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Created September 4, 2018 17:14
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This code shows the basics of working with CustomXmlPart of the Office 2007 and greater environment. It is a way to store complex information within workbooks. In this example, I create a type, and the create XML to stores the type, and then either set, or retrieve the XML.
Option Explicit
Type Execution
SheetCodeName As String
StoredProcedure As String
Date As String
Portfolios As String
Fields As String
End Type
Public Sub SetCustomXmlPartToWorkbook(ByRef wkbCurrent As Workbook, ByRef typExecution As Execution)
Dim xmlString As String
Dim executionXMLPart As Office.CustomXMLPart
xmlString = ConvertExecutionToXml(typExecution)
Set executionXMLPart = GetCustomXmlPart(wkbCurrent, typExecution.SheetCodeName)
If Not IsNothing(executionXMLPart) Then
End If
Set executionXMLPart = wkbCurrent.CustomXMLParts.Add(xmlString)
End Sub
Public Function GetExistingTypeExecution(ByRef wkbCurrent As Workbook, ByRef strSheet As String) As Execution
Dim xmlString As String
Dim executionXMLPart As Office.CustomXMLPart
Dim typExecution As Execution
Set executionXMLPart = GetCustomXmlPart(wkbCurrent, strSheet)
xmlString = executionXMLPart.XML
GetExistingTypeExecution = GetTypeExecutionFromXml(xmlString)
End Function
Public Function GetNewTypeExecution(ByVal strSheet As String, _
ByVal strStoredProcedure As String, _
ByVal strDate As String, _
ByVal strPortfolios As String, _
ByVal strFields As String) As Execution
Dim typExecution As Execution
With typExecution
.SheetCodeName = strSheet
.StoredProcedure = strStoredProcedure
.Date = strDate
.Portfolios = strPortfolios
.Fields = strFields
End With
GetNewTypeExecution = typExecution
End Function
Private Function ConvertExecutionToXml(ByRef typExecution As Execution) As String
Dim xmlString As String
xmlString = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>" & _
"<executions xmlns="""">" & _
"<execution>" & _
"<sheetCodeName>" & typExecution.SheetCodeName & "</sheetCodeName>" & _
"<storedProcedure>" & typExecution.StoredProcedure & "</storedProcedure>" & _
"<date>" & typExecution.Date & "</date>" & _
"<portfolios>" & typExecution.Portfolios & "</portfolios>" & _
"<fields>" & typExecution.Fields & "</fields>" & _
"</execution>" & _
ConvertExecutionToXml = xmlString
End Function
Private Function GetTypeExecutionFromXml(ByVal strXml) As Execution
Dim typExecution As Execution
Dim oDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim oRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim oSubNodes As MSXML2.IXMLDOMSelection
Set oDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Call oDoc.LoadXML(strXml)
Set oNode = oDoc.ChildNodes(1).FirstChild
typExecution.SheetCodeName = oNode.ChildNodes(0).text
typExecution.StoredProcedure = oNode.ChildNodes(1).text
typExecution.Date = oNode.ChildNodes(2).text
typExecution.Portfolios = oNode.ChildNodes(3).text
typExecution.Fields = oNode.ChildNodes(4).text
GetTypeExecutionFromXml = typExecution
End Function
Private Function GetCustomXmlPart(ByRef wkbCurrent As Workbook, ByVal strSheet As String) As Office.CustomXMLPart
Dim xmlString As String
Dim executionXMLPart As Office.CustomXMLPart
Dim typExecution As Execution
''iterateitemsto find sheet
For Each executionXMLPart In wkbCurrent.CustomXMLParts
xmlString = executionXMLPart.XML
If InStr(UCase(xmlString), UCase("<sheetCodeName>" & strSheet & "</sheetCodeName>")) > 0 Then
Set GetCustomXmlPart = executionXMLPart
Exit For
End If
Next executionXMLPart
End Function
Private Sub DeleteCustomXmlPartToWorkbook(ByRef wkbCurrent As Workbook, ByRef typExecution As Execution)
Dim executionXMLPart As Office.CustomXMLPart
executionXMLPart = GetCustomXmlPart(wkbCurrent, typExecution.SheetCodeName)
If Not IsNothing(executionXMLPart) Then
End If
End Sub
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