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Last active May 23, 2022 16:40
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svgInfo: A ColdFusion UDF to parse and return SVG metadata (width, height, filesize, title, desc, id) #cfml
<--- svgInfo: A cross-compatible ColdFusion UDF to parse and return SVG metadata (width, height, filesize, title, desc, id)
2022-05-23 James Moberg / SunStar Media
Based on this request:
public struct function svgInfo(required string filepath) hint="I parse and return SVG metadata (width, height, filesize, title, desc, id)" {
local.result = [
"width": javacast("int", 0)
,"height": javacast("int", 0)
,"fileSize": javacast("int", 0)
,"title": ""
,"desc": ""
,"id": ""
if (!fileExists(arguments.filepath)){
return local.result;
local.javaFile = createObject("java", "");
local.fileSize = local.javaFile.init(javacast("string", arguments.filepath));
local.result.fileSize = javacast("int", local.fileSize.length());
local.XmlText = javacast("string", fileRead(arguments.filepath, "UTF-8"));
local.start = findNoCase("<SVG", local.XmlText);
if (local.start gt 0){
local.end = findNoCase(">", local.XmlText, local.start);
local.str = mid(local.XmlText, local.start, (local.end - local.start + 1));
if (!val(local.result.width) && !val(local.result.height) && findNocase("viewBox", local.str)){
local.v = refindNoCase("viewBox\s*=\s*""([\d\.\s,]+)""", local.str, 1, true);
if (arrayLen(local.v.match) gte 2 && listLen(local.v.match[2], " ,") is 4){
local.result.width = val(listGetAt(local.v.match[2], 3, " ,"));
local.result.height = val(listGetAt(local.v.match[2], 4, " ,"));
if (!val(local.result.width) && refindNoCase("width\s*=\s*""(\d+)", local.str)){
local.w = refindNoCase("width\s*=\s*""(\d+)+", local.str, 1, true);
if (arrayLen(local.w.match) gte 2){
local.result.width = val(local.w.match[2]);
if (!val(local.result.height) && refindNoCase("height\s*=\s*""(\d+)", local.str)){
local.h = refindNoCase("height\s*=\s*""(\d+)+", local.str, 1, true);
if (arrayLen(local.h.match) gte 2){
local.result.height = val(local.h.match[2]);
if (refindNoCase("id\s*=\s*""(.+?)""", local.str)){ = refindNoCase("id\s*=\s*""(.+?)""", local.str, 1, true);
if (arrayLen( gte 2){ = trim([2]);
local.start = findNoCase("<title>", local.XmlText);
if (local.start gt 0){
local.end = findNoCase("</title>", local.XmlText, local.start);
local.result.desc = trim(mid(local.XmlText, local.start+7, (local.end - local.start - 7)));
local.start = findNoCase("<desc>", local.XmlText);
if (local.start gt 0){
local.end = findNoCase("</desc>", local.XmlText, local.start);
local.result.desc = trim(mid(local.XmlText, local.start+6, (local.end - local.start - 6)));
local.result.width = (!local.result.width) ? javacast("int", 300) : (fix(local.result.width) is local.result.width) ? javacast("int", local.result.width) : javacast("double", local.result.width);
local.result.height = (!local.result.height) ? javacast("int", 150) : (fix(local.result.height) is local.result.height) ? javacast("int", local.result.height) : javacast("double", local.result.height);
return local.result;
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