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Last active February 19, 2023 20:46
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EDIT: Some of these issues have since been fixed in

@fluidframework etc

		// GROUP 1
		// TODO: This group doesn't seem to work and it's not clear why
		// All dependencies on common Fluid packages outside the release group should match
			dependencies: [
			packages: ["**"],

This seems correct in 9.3.2, please confirm, here is the output of syncpack list:

= Version Group 1 ==============================================================
- @fluid-tools/build-cli ^0.9.0
- @fluidframework/build-common ^1.1.0
- @fluidframework/build-tools ^0.9.0
- @fluidframework/eslint-config-fluid ^2.0.0

Issue 1

Run syncpack list-mismatches and view the output.

Output will look like this:

= Version Group 2 ==============================================================
✘ npm has mismatched versions which syncpack cannot fix
  ^6 in engines.npm of package.json
  ^5 in engines.npm of packages/framework/fluid-framework/package.json
  ^5 in engines.npm of packages/framework/tinylicious-client/package.json
= Default Version Group ========================================================
✘ node >=14.13.0 is the highest valid semver version in use
  ^12.13.0 in engines.node of packages/framework/fluid-framework/package.json
  ^12.13.0 in engines.node of packages/framework/tinylicious-client/package.json

The mismatched node version is caught, but I expected the it to be group 3, but it's in the default group. The relevant section of the syncpack config looks like this:

customTypes: {
  enginesNpm: {
    path: "engines.npm",
    strategy: "version",
  enginesNode: {
    path: "engines.node",
    strategy: "version",
  packageManager: {
    path: "packageManager",
    strategy: "name@version",

// ...

// GROUP 3
// engines.npm field should match
  dependencyTypes: ["enginesNpm"],
  dependencies: ["**"],
  packages: ["**"],

// GROUP 2
// packageManager field versions should match, though this field is only used in the release group root
// package.json today.
  dependencyTypes: ["packageManager"],
  dependencies: ["**"],
  packages: ["**"],

There is no version group for enginesNode, just the one for enginesNpm – by the way, if you want to check everything under engines you can use:

  "customTypes": {
    "engines": {
      "path": "engines",
      "strategy": "versionsByName"

as it is though they'll need their own group if you want to give it its own header - the way it's linted and fixed though will be identical whether it's in a group or not though, because it's set to apply to every dependency in every package via the pair of ** globs.

Issue 2

Run syncpack lint-semver-ranges from the root of the repo.

Output will look like this:

= Semver Group 1 ===============================================================
✘ node
  ^12.13.0 → >=12.13.0 in engines.node of packages/framework/fluid-framework/package.json
  ^12.13.0 → >=12.13.0 in engines.node of packages/framework/tinylicious-client/package.json

The mismatched node version is caught, but I expected the it to be group 8, but it's in group 1.

After our discussion on the order being confusing, I un-reversed them in 9.3.2.

Issue 3

The npm version mismatch is missed. I expected it to be caught in group 7. I suspect that node would have also been missed but not for group 1, which has the same range requirement as npm.

The output for this is:

✘ npm has mismatched versions which syncpack cannot fix
  ^6 in engines.npm of package.json
  >=5 in engines.npm of packages/framework/fluid-framework/package.json
  ^5 in engines.npm of packages/framework/tinylicious-client/package.json

As a workaround, if you add .0.0 to the end of those versions it will recognise it as semver and work. This is probably a bug.

Issue 4

Run syncpack set-semver-ranges or syncpack fix-mismatches from the root of the repo; they both seem to behave the same way.

Files are overwritten with spaces instead of tabs. The indent: "\t" setting in the syncpack config is ignored.

This a bug to how config from the CLI and/or rcFile is merged and defaulted, will fix.

Issue 5

Reset changes from issue 4 using git reset --hard, then run syncpack set-semver-ranges --indent $'\t' or syncpack fix-mismatches --indent $'\t' from the root of the repo. This works around issue 4; both commands seem to behave the same way.

Makes sense, same as Issue 4, I think I know what this is and will fix.

Ignore changes in the experimental folder. Look at the changes in the fluid-framework and tinylicious-client packages. The npm version is mismatched, but the node version is corrected. I expected the npm version to be updated as well.

This will be the same as Issue 3, add .0.0 to the ends of the versions to workaround.

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