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Last active April 27, 2018 15:36
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Save JamoCA/b2d0467dd914909f00bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
QueryToCSV2 UDF. Added parameters to pass data types for better formatting when converting CSV to Excel.
/* 10/4/2010 Forked from
Convert the query into a CSV format using Java StringBuffer Class.
@param query The query to convert. (Required)
@param headers A list of headers to use for the first row of the CSV string. Defaults to all the columns. (Optional)
@param cols The columns from the query to transform. Defaults to all the columns. (Optional)
@param FieldsAsText struct w/keyname & data type. (Optional)
@param Exportformat "csv" (default) or "tab"-delimited (Optional)
@return Returns a string.
@author Qasim Rasheed (
@version 1, March 23, 2005
@version 2, June 8, 2015 by James Moberg ( Now requires ColdFusion 7+
@version 3, December 10, 2015 by James Moberg ( to optionally format query values (date, time, money, text)
Date/Time values use ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD format for better Excel compatibility
@version 4, April 27 2018 by James Moberg ( to allow for tab-delimited data (no quotes or comma separators)
QueryToCSV2(Query, headers, cols, list|struct)
DEMO: Text list of headers to treat as text
QueryToCSV2(Query, "", "", "Phone,Mobile,zip")
DEMO: Struct to identify headers & formats
QueryToCSV2(Query, "", "", {dateadded="date", orderTotal="money", zip="text"})
DEMO: Export as tab-delimited (strips quotes and "," delimiter)
QueryToCSV2(Query, "", "", "", "tab")
function QueryToCSV2(query){
var csv = createobject( 'java', 'java.lang.StringBuffer');
var i = 1;
var j = 1;
var cols = "";
var headers = "";
var FieldsAsText = "";
var FieldsAsTextPos = StructNew();
var endOfLine = chr(13) & chr(10);
var exportDelim = ",";
var delim = ",";
var quoteChar = """";
var formats = structNew();
var Exportformat = "csv";
if (arraylen(arguments) gte 2 AND LEN(TRIM(arguments[2]))) headers = arguments[2];
if (arraylen(arguments) gte 3 AND LEN(TRIM(arguments[3]))) cols = arguments[3];
if (arraylen(arguments) gte 4){
if ( IsSimpleValue(arguments[4]) AND LEN(TRIM(arguments[4]))){
FieldsAsText = arguments[4];
arguments[4] = listToArray(arguments[4]);
for (i=1;i LTE ArrayLen(array);i=i+1) {
formats[trim(arguments[4][i])] = "text";
} else if (isStruct(arguments[4]) ){
formats = arguments[4];
if (arraylen(arguments) gte 5 AND ListFindNoCase("text,tab,txt", arguments[5])) {
exportDelim = chr(9);
delim = chr(9);
quoteChar = "";
if (not len( trim( cols ) ) ) cols = arraytoList(query.getMetaData().getColumnLabels());
if (not len( trim( headers ) ) ) headers = cols;
headers = listtoarray( headers );
cols = listtoarray( cols );
for (i = 1; i lte arraylen( headers ); i = i + 1){
if (i GTE arraylen( headers )){
delim = "";
csv.append( quoteChar & headers[i] & quoteChar & delim );
/* reassign format data to indexed-based */
if (StructCount(Formats) GT 0 AND StructKeyExists(Formats, headers[i])){
Formats[i] = Formats[headers[i]];
csv.append( endOfLine );
for (i = 1; i lte query.recordcount; i= i + 1){
delim = exportDelim;
for (j = 1; j lte arrayLen(cols); j=j + 1){
if (j GTE arrayLen(cols)){
delim = "";
if (StructKeyExists(Formats, j)){
if (listfindnocase("dateonly,smalldate,dateonlytext,smalldatetext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("date", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( '#quoteChar##DateFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "yyyy-mm-dd")##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("exceldate,exceldatetext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("date", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( "#DateFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "m/d/yyyy")#" & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("exceldatetime,exceldatetimetext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("date", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( "#DateFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "m/d/yyyy")# #TimeFormat(query[cols[j]][i], 'h:mm:ss tt')#" & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("date,datetime,smalldatetime,timestamp,datetext,datetimetext,smalldatetimetext,timestamptext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("date", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( '#quoteChar##DateFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "yyyy-mm-dd")# #TimeFormat(query[cols[j]][i], 'HH:mm:ss')##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("time,timetext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("time", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( '#quoteChar##TimeFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "HH:mm:ss")##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("hourminute,hourminutetext", Formats[j])){
if (isValid("time", query[cols[j]][i] ) ){
csv.append( '#quoteChar##TimeFormat(query[cols[j]][i], "HH:mm")##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else {
if (findnocase("text", Formats[j])){
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else {
csv.append( '#quoteChar##quoteChar#' & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("money,smallmoney", Formats[j])){
csv.append( NumberFormat(VAL(query[cols[j]][i]),'9.90') & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("text,string,varchar", Formats[j]) OR NOT isNumeric(query[cols[j]][i]) ){
csv.append( quoteChar & query[cols[j]][i] & quoteChar & delim );
} else if (listfindnocase("int,integer,tinyint,smallint", Formats[j]) AND isNumeric(query[cols[j]][i])){
csv.append( VAL(query[cols[j]][i]) & delim );
} else if (isNumeric(query[cols[j]][i]) AND isValid("integer", query[cols[j]][i]) AND compare(query[cols[j]][i], reReplaceNoCase(query[cols[j]][i], '[^[:digit:]]', '', 'ALL') ) IS 0 ){
csv.append( VAL(query[cols[j]][i]) & delim );
} else {
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
} else if (NOT isNumeric(query[cols[j]][i]) ){
csv.append( quoteChar & query[cols[j]][i] & quoteChar & delim );
} else {
csv.append( query[cols[j]][i] & delim );
csv.append( endOfLine );
return csv.toString();
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