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Last active September 28, 2023 21:25
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CheckSSLCertificate UDF - Using ColdFusion & CURL to connect to remote HOST to identify SSL data (start/end dates, subject, subjectAltName, issuer & status) #cfml
<!--- checkSSLCertificate UDF - I use ColdFusion & CURL to connect to remote HOST to identify SSL data (start/end dates, subject, subjectAltName, issuer & status) #cfml
NOTE: This UDF requires CURL.
struct function checkSSLCertificate(required string targetUrl, string userAgent="", string resolveIp="", string exePath="", boolean debug=false) output=false hint="I use CURL to connect to remote HOST to identify SSL data (start/end dates, subject, subjectAltName, issuer & status)" {
arguments.exePath = (len(arguments.exePath)) ? arguments.exePath : "C:\CURL\CURL.exe"; // set to default CURL exe path
arguments.useAgent = (len(arguments.userAgent)) ? arguments.userAgent : "FireFox 13|Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1";
local.result = [
"ssl": [:]
,"duration": javacast("int", 0)
,"headers": [
"ip": ""
,"status": javacast("int", 0)
,"args": [
"arguments": arguments
,"params": "-s -verbose"
,"isValidURL": isvalid("url", arguments.targetUrl)
,"raw": ""
if (len(arguments.resolveIp) && refindnocase("^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)", arguments.resolveIp)) {
local.port = "80";
local.hostname = listgetat(arguments.targetUrl, 2, "/");
if (findnocase("https://", arguments.targetUrl)) {
local.port = "443";
local.result.args.params = local.result.args.params & " --resolve #local.hostname#:#local.port#:#arguments.resolveIp#";
local.result.args.params = local.result.args.params & " -A ""#arguments.userAgent#"" #listfirst(arguments.targetUrl,'?')#";
if (find("?", arguments.targetUrl)) {
local.result.args.params = local.result.args.params & " -d """ & listrest(arguments.targetUrl, "?") & """";
local.result.args.params = local.result.args.params & " --stderr - 2>&1";
local.timeStart = gettickcount();
if (local.result.args.isValidURL) {
cfexecute(arguments=local.result.args.params, variable="local.result.Raw", name=arguments.exePath, timeout=15);
local.result.duration = javacast("int", gettickcount() - local.timeStart);
for (local.thisLine in listtoarray(local.result.Raw, chr(13) & chr(10))) {
if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 2) eq "< " && listlen(trim(local.thisLine), ":") gte 2) {
local.result.headers["#listrest(trim(listfirst(local.thisLine, ":")), " ")#"] = trim(listrest(local.thisLine, ":"));
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 6) eq "< HTTP") {
local.result.headers["Status"] = trim(listrest(listrest(trim(local.thisLine), " "), " "));
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 10) eq "* Trying") {
local.result.headers["IP"] = trim(listLast(listfirst(trim(local.thisLine), ":"), " "));
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 14) eq "* Connected to") {
local.result.headers["IP"] = trim(listrest(listfirst(trim(local.thisLine), ")"), "("));
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 6) eq "curl: ") {
if (!local.result.keyExists("error")) {
local.result["error"] = [:];
local.result.error["message"] = trim(listrest(local.thisline, ":"));
local.result.error["id"] = javacast("int", 0);
local.result.error["code"] = "";
if (find("(", local.result.error.message) && find(")", local.result.error.message)) { = javacast("int", listfirst(local.result.error.message, " ").replaceAll("\D", ""));
local.result.error.message = trim(listrest(local.result.error.message, " "));
if (local.errorCodes.keyExists("")) {
local.result.error.code = local.errorCodes[""];
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 19) eq "More Details here: ") {
if (!local.result.keyExists("error")) {
local.result["error"] = [:];
local.result.error["details"] = trim(listrest(local.thisline, ":"));
} else if (left(trim(local.thisLine), 3) eq "* ") {
if (listlen(trim(local.thisLine), ":") gte 2) {
local.result.ssl["#trim(replace(listrest(trim(listfirst(local.thisLine, ":")), " "), " ", "_", "all"))#"] = trim(listrest(local.thisLine, ":"));
} else {
local.result.ssl["status"] = trim(listrest(trim(local.thisLine), " "));
local.result.headers.ip = local.result.headers.ip.replaceAll("\.\.\.", "");
for (local.keyname in local.result.ssl) {
if (isdate(local.result.ssl["#local.keyname#"].replaceAll("\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s", " ").replaceAll(" GMT", ""))) {
local.result.ssl["#local.keyname#"] = dateformat(local.result.ssl["#local.keyname#"].replaceAll("\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s", " ").replaceAll(" GMT", ""), "yyyy-mm-dd");
} else {
local.result.headers.status = javacast("int", 0);
local.result.error = [
"message": "Invalid URL"
,"id": javacast("int", 0)
,"code": "INVALID_URL"
if (!arguments.debug) {
structdelete(local.result, "headers");
structdelete(local.result, "args");
structdelete(local.result, "raw");
return local.result;
<cfset result = CheckSSLCertificate(targetURL="", debug=true)>
<cfdump var="#result#" label="CheckSSLCertificate UDF Results">
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