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Last active January 21, 2021 22:17
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ColdFusion / CFML UDF to determine if request/content has been flushed using CFFlush or by exceeding max buffer.
/* 20200121 ColdFusion / CFML UDF to determine if request/content has been flushed using CFFlush or by exceeding max buffer. */
boolean function isFlushed(){
var response = false;
var headers = {};
if (StructKeyExists(request, "isFlushedAlready") AND isValid("boolean", request.isFlushedAlready) and request.isFlushedAlready){
return true;
headers = GetHttpRequestData(false).headers;
if (StructKeyExists(headers, "Expect") or not len(CGI.HTTP_Connection)){
response = true;
} else if (StructKeyExists(Server, "lucee")){
response = getPageContext().getHttpServletResponse().isCommitted() or getPageContext().getHttpServletResponse().isTreatAsCommitted();
} else {
response = getPageContext().getResponse().isCommitted() or getPageContext().getFusionContext().getResponse().isOutputAutoFlushed();
request.isFlushedAlready = response;
return response;
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