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Created May 30, 2012 17:08
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Save JamesMaroney/2837690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let s:current_path=expand("<sfile>:h")
fun! DebugAllTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S spec_suite -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=yes reporter=spec \n'")
fun! DebugLocalTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S specs -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=yes reporter=spec " . expand("%:p:h") . "/* " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*.spec*/**/*\n'")
fun! DebugSpecificTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S specs -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=yes reporter=spec " . expand("%:p") . "\n'")
fun! RunAllTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S spec_suite -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=progress \n'")
fun! RunLocalTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S specs -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=spec " . expand("%:p:h") . "/* " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*.spec*/**/*\n'")
fun! RunSpecificTestsInScreen()
echo system("screen -S specs -p 0 -X stuff 'shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=spec " . expand("%:p") . "\n'")
fun! RunAllTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_all \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=progress\n\"")
fun! RunLocalTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_local \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=spec " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*.spec.js " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*/*.spec.js\n\"")
fun! RunSpecificTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_local \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test reporter=spec " . expand("%:p") . "\n\"")
fun! DebugAllTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_all \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=true\n\" focus")
fun! DebugLocalTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_local \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=true " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*.spec.js " . expand("%:p:h") . "/*/*.spec.js\n\" focus")
fun! DebugSpecificTestsInITerm()
echo system("osascript ".s:current_path."/sendCommand.scpt specs_local \"shopt -s globstar nullglob\n export PS1=\n cd " . getcwd() . "\nclear\n rake test debug=true " . expand("%:p") . "\n\" focus")
" Sample mappings using ITerm
"map <leader>T :call RunAllTestsInITerm()<CR>
"map <leader>t :call RunLocalTestsInITerm()<CR>
"map <leader>t. :call RunSpecificTestsInITerm()<CR>
"map <leader>D :call DebugAllTestsInITerm()<CR>
"map <leader>d :call DebugLocalTestsInITerm()<CR>
"map <leader>d. :call DebugSpecificTestsInITerm()<CR>
" Sample mappings using Screen
"map <leader>T :call RunAllTestsInScreen()<CR>
"map <leader>t :call RunLocalTestsInScreen()<CR>
"map <leader>t. :call RunSpecificTestsInScreen()<CR>
"map <leader>D :call DebugAllTestsInScreen()<CR>
"map <leader>d :call DebugLocalTestsInScreen()<CR>
"map <leader>d. :call DebugSpecificTestsInScreen()<CR>
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