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Created May 24, 2013 19:00
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Javascript notes from Simon Allardice's class/tutorial

#Javascript Notes

###Core Concepts -

  • HTMl is the markup language - CONTENT ON PAGES
  • CSS is the style sheet language - PRESENTATION ON PAGES
  • JAVASCRIPT is the programming language - BEHAVIOR ON PAGES

Javascript is a programming language. Often times javascript is referred to as a scripting language, but most programmers dismiss this and argue javascript is a programming language.

You cannot write a desktop application with javascript. Javascript only works within another application, IE web browser.

  • Javascript cant access local files - Security risk.
  • Cant directly access Database
  • Cant access Hardware (USB, ETC)

Javascript was designed to manipulate web pages

Javascript is a client-side language. It is sent from the server to their browser and rendered client side.

Server side would be PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails

*Javascript has popped up in Adobe Acrobat/ Photoshop

  • Javascript has also popped up in server-side
  • Node.js
  • Google Apps Script

#####Javascript is NOT JAVA. Nothing to do with it.

Javascript is interpreted, not compiled. Javascript IS CASE SENSITIVE

Grouped into statements; Seperate instructions or commands to say peice by peice what you want to do. ex.

  • pixels to the left
  • make a menu option disappear or appear
  • alert message

#####Javascript is whitespace insensitive!

Add comments by // comment goes here....

Execution order - Javascript goes from the top, one by one.

Javascript is executed as it lies in the DOM.

###Creating variables

Variables are a container (No spaces, made of letters, numbers, underscore, dollar sign, no numbers first)

var variablename; (representing the variable)
var customerEmail;
var todaysDate;

Define and Set:

var year;
year = 2011;

Or Define and Set:

var year = 2011;

Variable names are case sensitive

var x = 200;

Javascript is a weakly typed language. Don't need to specify which type of variable you're trying to set.

myVariable = 200; (integer)
myVariable = "hello"; (doubled quotes)
myVariable = 'hello'; (can use single quotes, treated the same)
myVariable = true; (boolean)
myVariable = false; (boolean)

Javascript does care what type of variable it is, but any javascript variable can hold any of these values, even arrays and functions.

The point of making variable is to be able to use the variable.

if ( condition ) {
//code goes here
//What happens if variable is true
  • parenthesis ()
  • brackets []
  • braces {}

Not interchangable. Need to be in pairs. If theres an open, needs to close.

if ( b > 20 ) {


To check equality in javascript use == considered a single operator

Javascript has another way of checking equality ===

Never use single = sign to check a value. Single = is to set a value.

Checking not equal to use !=

Several statements surrounded by curly braces are called a code block.

Code blocks can be nested.

var amount = 500;

if ( amount < 1000 ) {
  alert("It's Less Than 1000!");
} else {
  if ( ) {
    //code goes here...

###Operators and Expressions

Arithmetic operators = + - * %

used along with = (assignment operator)

result = a + b;
score = score + 10;
score += 10; (same as above, shorthand)

+= -= *= %= Operator Precidence (some operator symbols are regarded as more important than other... Same as math.)

result = 5 + 5 * 10;

Multiplication first then addition

result = ( 5 + 5 ) * 10;
result = 100

###Comparison Operators:

if ( a == b )
var a = 5;
var b = 10;

if ( a = b ) {
//always true!
//Make sure you use the correct operator for equality... DOUBLE EQUALS SIGN. this single equals command will set a = 10 and a will always equal b, so it will always be true, even when you don't want it to be true... (common mistake, difficult to debug)

One equals = ASSIGNMENT TWO equals == EQUALITY Three equals === STRICT EQUALITY

var a = 5;
var b = "5";

if ( a == b ) {
  alert("Yes, they're equal");
else {
  alert("They are NOT equal");

If you were to use a === (strict equal) on the above, it needs to be the same data type as well as being the same data. As you can see above, var a is an integer, while var b is a string. Different data types, so it would not be considered true with ===, but would be considered true with ==

###Sending Messages to the console

Messages in the console =>


Same error, with different icon. Most of the time you will use console.log

var foo = 10;
var bar = 20;

if ( foo < bar ) {
  console.log("foo is less than bar");
  console.log("and here's a second message");
  console.log("and here's the third message");

###Working with loops

Loops are also reffered to as iterations.


var a = 1;

while ( a < 10 ) {


var a = 1;

do {
} while ( a < 10 );

Do while will always run at least once, because the loop runs before the condition is checked.

while loops are MUCH more common than do...while loops.

var i = 1;

while ( i < 10 ) {
  // do stuff
  // do stuff
  1. Setup the index variable
  2. Check the condition of the variable
  3. Increment the index


Bring those 3 into the condition of the loop..

for ( var i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++ ) {
  //do stuff
  //do stuff
  //do stuff

Occasional Vocab

#####Break - Jump us out of the loop.

for ( var i = 1 ; i < 5000 ; i++ ) {
  //do stuff
  //do stuff
  if (i == 101) {
  //do stuff

break jumps out of the loop If you say break, it manually stops running the loop.

#####Continue -

for ( var i = 1 ; i < 5000 ; i++ ) {
  //do stuff
  //do stuff
  if (i % 5 == 0) {
  //do second set of stuff
  //do second set of stuff

At some point, if it hits the word continue, it means to jump back up and check the condition again. Not carry on to second stuff.


As we start to add more code we want to make sure it doesnt get messy and hard to read. So as with all languages we want to break apart large amount to smaller reusable modular peices.

All we are doing is taking several statements, wrapping them up and giving them a name. These are called functions.

function myFunction () {
  console.log("We're in the function");
  // loops, if statements, anything!
  // ...

sometime later, you call myFunction


if it's in a function, it won't run unless you call it.

Youll end up having a lot of functions. Doesnt matter where you put these in the file, because the javascript engine will scan the code to see if they exist, before it tries to run anything.


Functions with parameters -

function myFunction ( x,y ) {
  var myVar = x * y;

Same rules as variables.

function myFunction ( x,y ) {
  var myVar = x * y;
  // we can return values
  return myVar;

square brackets indicates dealing with arrays. Javascript uses zero poistion index. First position is always zero

var singleValue;
singleValue = 99;
var multipleValues = [];

multipleValues[0] = 50;
multipleValues[1] = 60;
multipleValues[2] = "Mouse";


creating shorthand arrays.

var multipleValues = [ 50,60,"Mouse" ]; //automatically places 0 1 2 positioning to array...


var multipleValues = new Array();

arrays are objects...

var multipleValues = Array();

all are the same... all arrays are dynamic.

because arrays are objects they have properties that we can get to about them.

var multipleValues = [10,20,30,40,50];
  • length of array is 5
  • highest index is [4]
  • This is because [0] is the first index

#####Array Methods

someFunction(params); // to call a function

methods are functions that belong to an object

someObject.someMethod(); // to call a method

var multipleValues = [10,20,30,40,50];
//built in methods to javascript
console.log( reverseValues.join() );

arrays are everywhere...

var myArrayOfLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");


var x = 200;
  //numeric literal
  //JavaScript numbers are 64-bit floating point numbers.
x = 200.5;

var foo = 5;
var bar = 5;
console.log(foo + bar); //10

var foo = "5";
var bar = "5";
console.log(foo + bar); //55

the plus sign is going to concatenate them because it thinks you want to treat these as a string.

var foo = 5;
var bar = "5";
console.log(foo + bar); //55 = one is a string

var foo = 5;
var bar = "b";
console.log(foo * bar); //NaN


var foo = "55"; //could be "abc"

var myNumber = Number(foo); // make it a number!

if ( isNaN(myNumber) ) {
  console.log("It's not a number!");

isNaN returns either true of false. Be careful here. You're asking if Not A Number is true, so

var foo = "abc";
var myNumber = Number(foo);
if ( isNaN(myNumber) ) {
  console.log("It's not a number!");

It would return true to it NOT being a number.

If you want to return true to it being a number, you use a double negative, as no isNumber is built into javascript.

ex) double negative - if NOT NOT a number by using !

if ( !isNaN(myNumber) ) {
  console.log("It IS a number!");

#####Math object

var x = 200.6;
var y = math.round(x); //201

var a = 200, b = 10000, c = 4;
var biggest = Math.max(a,b,c);
var smallest = Math.min(a,b,c);

ex. Math.PI Math.random() Math.sqrt() Math.log()


var myString = "Double Quotes Work.";
var myString = 'Single Quotes Work';
var myString = 'One or the other.";

#####Quotes inside quotes

var phrase = "Don't mix your quotes.";

Good! var phrase = 'Don't mix your quotes.'; No Good! Apostrophe Acts as a quote...

var phrase = "He said "that's fine," and left.";

No Good! Mixing Double Quotes With single quotes...

You need to surround with backslash if you want to use quotes within a quotes!

var phrase = "He said \"that's fine,\" and left.";

This tells javascript the quotes inside the quotes are supposed to be the closing quote.

###String Properties

var phrase = "This is a simple phrase.";
console.log(phrase.length); // 24

strings can be treated as arrays

var phrase = "This is a simple phrase.";
console.log( phrase.toUpperCase()); //THIS IS A SIMPLE PHRASE.

Strings can be treated as METHODS.

var phrase = "This is a simple phrase.";
var words = phrase.split(" ");

splits this string at the space.

Not always split at the space, but if a comma seperated list for ex.

var words = phrase.split(",");

would split into array at the comma.

var phrase = "We want a groovy keyword.";
var position = phrase.indexOf("groovy");

would return index position of the word groovy. we is 0 want is [1] a is [2] groovy is [3]

If term is not found with indexOf it returns -1...

if ( phrase.indexOf("DDDD") == -1) {
  console.log("That word does not occur.");

index of finds the first occurance of that phrase in the string.

There is also if ( phrase.lastIndexOf(" ")) { //code goes here.... } This is used to get the last occurance of that phrase in the string.

var phrase = "Yet another phrase.";
var segment = phrase.slice(6,11);

this will count 6 positions into the variable...Grab characters from 6 - 11 (5 characters) as an array of characters. this value will be returned into the new variable named segment Contrary to what you may think, this does no change the original string, it creates a copy.

other string methods


var str1 = "Hello";
var str2 = "hello";

str1 != str2

To make equal to, make either both upper or both lower case...

if ( str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase() {
  console.log("Yes, equal");

if ( str1.toUpperCase() == str2.toUpperCase() {
  console.log("Yes, equal");

#####REMEMBER JAVASCRIPT IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!!! var str1 = "aardvark"; var str2 = "beluga"; if (str1 < str2) { ... //true

var str1 = "aardvark";
var str2 = "Beluga";
if (str1 < str2 ) { ... //false!

ABCD less than abcd...


var today = new Date();

Current date and time

var y2k = new Date(2000,0,1); //year, month, day

month is zero based

var y2k = new Date(2000,0,1,0,0,0);

here are getMethods for time!

var today = new Date();
today.getMonth(); // returns 0-11
today.getFullYear(); //YYYY (not zero-based)

today.getDate(); // 1-31 day of month
today.getDay(); //0-6 day of week, with 0 == sunday
today.getHours(); //0-23
today.getTime(); // milliseconds since 1/1/1970

var myDate = new Date(1906,11,9);
console.log( "Grace Hopper was born on: ", myDate.getDay() );

here are setMethods for time! var today = new Date();



Comparing Dates

var date1 = new Date(2000,0,1);
var date2 = new Date(2000,0,1);

if ( date1 == date2 ) { ... //false!

Javascript compares them and realizes they are two seperate objects, so it views them as two seperate dates.

###Working With Objects

Object - Self contained peices Examples: array, date, DOM, making our own

Container that gathers together some data and some behavior and give them a name

var playerName = "Fred";
var playerScore = 10000;
var playerRank = 1;

These are similar variables we want grouped. In order to group them, we need to place them inside of a container.

var player = new Object();

This creates a generic object container and calls it player. Then we just decide what we want the interal peices of this object to be.

var player = new Object();
player.Name = "Fred";
player.Score = 10000;
player.Rank = 1;

Outside of an object = variable Inside of an object = Properties

Shorthand for creating an object

Create two objects

var player1 = { name: "Fred", score: 10000, rank: 1 };
var player2 = { name: "Sam", score: 10000000, rank: 1 };

If you know that this function is going to be associated with different objects, what I can use is the word this to refer to the current one. So whatever object it is, I am going to go into its name/score or rank property.

function playerDetails() {
  //Display information about each player
  console.log( + " has a rank of: " +
  this.rank + " and a score of " + this.score);

Create logDetails as a method of the objects created ; making logDetails up right now just to associate with player1 and player2 object. Now both of these objects have a method called logDetails. If we call it, it will reach through and call the playerDetails function.

player1.logDetails = playerDetails;
player2.logDetails = playerDetails;

Finally call the logDetails function of player1 or player2 to run the function and receive something from the console.log


###What is the DOM - Document Object Model

Knowing your way around the DOM = Most important tool for a javascript developer.

#####What is the document? For us, the document means the page/webpage. Not the website, the webpage.

#####What is the object? An object is just a thing. Dates are objects, arrays are objects. Any thing that makes sense to treat as an individual thing. The elements, the components, the individual peices.

#####What is the model? What they mean is a model as in a business model, or data model. With a webpage, we should be able to take any html and represent it as a tree structure. We could even decide on words for the peices of the tree, like nodes. We can even describe relationships between nodes, like parents of certain nodes, and child of nodes The model ends up being an agreed upon set of terms.

#####What do we end up with? The document object model is an agreed upon set of terms that describe exactly how to interact with peices of a webpage. Its not a language. Its an idea. Its a convention. But javascript agrees on this DOM, so its available in javascript. Its an agreed upon terminology that will allow us to describe and interact with any webpage.

###Working with nodes and elements

Different tags are viewed as different nodes

DOM documentation - The different types of nodes

Node.TEXT_NODE == 3

Though, we are only interested in three of them.

Node.TEXT_NODE == 3

<ul id="optionList">
  <li>This is the first option</li>
  <li>This is the second</li>
  <li>This is the third</li>

In this example you can see the ul is considered an ELEMENT_NODE

  • The id of the ul is considered an ATTRIBUTE_NODE
  • The li are considered ELEMENT_NODE
  • The text inside of the li are considered TEXT_NODE


The main question is, is the node unique to the document?

To grab an element by it's # (id) document.getElementById("someId");

What if you don't have an id on an element or have multiple elements you want to grab?


To create a variable equal to document.getElementById

var myElement = document.getElementById("someId");

How does it store the seperate elements by tag name? It stores each element in the dom as an array. It is assigned a value in the array based on its position in the DOM. These can be targeted specifically by adding square brackets with the position value in the array to the end of the variable.

var myListItems [ 0 ] = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
var myListItems [ 1 ] = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
var myListItems [ 2 ] = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
var myListItems [ 0 , 1 ] = document.getElementsByTagName("li");

ex. Array

0 | li
1 | li
2 | li

What if you create a variable with a tag that doesn't appear on the dom? It will still return an array, but the array will be empty. It won't even have a length of 1, it will have a length of 0.

1st ex. HTML

  <a id="mainTitle" href="index.html" title="Return to the home page">Welcome to the homepage</a>

JS * Casing has to match in getElementById("");

var mainTitle = document.getElementById("mainTitle");

This will tell me what type of node mainTitle is

console.log("This is an element of type: ", mainTitle.nodeType );

This will tell me what text is written inside of mainTitle

console.log("The inner HTML is " , mainTitle.innerHTML );

This will tell me how many child nodes the mainTitle node has

console.log("Child nodes: ", mainTitle.childNodes.length );

This will tell me how many anchor tags are included in the entire DOM

var myLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
console.log("Links: " , myLinks.length);

Restricting elements to retrieve in the DOM

  <ul id="abc">

This will select all of the li tags.

var myListItems = document.getElementsByTagName("li");

What if you don't want to select all 6, but only the 3 inside of the ul? Create a variable to target the element by its id

var myFirstList = document.getElementById("abc");

Instead of selecting from the DOM, or starting from the dom, you can then select/start from the variable just created above, which is the ul with the id of "abc"

var myListItems = myFirstList.getElementsByTagName("li");

Only the li tags inside of the ul id="abc" are selected


Step 1 always going to be GET THE ELEMENT Attribute nodes and text nodes belong to elements. Attributes don't exist on their own in html, always contained within an element.

Changing attributes - 2 methods





ex.1 - set attributes to change attributes

<div id="mainContent"></div>

var mainContent = document.getElementById("mainContent");

ex.2 - get inner HTML to manipulate simple text

  <a id="mainTitle" href="index.html" title="Return to the home page">Welcome to Explore California!</a>

var mainTitle = document.getElementById("mainTitle");

ex.3 - Manipulating elements within elements is more difficult because innerHTML of outside elements renders the entire contents with tags.

<div id="sidebar">
  <p>This is an example</p>
  <div id="sidebarMenu">
    <p>This is still an example</p>

var sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar");

Would display in console:

<p>This is an example</p>
<div id="sidebarMenu">
  <p>This is still an example</p>

###CREATE DOM CONTENT Much easier than passing innerHTML to elements within elements Steps

  1. Create the element

  2. Add it to the document using createElement("");

Create an li

var myNewElement = document.createElement("li");

li is created in space, not attached to the DOM so we append it to the child

myElement (ul id="abc");

Creating a text node

var myText = document.createTextNode("New list item text");

Similar to creating li, text node is created in space, not attached to the DOM so we append it to myNewElement (li)



<div id="trivia"></div>

Create the elements

var newHeading = document.createElement("h1");
var newParagraph = document.createElement("p");

Create child nodes

var h1Text = document.createTextNode("Did you know?");
var paraText = document.createTextNode("Some random fact.");

Add as child nodes to the new elements newHeading and newParagraph


Attach newHeading and newParagraph to the DOM


Alternative to appendChild, although appendChild is the most common newElement = new element you just created existingElement is the element you select in which you want it to go before

parent.insertBefore(newElement, existingElement);


  <ul id="abc"> <!-- myElement -->

Create new li in space

var myNewElement = document.createElement("li");

Grab second li with no id 0 = 1st 1 = 2nd in an array

var secondItem = myElement.getElementsByTagName("li")[1];
myElement.insertBefore(myNewElement, secondItem);


  • Click events, assets loaded first, form submission making sure it's filled out
  • Events have already been happening all along.
  • When the page is loaded that's an event.
  • When the user clicks a button that's another event.
  • When they move their mouse that's a whole bunch of events.
  • When they scroll the screen that's an event.
  • When they click a form field that's an event.
  • When they type every keypress is another event.
  • Events are going on all the time, you have to decide which ones you care about.

Events are built into javascript ex onload onclick onmouseover onblur onfocus With javascript, we don't write the events, we write the event handlers We write the function and volunteer to listen or handle and event


METHOD 1 (bad practice DO NOT USE, just like inline-styles...)

<button onclick="alert('hello, world');">
Run some JavaScript


element.event =


window.onload =
nameField.onblur =
myelement.onclick =

Anonymous function (very very common!)

myelement.onclick = function() {
  //your event handler code

Think about the reason for functions. Usually we use a function to wrap up a bunch of code and give it a name so we can call it later. Here we are still using the word function to wrap up a bunch of code (whatevers in between the opening and closing curly braces) but we don't have to give it a name because were saying exactly when this gets executed. Which is when they click my element. So when this event happens we want to run this function (whatevers in this block of code) so naming it would be a waste of time.


What event are we listening for, and what function you want to run, and false for some super advanced event handling. This method, you can have one event and multiple listeners or multiple events with one listener

document.addEventListener('click' myFunction, false);
document.addEventListener('click' myFunction, false);
document.removeEventListener('click' myFunction, false);

Problem - Area where there are still issues cross-browser Internet Explorer 8 and below

document.attachEvent('onclick' myFunction);

Write code to detect wether or not these functions exist. DO NOT DO THIS THOUGH! SEE BELOW

function addCrossBrowserEventListener (elementName,eventName,functionName {
  //does the addEventListener function exist?
  if (elementName.addEventListener) {
    //yes - use it
    elementName.addEventListener(eventName, functionName, false);
    return true;
  } else {
    //otherwise use attachEvent
    elementName.attachEvent("on" + eventName, functionName);
    return true;

Use jQuery or another library for cross-browser compatibility. Book : Javascript the good parts.


document.onclick = function() {
  alert("You clicked somewhere in the document");

function prepareEventHandlers() {

var myImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
  myImage.onclick = function() {
    alert("You clicked on the image");

Window is top level element. Parent of the DOM window.onload = function() { //prep anything we need to prepareEventHandlers(); }


var emailField = document.getElementById("email");

Click into it, if value is your email - set to blank

emailField.onfocus = function() {
  if ( emailField.value == "your email") {
    emailField.value = " ";

Leave field with value as blank - change back to your email

emailField.onblur = function() {
  if ( emailField.value == " ") {
    emailField.value = "your email";

###WORKING WITH TIMERS Slideshows, clocks, etc.

Two methods for timers - setTimeout and SetInterval (single / repeating)

function simpleMessage() {
  alert("This is just an alert box");

setTimeout is in milliseconds

var timeoutHandle = setTimeout(simpleMessage,5000);

clearing the timeout on click

myImage.onclick = function() {

var myImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");

var imageArray = ["imageURL","imageURL2","imageURL3","imageURL4","imageURL5"];
var imageIndex = 0;

function changeImage() {
  if (imageIndex >= imageArray.length) {
    imageIndex = 0;

setInterval is also in milliseconds

var intervalHandle = setInterval(changeImage, 5000);

Clearing the setInterval on click

myImage.onclick = function() {



Missing () off myFunction

function myFunction( {
console.log("You called myFunction");

My function is not defined - called with a lowercase f in myFunction

function myFunction() {
  console.log("You called myFunction");

window.onload = function() {


  • Setting a breakpoint - click on the line number
  • Continue - Continues script running from breakpoint
  • Step-into - Runs through code line by line
  • Step-out - Goes back to whatever function called the - IE. if there was a loop set to 500 times, you wouldn't want to click step-into 500 times, you can test, and go back to the function
  • Step-over - Execute this code, but if it's a function, don't go into it, execute the code and continue.


  • Field values
  • Field events

name of the form = frmContact (<form id="frmContact" name="frmContact")

<form id="frmContact" name="frmContact" method="post" action="Thanks.html">

Still a fan of getElementById - use this, not forms.frmContact (which is the name of the form, not the Id)

For textField or textArea

  • main property myTextField.value -- get it or set it
  • main events
  • onfocus - Going into element
  • onblur - Going out of element, always called when you leave even if you didn't change anything
  • onchange - Same as onblur, but with changes
  • onkeypress - On any keypress
  • onkeydown - Keying down* /onkeyup - Keying up

*main property myCheckBox.checked (true or false) *main events *onclick *onchange *Most of the time you can use either or

*selectList *mySelect.type *select-one or select-multiple - Read from type attribute/property *main events *onchange - see which is selected by .selectedIndex for select-one *see which is selected by .options[x].selected gives you true or false

  • Form events
  • onsubmit - when user clicks submit button
  • Check values of fields, etc. Validation!!


When working with forms, we care about several things Values of individual form elements Events caused by individual form elements when you change them or move in and out Event of the entire form itself - Submitting the form

#####PREVENTING A FORM FROM BEING SUBMITTED function prepareEventHandlers() { document.getElementById("frmContact").onsubmit = function() { //prevent a form from submitting if no email. if (document.getElementById("email").value == "") { document.getElementById("errorMessage").innerHTML = "Please provide at least an email address!"; //to STOP the form from submitting return false; } else { //reset and allow the form to submit document.getElementById("errorMessage").innerHTML = ""; return true; } }; }

window.onload = function() {

#####CSS AND JAVASCRIPT Presentation and styles dynamic like content = "red"; = "40px";

anything with hyphen in css becomes camelCase because javascript views hyphens as a minus sign

Setting the class

myElement.className = "someCSSclass";

clearing by setting to empty string

myElement.className = "";

###Understanding JAVASCRIPT STYLE

How should you write JavaScript

  • Your code should be readable

  • Your code should be consistent

  • You should know accepted best practices

  • Javascript is easily readable

  • Naming conventions

  • camelCase for variables and functions

  • One word lowercase

  • Two words camelCase

  • Three words camelCase

    var score; var highScore; var evenHigherScore;

Usually multiple words for clarity. Usually Verb Noun format. Written the same way we work with the dom. CreateElement appendChild etc

function calculate() {...}
function calculateDistance() {...}
function checkFormFields() {...}
  • var's can consist of letters, numbers, $, _;
  • Objects use uppercase first letter
  • Date
  • Math

Brace style

if (x) {
} else {

while (x) {

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

function doStuff() {

Use blocks of code

if (x > 500) {
  alert("There's a problem");

Define your function before you call them

#####wrong! Define functions before you call them!!!

function someFunction() {

function otherFunction (x) {

#####right! function otherFunction (x) { //... }

function someFunction() {
  • Always use semi colons when ending a statement
  • Always use var when declaring a variable


  • Removes comments
  • Gets rid of line breaks
  • Done to reduce file size
  • Does not compile javascript to machine code, just making filesize smaller
  • Does not obsuficate




  • A bunch of javascript someone else wrote, so you don't have to
  • Knowing jquery is a core skill for a javascript developer


Own code, javascript libraries, order matters


without jquery code often looks like this -


document.getElementsById("myDiv").className = "highlight";





words to add

:first :last :contains

Go through dom finding li's, picking last li before dom ends and adding a class of highlight


Go through dom finding paragraph tags, looking inside of those paragraph tag for the word packages and adding a class of highlight


jQuery methods

jQuery("what to find").someAction();

Javascript vs jQuery .className and .addClass

it adds our new CSS class and keeps any that were there before so we can start stacking our CSS classes up on the elements

Not only do we have a add class we also have a remove class and a toggle class


$ = jQuery

Select all p tags and hide with interval of 4000ms or 4s

//jQuery takes care of animating without having to setInterval or setTimeout calls


simple click

$("#pageID").click(function() {
  $("#pageID").text("You clicked me!");

add $(this) to refer to current element

$("h2").click(function() {
  $(this).text("You clicked me!");

add effects - this makes each paragraph fade out when clicked.

$("p").click(function() {

Page load events - instead of window.onload()

$(document).ready(function () {
  $("#pageId").text("The DOM is fully loaded.");

You don't have to worry about accidentally calling it multiple times.

$(document).ready(function () {


  • improved speed and redundancy
  • improved bandwidth
  • improved parallel downloads
  • caching benefits


HTML5 - CONTENT (markup language)

  • geolocation
  • local storage - store more data than just simple cookies
  • drag and drop - not just on pages, but between different pages
  • canvas - Draw on the screen directly
  • offline storage
  • new form elements

New Javascript API's

CSS3 - PRESENTATION (style sheet language)

JavaScript - BEHAVIOR (programming language)

###JavaScript Additions not new

var a = document.getElementById("mainTitle");
var b = document.getElementsByTagName("li");

added get element by class name in html5

var c = document.getElementsByClassName("myClass");

Get multiple classes seperates by spaces

var d = document.getElementsByClassName("first second");



localStorage["username"] = name;


var name = localStorage["username"];

Offline Storage // Web SQL // IndexedDB


var worker = new Worker("anotherjavascriptfile.js");
  // get ready to receive messages from the worker
  worker.onmessage = function(e) {
  console.log("The worker called me!");
// send messages to the worker

Feature detection

if ( document.getElementsByClassName ) {
  // it exists, we can use it
  // ...
} else {
  // it doesn't exist on this browser


Put modernizr in the head

Modernizr creates a new javascript object called modernizr with over 40 javascript properties

A bunch of boolean values to tell you wether a certain html5 feature is supported

Video | true audio | true canvas | true localstorage | true webworkers | true websockets | true

if ( {
  // yes - use HTML5 video
} else {
  // perhaps replace with flash video

###Javascript to AVOID

document.write("Here is some text");

Run anytime after page has loaded, destroys the rest of the page

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Netscape'))
// Browser sniffing code...

Old school or someone who doesn't know what they are doing

var a = "alert('";
var b = "hello";
var c = "')";

eval(a + b + c);
// Eval is a bad thing!


<a href="javascript:someFunction()">This</a>

If javascript is disabled, this is useless.

#####Regular Expressions

  • CC# has right amt. of digits
  • Email add has the right pattern
  • Define certain words in a larger string

Create the regular Expressions

var myRE = /hello/;
//shorthand or
var myRE = new RegExp("Hello");

var myString = "Does this sentence have the word hello in it?";
if ( myRE.test(myString) ) {

Creating patterns

var myRE = /^hello/; // ^ at the start
var myRE = /hello$/; // $ at the end
var myRE = /hel+o/; // + once or more ex. "helo","hello","hellllllo"
var myRE = /hel*o/; // * zero or more ex. "heo","helo","hellllllllo"
var myRE = /hel?o/; // ? zero or one ex. "heo","helo"

var myRE = /hello|goodbye/; // either|or
var myRE = /he..o/; // . any character
var myRE = /\wello/; // \w alphanumeric or _
var myRE = /\bhello/; // \b word boundry
var myRE = /[crnld]ope/; // [...] range of characters

Define more complex patterns by stringing these regular expressions together

###Working with AJAX

Asynchronous javascript and XML AJAX == JavaScript

After a webpage has opened in a webpage in a users browser, Javascript can talk to the server and get specific information back without reloading the entire page

  1. Create the request
  2. Deal with any response

Creating the request

// Create the request
var myRequest
// Feature Check
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
  // does it exist? We're in firefox, safari, chrome.
  myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
  // if not, we're in IE
  myRequest = new ActiveXObject("MicrosoftXMLHTTP");

Create an event handler for our request to call back

myRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
  console.log("We were called!");
  if (myRequest.readyState === 4) {
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    var t = document.createTextNode(myRequest.responseText);

Open and Send"GET", "", true);

Any parameters?


Use jquery for this stuff so you don't have to worry about crossbrowser compatibility...

###Introduction to Prototypes

Formalizing objects with constructors

function Player(n,s,r) { = n;
  this.score = s;
  this.rank = r;

Player.prototype.logInfo = function() {
  console.log("I am:" ,;

Player.prototype.promote = function() {
  console.log("My new rank is:" , this.rank);

var fred = new Player("Fred",10000,5);

var bob = new Player("Bob",50,1);
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