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Last active November 15, 2023 20:58
Coldfusion UDF to convert Unicode UTF-8 punctuation and symbols to ASCII7 punctuation for natural language processing (NLP).
/* 20200604 Map Symbols & Punctuation to ASCII
Convert the Unicode punctuation and symbols to ASCII punctuation and symbols is imperative in Natural language processing (NLP) for preserving the original documents.
Based on mapping from Lexical Systems Group:
TryCF: */
string function symbolsToASCII(required string inputString){
var TempContent = javacast("string", arguments.inputString);
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u00B4\u02B9\u02BC\u02C8\u0301\u2018\u2019\u201B\u2032\u2034\u2037]", chr(39)); /* apostrophe (') */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u00AB\u00BB\u02BA\u030B\u030E\u201C\u201D\u201E\u201F\u2033\u2036\u3003\u301D\u301E]", chr(34)); /* quotation mark (") */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u00AD\u2010\u2011\u2012\u2013\u2014\u2212\u2015]", chr(45)); /* hyphen (-) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u01C3\u2762]", chr(33)); /* exclamation mark (!) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u266F]", chr(35)); /* music sharp sign (#) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u066A\u2052]", chr(37)); /* percent sign (%) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u066D\u204E\u2217\u2731\u00D7]", chr(42)); /* asterisk (*) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u201A\uFE51\uFF64\u3001]", chr(44)); /* comma (,) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u00F7\u0338\u2044\u2215]", chr(47)); /* slash (/) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u0589\u05C3\u2236]", chr(58)); /* colon (:) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u203D]", chr(63)); /* question mark (?) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u27E6]", chr(91)); /* opening square bracket ([) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u20E5\u2216]", chr(92)); /* backslash (\) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u301B]", chr(93)); /* closing square bracket ([) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u02C4\u02C6\u0302\u2038\u2303]", chr(94)); /* caret (^) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u02CD\u0331\u0332\u2017]", chr(95)); /* underscore (_) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u02CB\u0300\u2035]", chr(96)); /* grave accent (`) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u2983]", chr(123)); /* opening curly bracket ({) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u01C0\u05C0\u2223\u2758]", chr(124)); /* vertical bar / pipe (|) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u2016]", "#chr(124)##chr(124)#"); /* double vertical bar / double pipe (||) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u02DC\u0303\u2053\u223C\u301C]", chr(126)); /* tilde (~) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u2039\u2329\u27E8\u3008]", chr(60)); /* less-than sign (<) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u2264\u2266]", "#chr(60)##chr(61)#"); /* less-than equal-to sign (<=) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u203A\u232A\u27E9\u3009]", chr(62)); /* greater-than sign (>) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u2265\u2267]", "#chr(62)##chr(61)#"); /* greater-than equal-to sign (>=) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("[\u200B\u2060\uFEFF]", chr(32)); /* space ( ) */
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2153", "1/3");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2154", "2/3");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2155", "1/5");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2156", "2/5");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2157", "3/5");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2158", "4/5");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2159", "1/6");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u215A", "5/6");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u215B", "1/8");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u215C", "3/8");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u215D", "5/8");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u215E", "7/8");
TempContent = TempContent.replaceAll("\u2026", "\.\.\.");
return TempContent;
<cfset testString = '#CHR(8220)#I don#CHR(8217)#t know what you mean by #CHR(8216)#glory,#CHR(8217)# #CHR(8221)# Alice said.'>
<textarea style="width:95%; height:300px;">
Original: #TestString#
symbolsToASCII: #symbolsToASCII(testString)#
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