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JanX2 / commonPrefixLength-1.swift
Created June 8, 2014 18:19
Comparison of two approaches: one not using, one using optionals.
* Determine the common prefix elements of two collections.
* @param collection1 First collection.
* @param collection2 Second collection.
* @return The number of elements common to the start of each collection.
func commonPrefixLength<T: Swift.Collection, U: Swift.Collection where
T: Sequence, U: Sequence,
T.GeneratorType.Element: Equatable,
T.GeneratorType.Element == U.GeneratorType.Element>

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am janx2 on github.
  • I am janx2 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 174E E709 4D71 8181 229B BF3C 843C DD8C C631 4433

To claim this, I am signing this object:

# v1.0.1
# Codesign an app bundle and build a signed package ready for submission to the
# Mac App Store
# Copyright (c) 2014 Felix Schwarz (@felix_schwarz), IOSPIRIT GmbH (@iospirit)
set theString to "Test"
set theseCharacters to characters of theString
tell application "System Events"
delay 2 -- Time to switch, if running from editor. Can be removed, if running from menu.
tell front process
repeat with thisChar in theseCharacters
keystroke (thisChar as text)
delay 0.1
JanX2 /
Last active February 7, 2021 12:01 — forked from faithfracture/
Boost build script for iOS (armv7, armv7s, arm64), iOS Simulator (i386, x86_64), and OSX (i386, x86_64)
# Filename:
# Author: Pete Goodliffe
# Copyright: (c) Copyright 2009 Pete Goodliffe
# Licence: Please feel free to use this, with attribution
# Modified version
# Builds a Boost framework for iOS, iOS Simulator, and OSX.
# Creates a set of universal libraries that can be used on an iOS and in the
JanX2 /
Last active April 10, 2016 08:34 — forked from fzwo/
Create a complete class-dump of Xcode, ready for adding to an empty Xcode project for all your header-ogling needs.
# Creates a complete class-dump of Xcode and all its libs and internal plug-ins.
# Assumes you have Class-Dump in your path and Xcode at the location set via `xcode-select`.
xcodePath=`xcode-select -p`
sourceXcodeRootPath="$(dirname "$xcodePath")"
echo "Dumping from Xcode: $sourceXcodeRootPath"
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Mozilla */
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Jan Weiß */
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
JanX2 /
Created February 9, 2018 15:59 — forked from geoffwatts/
Read an SDS011 Laser PM2.5 Sensor (Nova PM Sensor) with Python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Requires pyserial. Install via:
# pip install pyserial
from __future__ import print_function
from serial import Serial, EIGHTBITS, STOPBITS_ONE, PARITY_NONE
import time, struct
JanX2 / gist:317cd8c152732e69f91b96979d8e965b
Last active September 22, 2018 15:14 — forked from cazepeda-zz/gist:8876300
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