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Created September 4, 2018 17:05
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  • Save JamesIgoe/499edfe8c6684261adae7cf039fe61a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JamesIgoe/499edfe8c6684261adae7cf039fe61a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The code is less than ideal, and is bit dirty, but turns MDX-based cellsets into pivottables: - Uses selected pivot to extract MDX and connection (you can replace with your server-side stuff) - Uses your GetDataTable() to transform cellset to data table - Uses found code to turn datatable into ADODB recordset - Creates pivotchache and then pivot…
The code is less than ideal, and is bit dirty, but turns MDX-based cellsets into pivottables:
- Uses selected pivot to extract MDX and connection (you can replace with your server-side stuff)
- Uses your GetDataTable() to transform cellset to data table
- Uses found code to turn datatable into ADODB recordset
- Creates pivotchache and then pivottable
private void InsertPivotAsRecordset_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
//down and dirty----
//get mdx from selected pivot
//execute cellset
//transform to datatable
//set to recordsource of pittable
CellSet cs = GetPivotValues();
System.Data.DataTable dt = getDataTable(cs);
ADODB.Recordset rst = ConvertToRecordset(dt);
//create pivot table
Workbook currWorkbook = (Workbook)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWorkbook;
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet sht = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)currWorkbook.Sheets.Add(Missing.Value,Missing.Value,Missing.Value,Missing.Value);
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range rng = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Range)sht.Cells[1, 1];
InsertPivotTable(rst, rng);
catch(Exception ex)
public CellSet GetPivotValues()
//gets location of cell
Range rng = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveCell;
CellSet cs = null;
//tests if pivot cell
string cellTypeTest = rng.PivotCell.PivotCellType.ToString();
if (cellTypeTest.Contains("Pivot"))
PivotTable pvt = rng.PivotTable;
string MdxString = pvt.MDX;
string connection = "Data Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=CubeName;Integrated Security=SSPI"; ; //pvt.PivotCache().Connection.ToString();
connection = connection.Replace("ServerName", ControlPanel.ReaderCollection[0].Host);
connection = connection.Replace("CubeName", ControlPanel.ReaderCollection[0].CubeName);
//get cellsset
AdomdConnection connADOMD = new AdomdConnection(connection);
AdomdCommand cubeCommand = new AdomdCommand(MdxString, connADOMD);
cs = cubeCommand.ExecuteCellSet();
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Cursor must be a pivot data cell: {0}", ex.Message));
catch (Exception ex)
Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Unknown Error: {0}", ex.Message));
return cs;
private System.Data.DataTable getDataTable(CellSet cs)
if (cs.Axes.Count < 2)
return new System.Data.DataTable();
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable();
TupleCollection tuplesOnColumns = cs.Axes[0].Set.Tuples;
foreach (Tuple tc in tuplesOnColumns)
foreach (Member m in tc.Members)
if (!dt.Columns.Contains(m.LevelName))
TupleCollection tuplesOnRows = cs.Axes[1].Set.Tuples;
foreach (Tuple tr in tuplesOnRows)
foreach (Member m in tr.Members)
if (!dt.Columns.Contains(m.LevelName))
dt.Columns.Add("MEASURE", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
DataRow def = dt.NewRow();
for (int row = 0; row < tuplesOnRows.Count; row++)
Tuple tr = tuplesOnRows[row];
for (int col = 0; col < tuplesOnColumns.Count; col++)
Tuple tc = tuplesOnColumns[col];
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
foreach (Member m in tc.Members)
def[m.LevelName] = dr[m.LevelName] = m.Caption;
foreach (Member m in tr.Members)
def[m.LevelName] = dr[m.LevelName] = m.Caption;
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
dr[dc.ColumnName] = def[dc.ColumnName];
if (cs.Cells[col, row].Value == null)
dr["MEASURE"] = System.DBNull.Value;
dr["MEASURE"] = cs.Cells[col, row].Value;
return dt;
private ADODB.Recordset ConvertToRecordset(System.Data.DataTable inTable)
ADODB.Recordset result = new ADODB.Recordset();
result.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient;
ADODB.Fields resultFields = result.Fields;
System.Data.DataColumnCollection inColumns = inTable.Columns;
foreach (DataColumn inColumn in inColumns)
resultFields.Append(inColumn.ColumnName, TranslateType(inColumn.DataType), inColumn.MaxLength, ADODB.FieldAttributeEnum.adFldIsNullable, null);
result.Open(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic,-1);
foreach (DataRow dr in inTable.Rows)
result.AddNew(System.Reflection.Missing.Value, System.Reflection.Missing.Value);
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex <= inColumns.Count - 1; columnIndex++)
resultFields[columnIndex].Value = dr[columnIndex];
return result;
private ADODB.DataTypeEnum TranslateType(Type columnType)
switch (columnType.UnderlyingSystemType.ToString())
case "System.Boolean":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adBoolean;
case "System.Byte":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adUnsignedTinyInt;
case "System.Char":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adChar;
case "System.DateTime":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adDate;
case "System.Decimal":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adCurrency;
case "System.Double":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adDouble;
case "System.Int16":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adSmallInt;
case "System.Int32":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adInteger;
case "System.Int64":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adBigInt;
case "System.SByte":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adTinyInt;
case "System.Single":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adSingle;
case "System.UInt16":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adUnsignedSmallInt;
case "System.UInt32":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adUnsignedInt;
case "System.UInt64":
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adUnsignedBigInt;
return ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adVarChar;
private void InsertPivotTable(ADODB.Recordset rst, Range SelectedCell)
Workbook currWorkbook = (Workbook)SelectedCell.Application.ActiveWorkbook;
PivotCache pvtCache = default(PivotCache);
PivotTable pvtTable = default(PivotTable);
pvtCache = currWorkbook.PivotCaches().Create(XlPivotTableSourceType.xlExternal,Missing.Value, XlPivotTableVersionList.xlPivotTableVersion12);
pvtCache.Recordset = rst;
pvtTable = pvtCache.CreatePivotTable(SelectedCell, "Temp", Missing.Value, XlPivotTableVersionList.xlPivotTableVersion12);
catch(Exception ex)
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