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Created May 16, 2014 21:22
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Slides for talk: Web Components — SeattleJS, 5/15/2014
Web Components bring sanity, efficiency and fun to front-end web development
* New HTML standards enable the creation of reusable, shareable
web user interface components
* Can start today
* Numerous implications for front-end JavaScript development
Jan Miksovsky
Co-founder, Component Kitchen
Web component
* Functional user interface fragment
* Context-independent
* Can hide implementation details
* Composable and extensible
* Generally takes the form of a custom HTML tag: <foo-bar>
* Browsers have used these internally for a while: e.g., <video>
Web component standards
* HTML Imports – like #include for the web
* Templates – quickly stamp out HTML fragments
* Shadow DOM — encapsulation boundary for hiding DOM elements & other details
* Object.observe — enables bindings
* Custom elements — register a new tag with browser
Polymer compatability library
Open source JavaScript libraries from Google
* platform.js — patches the user’s browser where necessary to emulate specs
so you can pretend all your users have the latest browser
* polymer.html — sugar, incl. a markup syntax for creating custom elements
Chrome (desktop/Android), Firefox, IE 10+, Safari (desktop/iOS)
Let's write some code!
Component Kitchen
* Catalog of all web components publicly registered today
* Component hosting
* Many designers/writers/etc. will use components at the HTML level.
How will this change JavaScript front-end development?
* You'll spend less time (re)implementing common UI patterns.
* You'll create much of your UI declaratively in HTML instead of code.
* On a modern browser, JavaScript turns out to almost be good.
* You'll spend less time writing boilerplate code (bindings, etc.).
* Frameworks spend less time fighting browser, more time delivering value.
* You won't need frameworks for basic operations.
Modern browser + web components = less/no need for jQuery
jQuery plain JavaScript / DOM / Web Components
Selectors $(".foo") document.body.querySelectorAll(".foo")
Bulk ops $.each(), etc. .forEach(), etc.
Traversing $.parent(), etc. Rarely necessary
DOM manip. $.append(), etc. .appendChild(), etc.; less needed anyway
Events $.on() .addEventListener()
Effects $.fade() CSS transitions
Chaining $.foo().bar() Can easily live without it
Data $.data() Can extend objects, incl. prototypes
Ajax $.ajax() XMLHttpRequest, <core-ajax>
Plugins $.foo() <foo></foo>
See for more on this topic
You should totally try using web components
* Finally, a sane way to create web user interfaces
* Incredibly efficient
* Really, really fun
Best place to start ->
Best catalog :) ->
Thank you!
Are you a Node.js developer? We want to hire you!
Jan Miksovsky
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