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Created July 5, 2011 11:59
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Save JamieMason/1064713 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Merge multiple asynchronous functions into a group, notifying you via callback when every request in the group has completed.
function AsyncGroup ()
this.members = [];
this.callbacks = [];
AsyncGroup.statics.init.apply(this, arguments);
// statics used for utils to keep the instance API clear
AsyncGroup.statics = {
// when an on.complete, etc is called - store it's return value and record that one
// of the group members has responded. When all members have responded, call the group callback.
callbackRunner: function (fCallback, aResults, nGroupSize, onComplete)
aResults.push(fCallback.apply(this, arguments));
if (aResults.length === nGroupSize)
, curry: function (fn /*, ... */)
var curryArgs =, 1);
return function ( /* ... */ )
var newArgs =, 0),
mergedArgs = curryArgs.concat(newArgs);
return fn.apply(this, mergedArgs);
// this could go in the constructor but I'm being fussy over adding a bit of memory to every instance
, init: function ()
var aArgs =, 0);
if (aArgs.length % 2 !== 0)
throw new Error('new AsyncGroup([fn:function, oCallbacks:Object, fn, oCallbacks...]) "Check supplied optional params follow this format"');
this.add.apply(this, aArgs.splice(0, 2));
while (aArgs.length);
// this is curried in by so you can call the group again before a previous call has completed.
// maybe the server hasn't responded yet - multiple calls to .run can be made this way without clashes.
, prepareCallbacks: function (fn, oCallbacks, aResults, nGroupSize, onComplete)
var oDecoratedCallbacks = {}
, sKey;
for (sKey in oCallbacks)
if (oCallbacks.hasOwnProperty(sKey))
oDecoratedCallbacks[sKey] = AsyncGroup.statics.curry(AsyncGroup.statics.callbackRunner, oCallbacks[sKey], aResults, nGroupSize, onComplete);
return oDecoratedCallbacks;
AsyncGroup.prototype = {
// Add another async function with callbacks to the group
add: function (fn, oCallbacks)
if (typeof fn !== 'function')
throw new Error('AsyncGroup.add(fn:function, oCallbacks:Object) "fn supplied is not function"');
if (oCallbacks.constructor !== Object)
throw new Error('AsyncGroup.add(fn:function, oCallbacks:Object) "oCallbacks supplied is not object"');
// run every async function in the group and notify the callback after all of them have responded
, run: function (onComplete)
if (typeof onComplete !== 'function')
throw new Error(' "onComplete supplied is not function"');
var aResults = []
, i
, nGroupSize = this.members.length
, fn
, oCallbacks
, oDecoratedCallbacks;
for (i = 0; i < nGroupSize; i++)
fn = this.members[i];
oCallbacks = this.callbacks[i];
oDecoratedCallbacks = AsyncGroup.statics.prepareCallbacks(fn, oCallbacks, aResults, nGroupSize, onComplete);
fn = AsyncGroup.statics.curry(fn, oDecoratedCallbacks);
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A very crude example below which will log to the console;

_1) Create the group_

var group = new AsyncGroup(
    function (on)
        console.log('Asynch 1 fires');
        setTimeout(on.success, Math.round(Math.random() * 5) * 1000);
    , {
        success: function ()
            console.log('Asynch 1 onSuccess', new Date());
            return 'Asynch 1 success return value';
        , fail: function ()
            console.log('Asynch 1 onFail', new Date());
            return 'Asynch 1 fail return value';
    , function (on)
        console.log('Asynch 2 fires');
        setTimeout(, Math.round(Math.random() * 5) * 1000);
    , {
        success: function ()
            console.log('Asynch 2 onSuccess', new Date());
            return 'Asynch 2 success return value';
        , fail: function ()
            console.log('Asynch 2 onFail', new Date());
            return 'Asynch 2 fail return value';

_2) Call the group as often as you like, each call to the group will not clash with others_
    console.log('1st call to group complete', arguments);
    console.log('2nd call to group complete', arguments);
    console.log('3rd call to group complete', arguments);

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