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Created November 29, 2023 15:33
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Day 17 of the Advent of Code 2022
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from itertools import cycle
from dataclasses import dataclass
rocks = [
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11110],
[0b00000, 0b01000, 0b11100, 0b01000],
[0b00000, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b11100],
[0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000],
[0b00000, 0b00000, 0b11000, 0b11000],
rocks = [[j << 2 for j in i][::-1] for i in rocks]
def ffs(x):
return (x & -x).bit_length() - 1
class PlayfieldState:
playfield_state: tuple[int]
block_type: int
move_number: int
def __eq__(self, __value: object) -> bool:
if self.playfield_state == __value.playfield_state and self.block_type == __value.block_type and self.move_number == __value.move_number:
return True
return False
class Playfield:
field: list
def __init__(self, filename: Union[str, Path]):
self.field = list()
self.vertical_start = 3
self.moves = Path(filename).open('r').readline().strip()
def height(self):
for idx in range(len(self.field) - 1, -1, -1):
if self.field[idx]:
return idx + 1
return 0
def check(self, x_pos: int, y_pos: int, shape: int) -> bool:
if y_pos < 0 or x_pos > 6:
return False
if len(self.field) < y_pos + 4:
self.field = self.field + ([0] * 10)
x_offset = 6 - x_pos
for idx, row in enumerate(rocks[shape]):
if ffs(row) < x_offset and row:
return False
if row >> x_offset & self.field[y_pos + idx]:
return False
return True
def place(self, x_pos: int, y_pos: int, shape: int) -> bool:
if not self.check(x_pos, y_pos, shape):
return False
x_offset = 6 - x_pos
for idx, row in enumerate(rocks[shape]):
r = row >> x_offset
self.field[y_pos + idx] ^= r
return True
def move(self, x_pos: int, move: str) -> int:
if move == '>':
return x_pos - 1
return x_pos + 1
def solve(self, blocks: int) -> int:
self.field = list()
self.state: dict[PlayfieldState: tuple[int, int]] = dict()
moves = cycle(enumerate(self.moves))
block_count = 0
height_offset = 0
found_loop = False
while block_count < blocks:
y, x = self.height + 3, 4
block = block_count % len(rocks)
while True:
move_count, move = next(moves)
# print(block_count, move_count, move, self.height)
x_new = self.move(x, move)
if self.check(x_new, y, block):
x = x_new
if self.check(x, y - 1, block):
y -= 1
else:, y, block)
state = PlayfieldState(
self.field[self.height - 15:self.height]),
if state in self.state and not found_loop:
found_loop = True
loop_length = block_count - self.state[state][1]
loop_height = self.height - self.state[state][0]
loop_quantity = (blocks - block_count) // loop_length
if loop_quantity <= 0:
block_count += loop_length * loop_quantity
height_offset += loop_height * loop_quantity
elif not found_loop:
self.state[state] = (self.height, block_count)
block_count += 1
return self.height + height_offset
if __name__ == "__main__":
p = Playfield(filename="input.txt")
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