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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Spray Loader
SprayLoader - Load images from websites
SprayLoader = {};
SprayLoader.Cache = {};
SprayLoader.WaitingList = {};
SprayLoader.Panels = {};
SprayLoader.LoadURL = "localhost/solarpower/index.php?p=image&s=";
function SprayLoader.GetImage( sIdentifier )
return SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] or false;
function SprayLoader.PrecacheImage( sIdentifier, fCallback )
-- Has the image already been cached?
if ( SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] ) then
fCallback( sIdentifier, SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] );
return true;
-- Has a cache already been requested?
if ( SprayLoader.WaitingList[ sIdentifier ] ) then
return true;
-- Create the HTML panel so we can load the texture
local pHTML = vgui.Create( "DHTML" );
pHTML:SetSize( 512, 512 );
pHTML:OpenURL( SprayLoader.LoadURL .. sIdentifier );
pHTML:SetAlpha( 0 );
pHTML:SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
pHTML.ConsoleMessage = function() end;
-- Add it to the waiting list so we can get the texture later.
SprayLoader.WaitingList[ sIdentifier ] = { panel = pHTML, callback = fCallback };
return true;
function SprayLoader.Think( )
for sIdentifier, tQueued in pairs( SprayLoader.WaitingList ) do
if ( tQueued.panel and tQueued.panel:GetHTMLMaterial() ) then
local spray_mat = tQueued.panel:GetHTMLMaterial();
-- House keeping
local matdata = { ["$basetexture"] = spray_mat:GetName() };
local uid = string.Replace( spray_mat:GetName(), "__vgui_texture_", "" );
SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] = CreateMaterial( "SprayLoader_"..uid, "DecalModulate", matdata );
-- Callback
if ( tQueued.callback ) then
local success, err = pcall( tQueued.callback, sIdentifier, SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] );
if ( not success ) then
print( Format( "[SprayLoader] Error calling callback for %s : %s", sIdentifier, err ) );
-- Remove panel from waiting list
SprayLoader.Panels[ sIdentifier ] = tQueued.panel;
SprayLoader.WaitingList[ sIdentifier ] = nil;
function SprayLoader.InvalidateImage( sIdentifier, fCallback )
SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ] = nil;
SprayLoader.PrecacheImage( sIdentifier, fCallback );
function SprayLoader.GetMaterial( sIdentifier )
return SprayLoader.Cache[ sIdentifier ];
function SprayLoader.GetTextureID( sIdentifier )
return surface.GetTextureID( SprayLoader.GetMaterial( sIdentifier ):GetTexture( "$basetexture" ):GetName() );
hook.Add( "Think", "SprayLoader.Think", SprayLoader.Think );
Proof of concept
function SprayLoader.Spray( )
local TR = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace();
SprayLoader.PrecacheImage( LocalPlayer():SteamID64(), function( sIdentifier, mat )
util.DecalEx( mat, TR.Entity or Entity(0), TR.HitPos, Vector(0,0,0) , Color(255,255,255), 128, 128 );
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