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Last active March 13, 2023 18:32
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Caching repetitive UDF access to request scope using argument stringified+hashed key - #ColdFusion #cfml
<!--- 20221208 Caching repetitive UDF access to request scope using argument stringified+hashed key #ColdFusion #cfml
By James Moberg / SunStar Media
string function slowFunction(required a, b="100", c="abc", d=[], e={}) hint="I perform a repetitive function with a cacheable result" {
// generate a unique key based on stringified+hashed arguments passed to UDF
local.cachekey = "udf_slowFunction_#arguments.toString().hashCode()#";
// if key exists within request scope, return value
if (structkeyexists(request, local.cachekey)){
return request[local.cachekey];
// Perform business logic (DB operations, file system, etc)
local.result = "#local.cachekey# = #arguments.toString()#";
// copy return response to request scope
request[local.cachekey] = local.result;
return request[local.cachekey];
for (a=1; a lte 3; a+=1){
writeoutput("<h3>Iteration #a#</h3><ol>");
for (i=1; i lte 3; i+=1){
t = gettickcount();
result = slowFunction(a);
writeoutput("<li><b>#gettickcount()-t# ms:</b> #result#</li>");
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