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Created August 31, 2020 01:59
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Runs a Monte Carlo experiment of the Boonie simulation
% Runs a Monte Carlo experiment of the Boonie simulation
% Input(s)
% nMC: Number of Monte Carlo iterations
% Output(s)
% Days: Vector of days until Boonie gets caught
% Example:
% Days = boonie_Monte_Carlo(1000);
% See also: boonieSim
% Dependencies: pubFig
% Written by: John Peach 28-Aug-2020
% Marakesh Sailing Analysis and Design
% Revisions:
function Days = boonie_Monte_Carlo(nMC)
% Initialize Days vector
Days = zeros(1,nMC);
% Run the Monte Carlo experiments
hdl = waitbar(0,'Boonie Monte Carlo');
for k = 1:nMC
% Run one instance
Days(k) = boonieSim;
% Update waitbar
% Close the waitbar
% Plot a histogram of the days
ylabel('Number of times');
title('Monte Carlo Conspiracy Simulation')
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