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Last active November 8, 2022 16:38
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areBracesValid UDF for ColdFusion/CFML - Useful to determine if braces are correctly matched before processing. Helps reduce SQLi.
<!--- areBracesValid ColdFusion/CFML UDF (2022-09-16)
Useful to determine if braces are correctly matched before processing. Helps reduce SQLi.
By James Moberg - SunStar Media
20220918 Updated to use single refind/replaceAll expressions
20221108 Updated to use "while" instead of cfloop/condition (which isn't supported by Lucee in cfscript.)
boolean function areBracesValid(required string string) hint="Validates if braces are correctly matched" {
local.string = javacast("string", arguments.string).replaceAll("[^\[\]\{\}\(\)]", "");
if (!len(local.string)) return true; // no braces
if (len(local.string) mod 2) return false; // odd number of braces
local.bracketFound = 1;
while (local.bracketFound) {
local.bracketFound = refind("(\(\))|(\[\])|(\{\})", local.string);
if (local.bracketFound){
local.string = local.string.replaceAll("(\(\))|(\[\])|(\{\})", "");
return (len(local.string)) ? false : true;
<cfset tests = [
"1') AND 5410=3868 AND ('tVgF'='tVgF"
,"1') AND 3265=DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(90)||CHR(76)||CHR(98)||CHR(98),5) AND ('wIxt'='wIxt"
,"(1=0) and (R.ID = 2)"
,"(([R].[Name] LIKE '%a%') OR ([R].[First] LIKE '%a%') OR ([R].[Last] LIKE '%a%') OR ([R].[Company] LIKE '%a%')) AND (([R].[Name] LIKE '%b%') OR ([R].[First] LIKE '%b%') OR ([R].[Last] LIKE '%b%') OR ([R].[Company] LIKE '%b%')) AND (([R].[Name] LIKE '%c%') OR ([R].[First] LIKE '%c%') OR ([R].[Last] LIKE '%c%') OR ([R].[Company] LIKE '%c%')) AND (([R].[Name] LIKE '%d%') OR ([R].[First] LIKE '%d%') OR ([R].[Last] LIKE '%d%') OR ([R].[Company] LIKE '%d%'))"
<cfloop array="#tests#" index="test">
VALID = #areBracesValid(test)#
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