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Last active February 27, 2023 21:27
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queryReturnRow UDF to convert a ColdFusion struct or array from a query row. Options to drop/replace NULL values. CF2016+
/* 2023-02-27 queryReturnRow() by SunStar Media
Requires CF2016+ or Lucee
Inspired by &
- Renamed function to something unique because queryGetRow() is a BIF (as of CF11)
- Updated to retain column order by default (using an ordered struct)
- Option to set key case (original/lower/upper)
- Option to return data in either an array or struct similar to Lucee's QueryRowData() BIF
- Option to drop NULL values from the returned array/struct
- Option to replace NULL values with a string (instead of empty which isn't the same as NULL)
public any function queryReturnRow(required query query, numeric row=0, string format="struct", string keyCase="original", boolean dropNull=false, string replaceNullString="") hint="Returns a ColdFusion struct or array with query columns as keys and their corresponding values w/option to drop or relabel NULL values" {
local.row = (val(arguments.row) gt 0) ? arguments.row : 1;
local.result = (arguments.format eq "array") ? [] : [:];
if (arguments.query.recordcount lt local. Row) {
return local.result;
if (structkeyexists(server, "lucee")){
local.cols = arguments.query.getColumnNames();
} else {
local.cols = arguments.query.getMetaData().getColumnLabels();
if (listfindnocase("lcase,lower", arguments.keyCase)){
local.cols = listtoarray(lcase(arraytolist(local.cols)));
} else if (listfindnocase("ucase,upper", arguments.keyCase)){
local.cols = listtoarray(ucase(arraytolist(local.cols)));
if (arguments.format eq "array"){
for (local.col in local.cols){
local.isCellNull = ((structkeyexists(server, "lucee") && isnull(arguments.query[local.col][local.row])) || (!structkeyexists(server, "lucee") && isnull(arguments.query.getField(arguments.query.CurrentRow, arguments.query.findColumn(local.col)))));
if (!arguments.dropNull || (arguments.dropNull && !local.isCellNull)){
arrayappend(local.result, [
"#local.col#": (local.isCellNull && len(arguments.replaceNullString)) ? arguments.replaceNullString : arguments.query[local.col][local.row]
} else {
for (local.col in local.cols){
local.isCellNull = ((structkeyexists(server, "lucee") && isnull(arguments.query[local.col][local.row])) || (!structkeyexists(server, "lucee") && isnull(arguments.query.getField(arguments.query.CurrentRow, arguments.query.findColumn(local.col)))));
if (!arguments.dropNull || (arguments.dropNull && !local.isCellNull)){
local.result[local.col] = (local.isCellNull && len(arguments.replaceNullString)) ? arguments.replaceNullString : arguments.query[local.col][local.row];
return local.result;
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