt32 -lssl -lcrypto -lws2_32
// details and any updates
#include "httplib.h"
class cOSMOverpass
/// @brief CTOR sets some default parameters
: myNorthLat(501), myWestLon(501), mySouthLat(501), myEastLon(501),
/// @brief set URL for OSM overpass host
/// @param hostURL
/// If this is not called the default host will be used
void setHost( const std::string& hostURL )
myHost = hostURL;
/** @brief Set/Get bounding box
/// @param NorthLat
/// @param WestLon
/// @param SouthLat
/// @param EastLon
runs from south to north
+ve in northern hemisphere
north edge of box is greatest lat value
south edge of box is least lat value
runs from west to east
-ve in North America
west edge of box is least ( most -ve ) value
east edge of box is greatest value
If this is not called the bounding box will be undefined
and the doQuery method will throw an exception
void setBBox(
double NorthLat,
double WestLon,
double SouthLat,
double EastLon)
myNorthLat = NorthLat;
myWestLon = WestLon;
mySouthLat = SouthLat;
myEastLon = EastLon;
/// @brief Execute Overpass query to get ways and nodes in bounding box
void doQuery()
httplib::Client cli(myHost);
auto res = cli.Get(myQuery);
myStatus = res->status;
myDownload = res->body;
void getBBox(
double &NorthLat,
double &WestLon,
double &SouthLat,
double &EastLon) const
NorthLat = myNorthLat;
WestLon = myWestLon;
SouthLat = mySouthLat;
EastLon = myEastLon;
const std::string &getDownload() const
return myDownload;
int getStatus() const
return myStatus;
std::string getQuery() const
return myQuery;
std::string myHost;
// bounding box
double myNorthLat, myWestLon, mySouthLat, myEastLon;
std::string myQuery;
// downloaded data
std::string myDownload;
int myStatus;
std::string makeQueryBBox()
if (myNorthLat > 500)
throw std::runtime_error(
"cOSMOverpass Bounding box not set");
std::string q = "<bbox-query s=\"" + std::to_string(mySouthLat) + "\" w=\"" + std::to_string(myWestLon) + "\" n=\"" + std::to_string(myNorthLat) + "\" e=\"" + std::to_string(myEastLon) + "\"/>";
return q;
void makeQuery()
myQuery =
std::string("/api/interpreter/?data=<osm-script output=\"json\">") + "<query type=\"way\">" + makeQueryBBox() + "<has-kv k=\"highway\" regv=\"primary|secondary|tertiary|residential\"/>" + "</query>" + "<union><item /><recurse type=\"way-node\"/></union><print/></osm-script>";
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