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Last active July 16, 2024 13:46
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Red-Black Tree Implementation in C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace OpinionatedCode.Collections
public sealed class RedBlackTree<TKey, TValue>
private readonly RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> _leaf = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.CreateLeaf();
public RedBlackTree()
Root = _leaf;
public TValue Get(TKey key)
int hashedKey = key.GetHashCode();
RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> node = Root;
if (node.HashedKey == hashedKey)
return node.Value;
node = hashedKey < node.HashedKey ? node.Left : node.Right;
} while (true);
catch (NullReferenceException)
throw new KeyNotFoundException();
internal RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Root { get; private set; }
public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> newNode = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.CreateNode(key, value, RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red, key.GetHashCode());
private void Insert(RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> z)
var y = _leaf;
var x = Root;
while (x != _leaf)
y = x;
x = z.HashedKey < x.HashedKey ? x.Left : x.Right;
z.Parent = y;
if (y == _leaf)
Root = z;
else if (z.HashedKey < y.HashedKey)
y.Left = z;
y.Right = z;
z.Left = _leaf;
z.Right = _leaf;
z.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red;
private void InsertFixup(RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> z)
while (z.Parent.Color == RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red)
if (z.Parent == z.Parent.Parent.Left)
var y = z.Parent.Parent.Right;
if (y.Color == RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red)
z.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
y.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
z.Parent.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red;
z = z.Parent.Parent;
else {
if (z == z.Parent.Right)
z = z.Parent;
z.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
z.Parent.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red;
var y = z.Parent.Parent.Left;
if (y.Color == RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red)
z.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
y.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
z.Parent.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red;
z = z.Parent.Parent;
if (z == z.Parent.Left)
z = z.Parent;
z.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
z.Parent.Parent.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Red;
Root.Color = RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>.ColorEnum.Black;
private void RotateLeft(RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> x)
var y = x.Right;
x.Right = y.Left;
if (y.Left != _leaf)
y.Left.Parent = x;
y.Parent = x.Parent;
if (x.Parent == _leaf)
Root = y;
else if (x == x.Parent.Left)
x.Parent.Left = y;
x.Parent.Right = y;
y.Left = x;
x.Parent = y;
private void RotateRight(RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> x)
var y = x.Left;
x.Left = y.Right;
if (y.Right != _leaf)
y.Right.Parent = x;
y.Parent = x.Parent;
if (x.Parent == _leaf)
Root = y;
else if (x == x.Parent.Left)
x.Parent.Left = y;
x.Parent.Right = y;
y.Right = x;
x.Parent = y;
namespace OpinionatedCode.Collections
internal sealed class RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>
public enum ColorEnum
public readonly TValue Value;
public readonly TKey Key;
public readonly bool IsLeaf;
public readonly int HashedKey;
public ColorEnum Color;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Parent;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Left;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Right;
public static RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> CreateLeaf()
return new RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>();
public static RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> CreateNode(TKey key, TValue value, ColorEnum color, int hashedKey)
return new RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue>(key, value, color, hashedKey);
internal RedBlackTreeNode(TKey key, TValue value, ColorEnum color, int hashedKey)
Value = value;
HashedKey = hashedKey;
Color = color;
Key = key;
internal RedBlackTreeNode()
IsLeaf = true;
Color = ColorEnum.Black;
HashedKey = 0;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Grandparent => Parent?.Parent;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Sibling =>
Parent == null ? null : Parent.Left == this ? Parent.Right : Parent.Left;
public RedBlackTreeNode<TKey, TValue> Uncle => Parent?.Sibling;
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Awesome work! Would there be a Delete/Remove method as well?

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Unfortunately, it doesn't work for string keys. "paws" shouldn't have been "handbag"'s left child. GetHashCode() does not necessarily have to return smaller values for the strings alphabetically come first.


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