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Created December 13, 2022 00:02
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  • Save JamesSc0tt/0deeb7459369afad849456e005a17dc1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
config = {}
config.realestate_job = 'realestate' -- job that can manage the sale of bunkers
config.police_job = 'police' -- job that can 'raid' bunkers, false to disable
config.storage_maxweight = 4000000
config.storage_slots = 25
config.allow_revive = true -- allow players to revive teammates in their bunker
config.revive_cost = 1000 -- cost to revive teammates
config.blips = true -- enable/disable blips on map
config.bunkers = {
[1] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(-3157.61, 1376.17, 16.88),
radius = 5.0,
[2] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(-3032.28, 3333.99, 10.25),
radius = 5.0,
[3] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(39.21, 2930.69, 55.84),
radius = 5.0,
[4] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(492.32, 3013.03, 40.91),
radius = 5.0,
[5] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(849.62, 3021.2, 41.32),
radius = 5.0,
[6] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(2109.56, 3325.71, 45.36),
radius = 5.0,
[7] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(2489.47, 3161.43, 48.99),
radius = 5.0,
[8] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(1802.1, 4705.68, 39.79),
radius = 5.0,
[9] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(-756.96, 5943.16, 19.97),
radius = 5.0,
[10] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(-757.13, 5943.11, 20.05),
radius = 5.0,
[11] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(1571.69, 2227.38, 78.27),
radius = 5.0,
[12] = {
enter = {
loc = vector3(-389.31, 4342.85, 56.29),
radius = 5.0,
config.lang = {} = {
-- Main
enter = 'Enter Bunker',
exit = 'Exit Bunker',
logout = 'Change Character',
keys = 'Keys',
give_keys = 'Give Keys',
revoke_keys = 'Revoke Keys',
storage = 'Access Storage',
revive = 'Revive Nearby ($%s)',
decorate = 'Decorate Bunker',
-- Police
raid = 'Raid Bunker',
-- Real Estate
sell = 'Sell Bunker',
transfer = 'Transfer Bunker',
edit = 'Edit Bunker',
set_exit = 'Set Exit',
set_character_change = 'Set Character Change',
set_storage = 'Set Storage',
set_vehicle = 'Set Vehicle',
-- Blip
config.lang['blip_title'] = 'Bunker'
-- Error Messages
config.lang['no_bunker'] = 'No bunker found'
config.lang['too_far'] = 'You are not close enough to a bunker'
config.lang['invalid_input'] = 'Invalid input'
config.lang['bunker_unowned'] = 'Nobody owns this bunker!!'
config.lang['bunker_owned'] = 'This bunker is already owned!'
config.lang['bunker_not_owner'] = 'You are not the owner of this bunker!'
config.lang['exploit_attempt'] = 'Naughty, naughty. Server owners have been notified of exploit attempt.'
config.lang['undefined'] = 'undefined'
config.lang['prop_failed'] = 'Failed to load prop'
-- Buttons
config.lang['player'] = 'Player'
config.lang['accept'] = 'Accept'
config.lang['deny'] = 'Deny'
config.lang['updated'] = 'Updated!'
-- Keys
config.lang['keys_cant_add_self'] = 'You cannot add yourself!'
config.lang['keys_already_has'] = 'This person already has keys!'
config.lang['keys_given'] = 'You gave keys to %s %s'
config.lang['keys_revoked'] = 'Keys revoked!'
config.lang['keys_received'] = 'You received keys to bunker: %s'
config.lang['keys_nobody_has'] = 'Nobody has keys to this bunker!'
config.lang['give_keys'] = "Give Keys To Bunker (%s)"
config.lang['give_keys_submit'] = "Give Keys"
config.lang['revoke_keys'] = "Revoke Keys To Bunker (%s)"
config.lang['revoke_keys_submit'] = "Revoke Keys"
-- Invites
config.lang['invite_receive'] = '%s is requesting to join you in the bunker'
config.lang['invite_cooldown'] = 'You have already requested to enter this bunker'
config.lang['invite_requested'] = 'Requesting access...'
config.lang['invite_denied'] = 'You cannot enter the bunker at this time.'
config.lang['invite_nobody'] = 'Nobody inside!'
config.lang['invite_expired'] = 'Somebody already answered this!'
-- Selling
config.lang['cash_price'] = "Cash Price ($)"
config.lang['sale_no_cash'] = 'Player does not have enough cash!'
config.lang['sale_bought'] = 'You have bought a bunker for $%s'
config.lang['sale_sold'] = 'You have sold a bunker for $%s'
config.lang['sale_denied'] = 'Player refused the sale'
config.lang['confirm_purchase'] = 'Do you want to buy bunker %s for $%s'
config.lang['not_real_estate'] = 'You are not a real estate agent!'
-- Transfer
config.lang['authorise_transfer'] = 'Please authorize transfer of bunker %s'
config.lang['transfer_bunker'] = "Transfer Bunker (%s)"
config.lang['transfer_bunker_submit'] = 'Transfer'
config.lang['transfer_denied'] = 'Bunker owner refused the transfer'
-- Raiding
config.lang['raid_complete'] = 'Raid Complete, head back to the entrance!'
config.lang['raid_cooldown'] = 'This bunker was raided recently!'
config.lang['raid_failed'] = 'You failed the raid'
config.lang['stage_complete'] = 'Stage %s/%s complete!'
config.lang['raid_being_raided'] = 'Your bunker (%s) is being raided!'
config.lang['raid_not_online'] = 'Bunker owner is not online!'
config.lang['raid_not_cop'] = 'You are not a cop!'
-- Admin
config.lang['repo'] = 'Your bunker was repo\'d by an admin!'
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