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Created November 24, 2012 15:47
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Using Q, is this the best way to pass the results of two sequenced promises to the subsequent `then`/`spread` clause?
'use strict';
var Q = require('q');
var cmd = new require('commander').Command();
var client = new require('myAwesomeApi').Client();
var getUsername = function(done) {
var username;
cmd.prompt('Username: ', function(name) {
if (!name) {
done(new Error('You must provide a username!'));
else {
done(null, username);
var getPassword = function(done) {
cmd.password('Password: ', '*', function(pass) {
if (!pass) {
done(new Error('You must provide a password!'));
else {
done(null, pass);
Q.napply(getUsername, null, []).then(function(username) {
return Q.napply(getPassword, null, []).then(function(password) {
return Q.resolve([username, password]);
}).spread(function(username, password) {
return Q.napply(client.login, client, [username, password]);
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domenic commented Nov 26, 2012

No, fail shouldn't go before done; in that case: it does change the semantics.

.then(f1, r1, p1).fail(f2).end() should be replaced with .then(f1, r1, p1).fail(f2).done() or .then(f1, r2, p1).done(undefined, f2). I often cap with an empty .done(); I sometimes use .done(f) or sometimes .done(f, r).

Also: if you're writing only for Node you can use .catch instead of .fail (and .finally instead of .fin).

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Cool, I'll go with catch (definitely prefer its obviously semantic name over fail) and an empty done. Thanks again!

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