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Last active March 18, 2019 02:54
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Generic readme template that I like to use for all of my open source projects.

Repoistory Title πŸŽ€πŸ“

Build Status Issues

This is where I'll place a description about the project, general overview of what it does, etc. I always place a link to the Github issues above, and if there's unit tests to the unit testing tool badge to show if the build is passing or not. The first time something is referenced like an external library I place a link to the documentation like this. For section titles I always add a relevent emoji using the emoji cheat sheet:

Installation Steps πŸ’½

  1. This is the first installation step.
  2. This is the second installation step.
  3. This is the third installation step.
  4. If I have a one click install button, I'll place it below. Otherwise I'll remove it.


If there's a one click install button I'll give some additional details about how to run the service independantly.

# Install & Run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python

# Tests
$ python

Configuration πŸ“

This is where I'll place a table about environment variables if they exist, and a description of what they do.

Key Value Information Required
WOW_CLIENT_ID Required to make calls to the Blizzard API, you can sign up for a client id here. Yes
WOW_CLIENT_SECRET Required to make calls to the Blizzard API, you can sign up for a client secret here. Yes
WOW_REGION The server region you'd like to query, for example us, or eu. Yes
LOCALE The language for your selected WoW region, for example en_US, or en_GB. Locale depends on region. Please refer to the Blizzard API documents for more information. At this time this bot will only return data in English. Yes
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN The token for your Discord bot user, you can sign up for one here. Yes

Some additional details if they are required.

Commands πŸ’»

If there's some commands, I'll list them here in a code block.

# Displays a players PVE progression, dungeon kills, keystone achievements, etc.
!armory pve <name> <realm>
!armory pve <armory-link>

# Displays a players PVP progression, arena ratings, honorable kills, etc.
!armory pvp <name> <realm>
!armory pvp <armory-link>

# You can also provide an optional region to each query to display players from other WoW regions outside of the bot default, for example EU, US, etc.
!armory pve <name> <realm> <region>
!armory pvp <armory-link> <region>

# Displays the currnet wow token price.
!armory token
!armory token <region>

# Command list/help
!armory help

FAQ πŸ’¬

If an FAQ is needed, I'll place them here in a code block.

Q: Why does the bot not recognize my realm?
A: Realm names with multiple words must be seperated by a dash, for example burning legion would be burning-legion.

Q: Why does it show that my alt has completed an achievement?
A: Some achievements are account wide so the API response for your alt will be the same as your main.

Q: Do you plan on supporting Mythic+ scores?
A: Only if the official Blizzard API begins supporting their own metric.

Q: Why don't you show this raid?
A: I aim to support the most recent raids in the current expansion. Because Discord has a character limit I will start trimming the oldest raid in the current expansion if necessary.

Q: What expansion does this bot currently support?
A: Battle for Azeroth.

Methods πŸ“‘

If explaining methods I like to place the data in their own table with descriptions etc.


The set_content method can be used to send basic messages to Discord.

Argument Description Type
content Content represents a standard message on Discord. String
title Displays a title on an message attachment. String
description Displays a description on an message attachment. String
url Creates a link on the title. String
color Displays a colored strip on the left side of an message attachment. This should be a hexademical value, for example 0xF58CBA. Integer
timestamp Displays a timestamp beneath the message attachment. Must be a valid timestamp, consider using Python's datetime to achieve localtime. String


Using set_author you're able to attach an author to an message attachment.

Argument Description Type
name The name of the author. String
url Creates a link on the author name. String
icon_url Displays an author icon, must resolve to a valid image path. String


Using set_footer you're able to attach a footer to an message attachment.

Argument Description Type
text The text that should display in the footer. String
icon_url Displays a footer icon, must resolve to a valid image path. String


Using set_thumbnail you're able to attach a thumbnail to a message attachment.

Argument Description Type
url Displays a thumbnail image in the message attachment String


Using set_image you're able to attach an image to a message attachment.

Argument Description Type
url Displays an image in the message attachment String


Using add_field you're able to attach a field to a message attachment. You can add as many fields as you want.

Argument Description Type
name The name of the field. String
value The value of the field. String
inline Determines if the field should display inline or not, this is primarily used for formatting when you have multiple fields. Boolean


When you're done formatting your message attachment you can use the send method to dispatch it to Discord.

I always like to place a screenshot of the project, taken using Command + Shift + 4 and then hitting space so you get a drop shadow on the image. Or record a Gif using the Giphy Caputre.


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