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Created January 10, 2023 08:38
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List all the copies for a specific asset via Pex Discovery API
import requests
# This example shows how to list all the copies for a specific asset via Pex Discovery API.
# Documentation for listing copies can be found here:
# Use your actual key from page
token = "FIXME"
# Use ID of your specific asset.
# It can be found in URL of asset detail page, eg. <- asset ID.
assetID = 5812359003677950988
# Specify number of copies per page / single API call.
copiesPerPage = 100
# All URL parameters can be found here:
urlPattern = ""
# Copies are listed in descending order by ID.
# Let's start with the highest possible ID (int64) to get the first ID
# and then use the last ID returned by previous API call.
lastID = 9223372036854775807
while True:
url = urlPattern % (copiesPerPage, assetID, lastID)
res = requests.get(url, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token})
if res.status_code != 200:
print(res.status_code, res.text)
parsed = res.json()
for copy in parsed:
# All attributes of a returned copy can be found here:
print("%d\t%s\t%s" % (copy["match_id"], copy["copy_title"], copy["copy_media_url"]))
lastID = copy["match_id"]
# Last page returns lower number of copies than is specified for a page.
# Let's break the loop as all copies were already listed.
if len(parsed) < copiesPerPage:
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