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Created May 22, 2021 20:17
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structure mystruct := {a : ℕ} {b : ℕ}
def a_pred (s : mystruct) : option ℕ
:= match s.a with := none
| (nat.succ a) := some a end
lemma mylemma
: ∀ {a' b : ℕ}, a_pred {a := a'.succ, b := b} = some a'
:= begin intros, simp [a_pred] end
theorem mytheorem
: ∀ {a b : ℕ}, a_pred {a := a, b := b}
= ite (a = a.pred) (none) (some a.pred)
:= begin
cases h : a,
simp [a_pred],
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