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Created December 8, 2019 21:08
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GitHub has a dangerous and broken docker registry implementation...

GitHub blocks deleting docker tags of public repos

GitHub has a dangerous and broken docker registry implementation...

They block the ability to overwrite existing docker versions. This breaks the pattern of having a latest image that can always be the most up to date.

So to work around this, we have to:

  1. Set the repo as private (blowing away any stars or watchers of that repo in the process)
  2. Manually get the list of versions using curl and some stupid GraphQL (what happened to REST? Man, I must be getting old...)
  3. Manually delete it with another GraphQL query
  4. Set the repo as public again
  5. Push a new version

What absolute idiocy. At least make latest overwriteable...

List the versions:

curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
-H "Authorization: bearer GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-d '{"query":"{ user(login: \"GITHUB_USERNAME\") { registryPackagesForQuery(first: 10, query:\"is:private\") { totalCount nodes { nameWithOwner versions(first: 10) { nodes { id version } } } } }}"}' \

Delete the version based on its id:

curl -X POST \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.package-deletes-preview+json" \
-H "Authorization: bearer GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-d '{"query":"mutation { deletePackageVersion(input:{packageVersionId:\"MDE0OlBhY2thZ2VWZXJzaW9uNDIxMjI4\"}) { success }}"}' \

Then you can re-push to the same tag again.

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