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Created November 1, 2011 15:23
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Mac Setup - pivotal_workspace soloist - Terminal Output
Last login: Tue Nov 1 04:20:56 on console
steves-macbook:~ steveschwartz$ cd ~/workspace/
steves-macbook:workspace steveschwartz$ soloist
running chef: sudo bash -c 'PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin chef-solo -j /var/folders/f9/f99vsO5cHRCsJ+7Fb+UNhE+++TI/-Tmp-/soloist20111101-253-1kys0lq-0 -c /var/folders/f9/f99vsO5cHRCsJ+7Fb+UNhE+++TI/-Tmp-/soloist20111101-253-1r2g8qc-0 -l info'
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:33 -0400] INFO: *** Chef 0.10.4 ***
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:37 -0400] INFO: Setting the run_list to ["pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-arch_flags", "pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_base", "pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_development", "pivotal_workstation::meta_ruby_development", "pivotal_workstation::mongodb", "pivotal_workstation::pg_admin", "pivotal_workstation::solr", "pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate"] from JSON
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:37 -0400] INFO: Run List is [recipe[pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-arch_flags], recipe[pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_base], recipe[pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_development], recipe[pivotal_workstation::meta_ruby_development], recipe[pivotal_workstation::mongodb], recipe[pivotal_workstation::pg_admin], recipe[pivotal_workstation::solr], recipe[pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate]]
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:37 -0400] INFO: Run List expands to [pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-arch_flags, pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_base, pivotal_workstation::meta_osx_development, pivotal_workstation::meta_ruby_development, pivotal_workstation::mongodb, pivotal_workstation::pg_admin, pivotal_workstation::solr, pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate]
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:37 -0400] INFO: Starting Chef Run for Steve-Schwartzs-MacBook.local
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile line 4)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile line 8)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-arch_flags line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:38 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[JavaForMacOSX10.7] action install (pivotal_workstation::java line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:40 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:02:40 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:06 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:06 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:06 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:06 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): verified CRC32 $CCE4A652
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 1)…
(Apple_Free : 1): verified CRC32 $00000000
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 2)…
Apple (Apple_partition_map : 2): verified CRC32 $6F07C1DA
Checksumming Macintosh (Apple_Driver_ATAPI : 3)…
Macintosh (Apple_Driver_ATAPI : 3): verified CRC32 $F1E8BA9E
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 4)…
(Apple_Free : 4): verified CRC32 $00000000
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 5)…
disk image (Apple_HFS : 5): verified CRC32 $B5ECA189
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 6)…
(Apple_Free : 6): verified CRC32 $00000000
verified CRC32 $A2FAD4BD
/dev/disk1 Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/disk1s1 Apple_partition_map
/dev/disk1s2 Apple_Driver_ATAPI
/dev/disk1s3 Apple_HFS /Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/JavaForMacOSX10.7.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[installing /Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7/JavaForMacOSX10.7.*pkg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 79)
installer: Error - This update requires Mac OS X version 10.7.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[installing /Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7/JavaForMacOSX10.7.*pkg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Java for Mac OS X 10.7'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[turn on ssh] action run (pivotal_workstation::sshd_on line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: execute[turn on ssh] sh(systemsetup -setremotelogin on)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: execute[turn on ssh] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if sshd is running] action create (pivotal_workstation::sshd_on line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if sshd is running] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing link[/Applications/Screen] action create (pivotal_workstation::screen_sharing_app line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: link[/Applications/Screen] created
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[assure the link /Applications/Screen was successfully created] action create (pivotal_workstation::screen_sharing_app line 7)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[assure the link /Applications/Screen was successfully created] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[Skype] action install (pivotal_workstation::skype line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:12 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:56 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:56 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:56 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:56 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): verified CRC32 $6B65420D
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)…
Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1): verified CRC32 $AE5F3D12
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 2)…
disk image (Apple_HFS : 2): verified CRC32 $5964A9F4
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 3)…
(Apple_Free : 3): verified CRC32 $00000000
verified CRC32 $CAEE5E1E
/dev/disk1 Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/disk1s1 Apple_partition_map
/dev/disk1s2 Apple_HFS /Volumes/Skype
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:59 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/Skype.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:59 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Skype/' '/Applications'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 70)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:05:59 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Skype/' '/Applications'] sh(rsync -aH '/Volumes/Skype/' '/Applications')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Skype/' '/Applications'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/Applications/] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 74)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Skype'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Skype'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Skype')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Skype'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:02 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/tmp/] action create (pivotal_workstation::sizeup line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:08 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:08 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:08 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[unzip sizeup] action run (pivotal_workstation::sizeup line 15)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:08 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip sizeup] sh(unzip /tmp/* -d /Applications/)
Archive: /tmp/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/BWToolkitFramework
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Notes.rtf
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> A
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/CMCrashReporter
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> A
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/ShortcutRecorder
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> A
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> /Users/bump/Desktop/dependencies/Sparkle/tags/Release1.0/build/Release/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> A
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> A
linking: /Applications/ -> Versions/Current/WindowMover
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Screen.png
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Left.png
inflating: /Applications/ Right.png
extracting: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Monitor.png
extracting: /Applications/
extracting: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Monitor.png
extracting: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Above.png
inflating: /Applications/ Below.png
inflating: /Applications/ Next.png
inflating: /Applications/ Prev.png
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Left.png
inflating: /Applications/ Right.png
finishing deferred symbolic links:
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/BWToolkitFramework
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/Applications/ -> A
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/CMCrashReporter
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/Applications/ -> A
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/ShortcutRecorder
/Applications/ -> A
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
/Applications/ -> /Users/bump/Desktop/dependencies/Sparkle/tags/Release1.0/build/Release/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
/Applications/ -> A
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/Applications/ -> A
/Applications/ -> Versions/Current/WindowMover
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip sizeup] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[Firefox] action install (pivotal_workstation::firefox line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-better_history line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-ps1 line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.inputrc] action create (pivotal_workstation::inputrc line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.inputrc] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.inputrc] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[load locate daemon via launchctl] action run (pivotal_workstation::locate_on line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: execute[load locate daemon via launchctl] sh(launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: execute[load locate daemon via launchctl] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[check launchd is running] action run (pivotal_workstation::locate_on line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: execute[check launchd is running] sh(launchctl list | grep locate)
383 -
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: execute[check launchd is running] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[Dropbox] action install (pivotal_workstation::dropbox line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[Google Chrome] action install (pivotal_workstation::chrome line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:09 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/tmp/mouse_locator.dmg] action create_if_missing (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:10 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/mouse_locator.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:10 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/mouse_locator.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[mount mouse_locator dmg] action run (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:10 -0400] INFO: execute[mount mouse_locator dmg] sh(hdid /tmp/mouse_locator.dmg)
/dev/disk1 /Volumes/Mouse Locator v1.1
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:11 -0400] INFO: execute[mount mouse_locator dmg] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:11 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[Close System Preferences] action run (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 26)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:11 -0400] INFO: execute[Close System Preferences] sh(killall "System Preferences")
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[Close System Preferences] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[Copy mouse_locator to ~/Library/PreferencePanes/] action run (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 34)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[Copy mouse_locator to ~/Library/PreferencePanes/] sh(cp -rf /Volumes/Mouse\ Locator\ v1\.1/Mouse\ Locator\ v1\.1\ Installer\.app/Contents/Resources/Distribution/MouseLocator\.prefPane /Users/steveschwartz/Library/PreferencePanes/MouseLocator\.prefPane)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[Copy mouse_locator to ~/Library/PreferencePanes/] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[unmount dmg] action run (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 39)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[unmount dmg] sh(hdiutil detach /Volumes/Mouse\ Locator\ v1\.1)
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[unmount dmg] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[Activate Mouse Locator] action run (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 44)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[Activate Mouse Locator] sh(open /Users/steveschwartz/Library/PreferencePanes/MouseLocator.prefPane/Contents/Resources/ &)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[Activate Mouse Locator] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if mouse_locator was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::mouse_locator line 49)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if mouse_locator was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set key repeat rate to fast] action run (pivotal_workstation::defaults_fast_key_repeat_rate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set key repeat rate to fast] sh(defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences KeyRepeat -int 2)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set key repeat rate to fast] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set key initial repeat delay to short] action run (pivotal_workstation::defaults_fast_key_repeat_rate line 12)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set key initial repeat delay to short] sh(defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences InitialKeyRepeat -int 15)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set key initial repeat delay to short] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/workspace] action create (pivotal_workstation::workspace_directory line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias st=status] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 4)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias st=status] sh(git config --global status)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias st=status] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias di=diff] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias di=diff] sh(git config --global alias.di diff)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias di=diff] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias co=checkout] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 14)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias co=checkout] sh(git config --global checkout)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias co=checkout] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias ci=commit] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 19)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias ci=commit] sh(git config --global commit)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias ci=commit] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias br=branch] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 24)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias br=branch] sh(git config --global branch)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias br=branch] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias sta=stash] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 29)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias sta=stash] sh(git config --global alias.sta stash)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias sta=stash] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set alias llog=log --date=local] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 34)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias llog=log --date=local] sh(git config --global alias.llog log --date=local)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set alias llog=log --date=local] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set apply whitespace=nowarn] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 39)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set apply whitespace=nowarn] sh(git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set apply whitespace=nowarn] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set color branch=auto] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 44)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color branch=auto] sh(git config --global color.branch auto)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color branch=auto] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set color diff=auto] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 49)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color diff=auto] sh(git config --global color.diff auto)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color diff=auto] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set color interactive=auto] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 54)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color interactive=auto] sh(git config --global color.interactive auto)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color interactive=auto] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set color status=auto] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 59)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color status=auto] sh(git config --global color.status auto)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color status=auto] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set color ui=auto] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 64)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color ui=auto] sh(git config --global color.ui auto)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set color ui=auto] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set branch autosetupmerge=true] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_config_global_defaults line 69)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set branch autosetupmerge=true] sh(git config --global branch.autosetupmerge true)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[set branch autosetupmerge=true] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/bin] action create (pivotal_workstation::user_owns_usr_local line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[your current user owns /usr/local] action run (pivotal_workstation::user_owns_usr_local line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:12 -0400] INFO: execute[your current user owns /usr/local] sh(chown -R steveschwartz /usr/local)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:13 -0400] INFO: execute[your current user owns /usr/local] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:13 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[put git-scripts in /usr/local/bin] action run (pivotal_workstation::git_scripts line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:13 -0400] INFO: execute[put git-scripts in /usr/local/bin] sh(cd /usr/local/bin && curl -L | gunzip | tar xvf - --strip=2)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: execute[put git-scripts in /usr/local/bin] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.pairs] action create (pivotal_workstation::git_scripts line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.pairs] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.pairs] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test that git pair works] action create (pivotal_workstation::git_scripts line 14)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test that git pair works] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[Check that homebrew is running & working] action create (pivotal_workstation::homebrew line 26)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[Check that homebrew is running & working] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/sbin] action create (pivotal_workstation::homebrew line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/sbin] created directory /usr/local/sbin
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/sbin] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:14 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/tmp/] action create (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:20 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:20 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:20 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/tmp/] action delete (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 14)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:20 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[unzip gitx] action run (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 19)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:20 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip gitx] sh(unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/)
Archive: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> /Users/andym/Development/Build Products/Release (GC dual-mode; 10.5-only)/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> A
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
extracting: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/ Code License.rtf
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
finishing deferred symbolic links:
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
/tmp/ -> /Users/andym/Development/Build Products/Release (GC dual-mode; 10.5-only)/Sparkle.framework/Resources/fr.lproj
/tmp/ -> A
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:21 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip gitx] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:21 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy gitx to /Applications] action run (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 24)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:21 -0400] INFO: execute[copy gitx to /Applications] sh(rsync -a /tmp/ /Applications)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: execute[copy gitx to /Applications] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 30)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[Check for existence of /Applications/] action create (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 39)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[Check for existence of /Applications/] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: Processing link[/usr/local/bin/gitx] action create (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 46)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: link[/usr/local/bin/gitx] created
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if gitx link was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::gitx line 50)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if gitx link was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:22 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/tmp/] action create (pivotal_workstation::github_for_mac line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:34 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:35 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/tmp/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:35 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[unzip github_for_mac] action run (pivotal_workstation::github_for_mac line 8)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:35 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip github_for_mac] sh(unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/)
Archive: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/FeedbackReporter
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> A
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/ObjectiveGit
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> A
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> fr.lproj
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> pt_BR.lproj
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> A
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/PrivateHeaders
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
linking: /tmp/ -> Versions/Current/UIKit
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
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inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> A
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/<GHBranchCell> background.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHBranchCell> checked-out.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHBranchCell> divider.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHBranchCell> down-arrow-highlighted.png
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inflating: /tmp/<GHBranchesViewController> search-bar-background-right.png
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inflating: /tmp/<GHHistoryCell> bottom-highlighted-background.png
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inflating: /tmp/<GHHistoryCell> top-background.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHHistoryCell> top-highlighted-background.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHLocalCommitViewItem> arrow-highlighted.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHLocalCommitViewItem> arrow.png
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inflating: /tmp/<GHNoCommitsView> background-right.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHPopoverController> arrow-bottom.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHPopoverController> arrow-left.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHPopoverController> arrow-right.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHPopoverController> arrow-top.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHPopoverController> background.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHRepositoryViewController> push-to-github.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHSimpleBranchCell> checked-out.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHSimpleBranchCell> starred.png
inflating: /tmp/<GHUISpinnerView> default-spinner.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> gray-square-background-highlighted.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> gray-square-background.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> light-gray-background-highlighted.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> light-gray-background.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> square-transparent-background-highlighted.png
inflating: /tmp/<UIButton+GitHubStyle> square-transparent-background.png
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
linking: /tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
creating: /tmp/
inflating: /tmp/
finishing deferred symbolic links:
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/FeedbackReporter
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/tmp/ -> A
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/ObjectiveGit
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/tmp/ -> A
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Sparkle
/tmp/ -> fr.lproj
/tmp/ -> pt_BR.lproj
/tmp/ -> A
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Headers
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/PrivateHeaders
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/Resources
/tmp/ -> Versions/Current/UIKit
/tmp/ -> A
/tmp/ -> git
/tmp/ -> git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
/tmp/ -> ../../bin/git
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: execute[unzip github_for_mac] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy github_for_mac to /Applications] action run (pivotal_workstation::github_for_mac line 13)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: execute[copy github_for_mac to /Applications] sh(mv /tmp/ /Applications/GitHub\.app)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: execute[copy github_for_mac to /Applications] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::github_for_mac line 19)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install ack] action run (pivotal_workstation::ack line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/ack
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:37 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ack] sh(brew install ack)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> pod2man ack ack.1
/usr/local/Cellar/ack/1.96: 3 files, 124K, built in 3 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:41 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ack] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:41 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install macvim] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/macvim
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:06:41 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install macvim] sh(brew install macvim)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --with-features=huge --with-tlib=ncurses --enable-multibyte --wi
==> make
==> Caveats installed to:
To link the application to a normal Mac OS X location:
brew linkapps
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/macvim/7.3-62/ /Applications
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/macvim/7.3-62: 1729 files, 27M, built in 2.9 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install macvim] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[Link MacVim to /Applications] action create (pivotal_workstation::vim line 14)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[Link MacVim to /Applications] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[move existing vim_home out of the way if necessary] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 23)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[clone the .vim directory] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:34 -0400] INFO: execute[clone the .vim directory] sh(git clone /Users/steveschwartz/.vim)
Cloning into /Users/steveschwartz/.vim...
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: execute[clone the .vim directory] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[ensure we're on the approved hash] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: execute[ensure we're on the approved hash] sh(cd /Users/steveschwartz/.vim && git checkout 87392f4f200f005245dca5cf6a7a063f8e68b9df)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: execute[ensure we're on the approved hash] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[get the submodules] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 42)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:09:36 -0400] INFO: execute[get the submodules] sh(cd /Users/steveschwartz/.vim && git submodule update --init)
Submodule 'bundle/ack.vim' ( registered for path 'bundle/ack.vim'
Submodule 'bundle/command-t' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/command-t'
Submodule 'bundle/molokai' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/molokai'
Submodule 'bundle/nerdcommenter' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/nerdcommenter'
Submodule 'bundle/nerdtree' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/nerdtree'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-colors-solarized' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-colors-solarized'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-cucumber' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-cucumber'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-endwise' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-endwise'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-fugitive' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-fugitive'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-git-pair' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-git-pair'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-haml' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-haml'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-irblack' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-irblack'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-markdown' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-markdown'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-rails' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-rails'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-repeat' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-repeat'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-ruby-refactoring' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-ruby-refactoring'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-surround' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-surround'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-textobj-rubyblock' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-textobj-rubyblock'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-textobj-user' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-textobj-user'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-unimpaired' ( registered for path 'bundle/vim-unimpaired'
Submodule 'bundle/vim-vividchalk' (git:// registered for path 'bundle/vim-vividchalk'
Cloning into bundle/ack.vim...
Submodule path 'bundle/ack.vim': checked out 'b6be751b4b4391e7e25ba51e36300a8e04820846'
Cloning into bundle/command-t...
Submodule path 'bundle/command-t': checked out '85fd8b0ce657f772ad9c1c50fe502e08ca2bf04c'
Cloning into bundle/molokai...
Submodule path 'bundle/molokai': checked out '0500e432817c4b7493fabaa272dcc8fdad29908c'
Cloning into bundle/nerdcommenter...
Submodule path 'bundle/nerdcommenter': checked out '930be32a23e902ddc46135ddbb9e76b0fac0c14b'
Cloning into bundle/nerdtree...
Submodule path 'bundle/nerdtree': checked out 'e1abd4d373402f745611305435677a92d7707212'
Cloning into bundle/vim-colors-solarized...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-colors-solarized': checked out '528a59f26d12278698bb946f8fb82a63711eec21'
Cloning into bundle/vim-cucumber...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-cucumber': checked out 'c4059a86a667114e45469cd60e27bcd4fe0afa9b'
Cloning into bundle/vim-endwise...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-endwise': checked out '780fa5603c0917d9b22e3b64dd8ab0423e006eb5'
Cloning into bundle/vim-fugitive...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-fugitive': checked out 'c872a546751f1723766479528391cdada4aeb1ec'
Cloning into bundle/vim-git-pair...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-git-pair': checked out '4c11ae183a37b539bb9b9958ddedaa9a8a370542'
Cloning into bundle/vim-haml...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-haml': checked out 'a0345d5c224aa8c473b11514cf5914823016ffd7'
Cloning into bundle/vim-irblack...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-irblack': checked out '59622caff32a7925181ab139701fad3eee54ae51'
Cloning into bundle/vim-markdown...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-markdown': checked out 'f3f96fd7c1bec0527de62415fd344e73994f1c47'
Cloning into bundle/vim-rails...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-rails': checked out 'dcae61e521f953ed8b29af8937b89b7fded67d6a'
Cloning into bundle/vim-repeat...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-repeat': checked out 'c4101c205ef9e06bdfeff571a7dbba2576f08974'
Cloning into bundle/vim-ruby-refactoring...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-ruby-refactoring': checked out '4d351d3bfafedc2f6d36927548b7aa11b614f1fd'
Cloning into bundle/vim-surround...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-surround': checked out '27710a2224d6dd0486d1c40d09ef18dd752e7d37'
Cloning into bundle/vim-textobj-rubyblock...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-textobj-rubyblock': checked out 'c6b186dd5ad74503439c967e0d2ad863fcba93bc'
Cloning into bundle/vim-textobj-user...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-textobj-user': checked out '8dc78888b7e3bbd562b2f8c29c96365f61cba194'
Cloning into bundle/vim-unimpaired...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-unimpaired': checked out 'fe95324a679685054f2db2cc47fe482e9861ee8f'
Cloning into bundle/vim-vividchalk...
Submodule path 'bundle/vim-vividchalk': checked out 'c824c2a5c1d96a7d2ec2df6baf7231dcee621130'
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:37 -0400] INFO: execute[get the submodules] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:37 -0400] INFO: Processing link[/Users/steveschwartz/.vimrc] action create (pivotal_workstation::vim line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:37 -0400] INFO: link[/Users/steveschwartz/.vimrc] created
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:37 -0400] INFO: link[/Users/steveschwartz/.vimrc] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:37 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install ctags] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/ctags
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:10:41 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ctags] sh(brew install ctags)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/ctags/5.8 --enable-macro-patterns --m
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/ctags/5.8: 6 files, 392K, built in 20 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:03 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ctags] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:03 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[compile command-t] action run (pivotal_workstation::vim line 54)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:03 -0400] INFO: execute[compile command-t] sh(ruby extconf.rb && make)
checking for ruby.h... yes
creating Makefile
gcc -I. -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I. -DHAVE_RUBY_H -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -fno-common -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe -fno-common -DENABLE_DTRACE -fno-common -pipe -fno-common -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -c ext.c
gcc -I. -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I. -DHAVE_RUBY_H -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -fno-common -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe -fno-common -DENABLE_DTRACE -fno-common -pipe -fno-common -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -c match.c
gcc -I. -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/universal-darwin10.0 -I. -DHAVE_RUBY_H -D_XOPEN_SOURCE -D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE -fno-common -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -g -Os -pipe -fno-common -DENABLE_DTRACE -fno-common -pipe -fno-common -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -c matcher.c
cc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -pipe -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -o ext.bundle ext.o match.o matcher.o -L. -L/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/lib -L. -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -lruby -lpthread -ldl
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: execute[compile command-t] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if MacVim link worked] action create (pivotal_workstation::vim line 60)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if MacVim link worked] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::vim line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[CCMenu] action install (pivotal_workstation::ccmenu line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:04 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:07 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
Checksumming whole disk (Apple_HFS : 0)…
whole disk (Apple_HFS : 0): verified CRC32 $B530055F
verified CRC32 $A9203C04
/dev/disk1 /Volumes/CCMenu 1.3
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:09 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/CCMenu.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:09 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3/' '/Applications'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 70)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:09 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3/' '/Applications'] sh(rsync -aH '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3/' '/Applications')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3/' '/Applications'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/Applications/] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 74)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/CCMenu 1.3'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[download text mate to temp dir] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate line 4)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[download text mate to temp dir] sh(curl -o /tmp/
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:58 -0400] INFO: execute[download text mate to temp dir] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:58 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[extract text mate to /Applications] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:11:58 -0400] INFO: execute[extract text mate to /Applications] sh(unzip -o /tmp/ -x __MACOSX* -d /Applications/)
Archive: /tmp/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> Resources/Info.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Item Icons/
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Commands.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Drag Commands.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Languages.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Macros.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Preferences.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Snippets.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Template Files.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/Templates.png
inflating: /Applications/ Item Icons/iconmaker.psd
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Help Book/
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/TextMate Help Book.helpindex
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/all_pages.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/appendix.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/bundles.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/commands.html
creating: /Applications/ Help Book/css/
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/css/print.css
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/css/stylesheet.css
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/drag_commands.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/environment_variables.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/expert_preferences.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/getting_help.html
creating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/as_choose_from_list.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/bookmark.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/build_with_xcode.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/bundle_actions.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/bundle_editor.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/change_menu_key_binding.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/clipboard_history.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/cocoadialog_determinate_progress.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/cocoadialog_indeterminate_progress.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/cocoadialog_inputbox.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/column_data.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/column_movement.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/column_selection.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/column_typing.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/command_editor.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/command_output_options.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/composite_theme_colors.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/diff_result.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/drag_command_file_types.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/drag_command_result.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/execute_line.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/filter_through_command.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/find_in_project.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/find_menu.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/folded_blocks.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/folder_reference_patterns.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/folding_patterns.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/folding_tool_tip.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/fonts_and_colors.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/function_pop_up.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/go_to_file.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/hiding_bundles.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/html_output_progress_indicator.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/indentation_rules.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/input_fallback_options.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/key_equivalent.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/key_equivalent_ambiguity.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/keyboard_viewer.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/multi_line_find_dialog.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/new_file_from_template.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/preferences_editor.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/prefs_saving.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/printing_options.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/project_drawer.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/project_window.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/project_window_with_tabs.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/remove_color.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/scope_selector.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/scoped_environment_variables.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/shell_variables.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/show_scope.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/snippet_editor.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/status_bar.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/subversion_commit.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/symbol_list.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tab_bar.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tab_size_settings.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tab_trigger_ambiguity.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tab_trigger_menu.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tm_small.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/tool_tip_output.png
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/images/xhtml_templates.png
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inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/preface.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/preferences_items.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/printing.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/regular_expressions.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/saving_files.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/scope_selectors.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/shell_commands.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/snippets.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/templates.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/themes.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/using_textmate_from_terminal.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/working_with_multiple_files.html
inflating: /Applications/ Help Book/working_with_text.html
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Icons/
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/Bindings.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/Executable.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/Folder.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/FolderRef.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/Oak-Generic.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/Oak-Text.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-actionscript-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-applescript-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-bundle-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-c++-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-c-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-h-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-html-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-java-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-lib-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-m-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-php-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-plist-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-r-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-rsrc-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/PBX-ruby-Icon.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/SmartFolder.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/SymLink.png
inflating: /Applications/ Icons/txtIcon.png
inflating: /Applications/ Bottom Cap.png
inflating: /Applications/ Collapsed.png
inflating: /Applications/ Ellipsis.png
inflating: /Applications/ Top Cap.png
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ white.png
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Images/
inflating: /Applications/ Images/Advanced.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Images/Fonts & Colors.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Images/General.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Images/Printing.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Images/Software Update.tiff
inflating: /Applications/ Images/Text Editing.tiff
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> ../SharedSupport/Support/bin/mate
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ in Flash.plist
inflating: /Applications/ with MTASC.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ .SWF.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in Actionscript Dictionary.plist
inflating: /Applications/ MTASC support files.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ AS Function Signature.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Movie.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Syntax.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ #endinitclip.plist
inflating: /Applications/ #include.plist
inflating: /Applications/ #initclip.plist
inflating: /Applications/ MovieClip.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ call.plist
inflating: /Applications/ case.plist
inflating: /Applications/ catch.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ default.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ if.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ifFrameLoaded.plist
inflating: /Applications/ import.plist
inflating: /Applications/ interface.plist
inflating: /Applications/ loadMovie.plist
inflating: /Applications/ loadMovieNum.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ loadVariablesNum.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ nextScene.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ play.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ printNum.plist
inflating: /Applications/ removeMovieClip.plist
inflating: /Applications/ return.plist
inflating: /Applications/ setProperty.plist
inflating: /Applications/ setVariable.plist
inflating: /Applications/ startDrag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ stop.plist
inflating: /Applications/ stopAllSounds.plist
inflating: /Applications/ stopDrag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ switch.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ throw.plist
inflating: /Applications/ toggleHighQuality.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ try.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ unloadMovieNum.plist
inflating: /Applications/ var.plist
inflating: /Applications/ while.plist
inflating: /Applications/ with.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Class/
inflating: /Applications/ Class/
inflating: /Applications/ Class/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ Sample.tmTemplate/
inflating: /Applications/ Sample.tmTemplate/
inflating: /Applications/ Sample.tmTemplate/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ for Word:Selection.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Include.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ users.conf.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ access.log.plist
inflating: /Applications/ error log.plist
inflating: /Applications/ configtest.plist
inflating: /Applications/ start.plist
inflating: /Applications/ stop.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Modules Identifiers.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Modules.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Tag Inside Virtual Host.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Directory.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Location.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ VHost Directory.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ VHost Location.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Virtual Host.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (allow).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (opt).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (vhost).plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Help.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Language Guide.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Reference Library.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Release Notes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Resources.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Terminology : Event Codes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in Script Editor.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Line (¬).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ URL Encoded Script.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ for Application.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Block.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ OS X Automation Resources.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Function.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ AppleScript:osascript.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ string:Unicode text.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Application Name.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Typing Pairs.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/!:usr:bin:osascript.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ that UI Scripting is Enabled.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Application(s).tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ New File.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ URL.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Menu Item with UI Scripting.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ Field.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ text item delimiters.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … to ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ shell script ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … to ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … then ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ parent ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ….tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ while ___ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ with ___ from ___ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ with ___ in ___ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ … to ….tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ [app] … end.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ terms from [app] … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ timeout … end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ transaction … end.tmSnippet
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Action Script/
inflating: /Applications/ Action Script/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Action Script/template.applescript
creating: /Applications/ Action/
inflating: /Applications/ Action/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Action/template.applescript
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ with Arguments/
inflating: /Applications/ with Arguments/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ with Arguments/template.applescript
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (blog).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Categories.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Post.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to Weblog.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Blogs.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Post.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Image.tmDragCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (comments).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (cut).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (date).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (keyw).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (ping).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (pings).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (tags).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (title).plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (HTML).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Markdown).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Text).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Textile).plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Post/
inflating: /Applications/ Post/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Post/
creating: /Applications/ Post (HTML)/
inflating: /Applications/ Post (HTML)/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Post (HTML)/
creating: /Applications/ Post (Text)/
inflating: /Applications/ Post (Text)/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Post (Text)/
creating: /Applications/ Post (Textile)/
inflating: /Applications/ Post (Textile)/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Post (Textile)/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/
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inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Deoptimize Regex Alternations.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Help: Scope Conventions.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/New Captures Rule.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Optimize Regex Alternations.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Scope Completion.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Show Changes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Show TM_* Shell Variables.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Commands/Show scope.plist
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Preferences/
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List (Repository Separator).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List (Repository item scopes).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List (Repository items).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/
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inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Captures.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/End Captures.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Grammar - Single Quotes.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Include.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Match.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Name.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Patterns (Repository).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Patterns.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Repository.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Require 'Support:lib:…'.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Rule (Repository).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Rule — Begin : End (Inside Rule).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Rule — Match (Inside Rule).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Snippets/Rule — Match (Repository).tmSnippet
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Support/
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Support/bin/
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Support/bin/sort_bundle.rb
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Support/bin/validate_bundle.rb
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Support/bin/validate_uuids.rb
creating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Syntaxes/
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/Syntaxes/LanguageGrammar.tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/ Development.tmbundle/info.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ System:Local Include.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ ; and Indent Line.tmMacro
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creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (C++).tmPreferences
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ … #define … #endif.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ mark (mark).plist
inflating: /Applications/$1.begin(), $1.end() (beginend).plist
inflating: /Applications/ main() (main).plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ header once only guard.plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ .. (class).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ <typename ..> (template).plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Selected CSS.plist
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creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ CSS Compressed.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ CSS.tmMacro
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Completions.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Value Completions.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: Group.tmPreferences
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inflating: /Applications/!important CSS (!).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ style (border).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ size style color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ style (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ size (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ size style color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ style (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ color (border).plist
inflating: /Applications/ style (border).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ size style color (border).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ other (list).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ all (margin).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ V H (margin).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ length (margin).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ all (padding).plist
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inflating: /Applications/ { } ( } ).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ left:center:right (txt).plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
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inflating: /Applications/ File With Arbitrary File….tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ Patch.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Buffer With Clipboard.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selected Files (Simple).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selected Files.plist
inflating: /Applications/ With File on Disk.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selected Files.plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Lines Added:Removed).plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ style: Changed.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Deleted.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Diff metadata.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Header.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Inserted.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Range.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List: Indent Ranges.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ files to the index.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Last Commit.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Annotated File (blame).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Stash.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Branches.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Revisions.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Branch.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Tag.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Branch.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Conflicted File.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Init.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Resolve Conflicts.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Stash.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Dcommit.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Fetch.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Rebase.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Log.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Stash.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Uncommitted Changes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Gitk.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to Branch.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Git Bundle.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Git-Gui.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ GitX.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Gitnub.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Git Config.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Popup: Git Config Subsection.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Popup: Git Config.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Commit Message.tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/ Config.tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Persistent Includes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ HTML Attributes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ HTML Tags.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Line : Selection to URL Escapes.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to HTML Entities.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to named entities excl tags.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML Entities.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Numeric URL Escapes in Line : Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ for Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Line : Selection (ROT 13).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Close Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Entity….plist
inflating: /Applications/ Tag Pair.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Include.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in All Active Browsers.plist
inflating: /Applications/ All Active Browsers.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML tags.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Includes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ validation.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Each Selected Line in Open:Close Tag.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Link.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Anchor href 2.tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Anchor href.tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Flash Movie (Swf).tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ JS Link.tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ QuickTime Movie.tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ URL.tmDragCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ whitespace between tags.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ HTML Attributes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ tag typing pairs.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: ID.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Completions.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ preferences.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (arrow).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (backspace).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (backtab).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (command).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (control).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (delete).plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML 4.0 Strict.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML 5.plist
inflating: /Applications/ XHTL 1.0 Frameset.plist
inflating: /Applications/ XHTML 1.0 Strict.plist
inflating: /Applications/ XHTML 1.0 Transitional.plist
inflating: /Applications/ XHTML 1.1.plist
inflating: /Applications/ (down).plist
inflating: /Applications/ QT movie (movie).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (enter).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (escape).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ — 4.0 Transitional (doctype).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_0 only.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_5 only.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 5_x.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 and below.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 6 only.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer 7+.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: Internet Explorer.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Conditional Comment: NOT Internet Explorer.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ with Label.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (left).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (option).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (return).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (right).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Box.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (shift).plist
inflating: /Applications/ return:indent for tag pairs.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (tab).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (up).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selection In Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in <?= … ?>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <input>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <textarea>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ &nbsp; NonBreakingSpace.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <a mailto: >.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <base>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <body>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <br :>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <div>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <form>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <h1>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <head>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <link>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <meta>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <script src...>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <script>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <style>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <table>.plist
inflating: /Applications/ <title>.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Entity.nib/
inflating: /Applications/ Entity.nib/classes.nib
inflating: /Applications/ Entity.nib/info.nib
inflating: /Applications/ Entity.nib/keyedobjects.nib
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ – 4.0 Strict/
inflating: /Applications/ – 4.0 Strict/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ – 4.0 Strict/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ — 4.0 Transitional/
inflating: /Applications/ — 4.0 Transitional/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ — 4.0 Transitional/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Frameset/
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Frameset/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Frameset/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Strict/
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Strict/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Strict/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Transitional/
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Transitional/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.0 Transitional/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ – 1.1/
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.1/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ – 1.1/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/
creating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Basic Wikipedia.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Lookup Word : Selection on Google and Link.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Lookup Word : Selection on Wikipedia and link.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Wrap Selection as Link.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Yahoo News Search.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Yahoo Related Suggestion.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Yahoo Video Search.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Commands/Yahoo Web Search.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/Bulletin Board.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/DokuWiki.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/Fallback (not supported).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/HTML.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/LaTeX.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/Markdown.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/Mediawiki.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/MoinMoin.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/TWiki.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/Textile.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Preferences/reStructuredText.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Support/
creating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Support/lib/
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/Support/lib/yahoo.rb
inflating: /Applications/ Helper.tmbundle/info.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ & Run (with args).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ & Run.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Fully Qualified Class Name.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ For Word.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Imports.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Rules.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Classes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Inner Class Methods.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Inner Classes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Inner Inner Class Methods.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Inner Inner Classes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Method.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ string.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ if.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (each).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ junit_framework_TestCase;.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (main).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ case.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Server Pages (JSP).tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Tag Reference.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Doc Block.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Doc Block.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ as Bookmarklet to Clipboard.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ for Word.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ Method.tmCommand
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creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Indent.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List Banned.tmPreferences
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inflating: /Applications/ List Instance.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List Sub 1.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List Sub 2.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Elements.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ Method.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Value JS.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ (proto).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (…) {…} (faster).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (…) {…}.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (fun).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ ___ else.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ function.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ LaTeX Tidy.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Column.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ completion.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Completion.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Citation.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Current.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ Based on Current Word : Selection….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Selection to Table.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Table.plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ and view.plist
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Column.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ Outline.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Caps.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Starred.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ aux Files.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ README.plist
inflating: /Applications/ package documentation.plist
inflating: /Applications/ document.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in Command.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Image.plist
inflating: /Applications/ file.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Word to Index.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Completion.plist
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inflating: /Applications/ Cell.tmMacro
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Symbol List.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Completion.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Smart Typing after Backslashes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Completion.plist
inflating: /Applications/ (BibTeX).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Typing (Strings).tmPreferences
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inflating: /Applications/ Checking: Disable for Comments.tmPreferences
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inflating: /Applications/ comments.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Overlay Specification.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Style of selected text.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ ($$).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/[description].plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to list environment.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ mode \( \).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Line.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Paragraph.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Equation.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Selection in Environment.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in \left-\right.plist
inflating: /Applications/ selection in double quotes.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/\begin{}…\end{}.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/\section .. (section).plist
inflating: /Applications/\subsection .. (sub).plist
inflating: /Applications/\subsubsection .. (ssub).plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Beamer.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Log.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Memoir.tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Math.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Base 64 Line : Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Quoted Printables.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Base 64 Line : Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Quoted Text.plist
inflating: /Applications/ 13 Line : Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ as HTML Email [with Safari].plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Paragraphs.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Quotation.plist
inflating: /Applications/[...].plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Target….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ New Sublist.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Style.tmCommand
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inflating: /Applications/ level 2 [setext] (-).plist
inflating: /Applications/
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inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Current Item.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Cheat Sheet.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Convert Document:Selection to HTML.plist
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Convert Document:Selection to LaTeX (Memoir).plist
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Convert Document:Selection to LaTeX.plist
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Convert Document:Selection to PDF.plist
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Convert Document:Selection to RTF.plist
inflating: /Applications/↓↓ Generate Output and open in Browser.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML file as Markdown.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Item.tmMacro
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ spell checking for raw.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Raw.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: Heading.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Pairs: Disable _ for Raw.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ linebreak.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Selected Numbers.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Hex.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ to Octal.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Expression.plist
inflating: /Applications/ and Replace Expression.plist
inflating: /Applications/, Round and Replace Expression.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Decimal.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Line : Selection to Google Calculator.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Selected Numbers.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Context.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Function Completion.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Method Signature Completion.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Inside @selector.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Outer Method.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ for Selector.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Method Signature.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Index.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Call to Super.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Matching Start Bracket.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ NSLog() for current method.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Cocoa Class.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Implementation : Interface.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ selector.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Method Call.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in [[alloc] init] (alloc).plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ completions.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Pairs: Protocol Specifiers.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Pairs: Protocol Specifier.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ "" (imp).plist
inflating: /Applications/ <> (Imp).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Class (objc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ NSArray (array).plist
inflating: /Applications/ NSDictionary (dict).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Method (m).plist
inflating: /Applications/ SubMethod (sm).plist
inflating: /Applications/ for NSArray loop (forarray).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Object Accessors (objacc).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (cat).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Implementation.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Interface Only (cati).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Implementation.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Interface Only (classi).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Method (M).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Method Interface (M).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors Implementation.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Responds to Selector.plist
inflating: /Applications/ New NSThread.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (ibo).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Implementation (I).plist
inflating: /Applications/ binding (bind).plist
inflating: /Applications/ array (arracc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ array interface (arracc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Focus.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Interface (m).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (pool).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (bez).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (log) 2.plist
inflating: /Applications/, _cmd) (log).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (alert).plist
inflating: /Applications/ stringWithFormat (format).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors Interface (objacc).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ from defaults (getprefs).plist
inflating: /Applications/ for Notification.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ to Selector.plist
inflating: /Applications/ and Restore Graphics Context (gsave).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors (acc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors Interface (acc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors (stracc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Accessors Interface (stracc).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to defaults (setprefs).plist
creating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> ../../C.tmbundle/Support/C++Lib.txt.gz
linking: /Applications/ -> ../../C.tmbundle/Support/CLib.txt.gz
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Cocoa
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ File.tmLanguage
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ for Tag.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Tooltip.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Call to Parent.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ to Included File.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ word in PHP manual.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Help.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ PHP.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Return Inside an Empty Tag.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ syntax.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Docblock at 80 Characters.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ dropped file.tmDragCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Magic Methods to the Symbol List.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ goto labels to symbol list.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ includes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ spellcheck in require.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Spellchecking for Docblocks.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Rules.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: functions.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/$GLOBALS[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_COOKIE[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_ENV[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_FILES[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_GET[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_POST[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_REQUEST[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_SERVER[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/$_SESSION[''].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php $this->… ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php echo $this->… ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php echo ___ ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php echo htmlentities(___) ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php else: ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php foreach (___) ___ <?php endforeach ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php if (___) ?> ___ <?php else ?> ___ <?php endif ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/<?php if (___) ?> ___ <?php endif ?>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/>…<?php.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Block Comment.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ TextMate Support Script.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Error Catching.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ class var.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ constant definition.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ function signature.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ function.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ header.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ interface.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Return Between PHP Tags.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Return Inside an Array.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Docblock.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ while( ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ___.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ {}.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ xx( ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ?: a : b;.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ) else( ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ array( ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ $retVal;.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ FALSE;.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ TRUE;.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ) case:.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ { ___ } catch (___) { ___ }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ).tmSnippet
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ PerlTidy.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Perl Error Report.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to One-Line.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Word.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script (plain).plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Affrus.plist
inflating: /Applications/ POD as HTML.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ if..else (ife).plist
inflating: /Applications/ if..elsif..else (ifee).plist
inflating: /Applications/ one-line (unless).plist
inflating: /Applications/ one-line (xif).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (sub).plist
inflating: /Applications/ one-line (xforeach).plist
inflating: /Applications/ one-line (xwhile).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ pointer.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/
creating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Commands/
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Commands/Convert Binary to XML.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Commands/Convert to Old-Style ASCII.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Commands/Validate PLIST.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Commands/Validate Preprocessed plist.plist
creating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Preferences/
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Preferences/Comments.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Preferences/Indentation Rules.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Preferences/Typing Pairs.plist
creating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/array.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/data.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/date.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/dict.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/false.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/integer.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/key.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/plist.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/real.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/string.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Snippets/true.tmSnippet
creating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Syntaxes/
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Property List.tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmbundle/info.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Python Syntax.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Whitespace.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Symbol.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Script in Terminal.plist
inflating: /Applications/ for Current Word.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ for Module.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in Browser.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Line:Selection as Python.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Function.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Project Unittests.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script in Python.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Symbol.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Block String: Overtype Closing """.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ Block String: Overtype Closing '''.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ Empty Block String: Reduce To Single Quoted String.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ Inheritance List: Overtype Closing ):.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ Parameter List: Overtype Closing ):.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ to EOL and Insert ':' + LF.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ double quote in strings.plist
inflating: /Applications/ single quote in strings.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ List: Hide Decorator.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Equal.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Not Equal.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Raises.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (a test).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Class Def: Insert (__):.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Function: Insert (__):.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ String: Insert "…".tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ String: Insert '…'.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Function.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Method.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Property.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ __name__ == '__main__'.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Expressions (Python).tmLanguage
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Class/
inflating: /Applications/ Class/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Class/
creating: /Applications/ Script/
inflating: /Applications/ Script/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script/
creating: /Applications/ Script with Args/
inflating: /Applications/ Script with Args/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script with Args/
creating: /Applications/ Unittest/
inflating: /Applications/ Unittest/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Unittest/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/ABOUT
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/CHANGELOG
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Capfile
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Autocomplete Foreign Key Fixture Reference (habtm).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Autocomplete Foreign Key Fixture Reference.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Autocomplete Routes.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Clone Development DB to Test DB.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/DB Schema Dump.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/DB Schema Import.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Documentation for Word.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Generate Quick Migration.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Generate.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Alternate File.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To File on This Line.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To File.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Functional Test.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Helper.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Javascript.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Model.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Stylesheet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To Unit Test.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go To View.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Go to Fixture.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Jump to Method Definition.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/List columns of a model.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Load Fixtures (Test DB).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Load Fixtures.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Make Selection in to Partial.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Migrate to Previous Version.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Rake Migrate to Version.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Rake Migrate.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Redo Last Migration.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Set RVM.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Show DB Schema.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test All.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Functionals.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Integration.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Plugins.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Recent.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Uncommitted.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/Test Units.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Commands/View demo help.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/DragCommands/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/DragCommands/Require Rails File.tmDragCommand
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/LICENSE
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Column.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Index.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Named Index.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Several Columns (marcc).tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Several Columns.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Timestamps.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Add %3A Remove Unique Index.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Change : Change Table.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Change Column Default.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Change Column.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Create %3A Drop Table.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Drop %3A Create Table.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Remove %3A Add Column.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Remove %3A Add Timestamps.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Rename %3A Rename Several Columns (mncc).tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Rename %3A Rename Several Columns.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Rename Column.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Macros/Rename Table.tmMacro
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Preferences/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Preferences/Symbol List: Table Names.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Preferences/Template (ERB).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Preferences/Template (Haml).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Rakefile
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/%3C%= Fixtures_identify(%3Asymbol) %%3E.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/180 rails form_tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create binary column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create boolean column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create controller class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create date column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create datetime column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create decimal column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create float column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create functional test class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create integer column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create lock_version column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create references column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create resources controller class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create string column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create sweeper class.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create text column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create time column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create timestamp column.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Create timestamps columns.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Migration Create Column (mcc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Migration Create Column Continue (mccc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Migration Drop Create Table (mdct).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Migration Remove and Add Column (mrac).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.debug (rdb).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Table column(s) change.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Table column(s) rename.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Test Assert Redirected To (art).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/Test Assert Response (are).plist
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/accepts_nested_attributes_for.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/after_create.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/after_destroy.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/after_save.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/after_update.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/after_validation.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/alias_attribute.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert(var = assigns(%3Avar)).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_difference.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_no_difference.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_redirected_to (nested path plural).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_redirected_to (nested path).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_redirected_to (path plural).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/assert_redirected_to (path).tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/content_for.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/def create - resource.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/def get request.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/def post request.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/default_scope.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/else (ERB).tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/find(%3Afirst).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/find(%3Alast).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/find(id).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/find_each.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/form_for hidden_field.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/form_for password_field 2.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/form_for submit 2.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/form_for submit.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/form_for text_area 2.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/Snippets/gem.tmSnippet
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inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/index.html
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/index.txt
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/javascripts/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/javascripts/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/peepcode.html
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/peepcode.txt
creating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/stylesheets/
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/stylesheets/screen.css
inflating: /Applications/ on Rails.tmbundle/website/template.html.erb
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ ERB Syntax.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Ruby Syntax.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Ruby (rcodetools).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in * (RDoc comments).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in + (RDoc comments).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ in _ (RDoc comments).tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Line with Ruby.plist
inflating: /Applications/ and Insert Results.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Missing Requires.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in Documentation.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Destructive Call.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Method.plist
inflating: /Applications/ from RDoc.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Require.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Rake Task.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ focused unit test.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ RDoc for this file.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ERb Tags.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Quote Style.plist
inflating: /Applications/ String:Symbol.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ ‘do … end’ : ‘{ … }’.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ (worw).plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Ruby File.tmDragCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ do __ end.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ forward:backward.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ } in #{ .. }.plist
inflating: /Applications/ __ ).tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/, file) (Yd).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Yl).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. < DelegateClass .. initialize .. end (class).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |chr| .. } (eac).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |group| .. } (eac).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |group| .. } (eas).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Forwardable (Forw).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e, i| .. } (mapwi).plist
inflating: /Applications/ "__".tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ typing pairs.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ ENV[…] variables.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ require strings.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: Method.plist
inflating: /Applications/ List: No Function Call.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ encoding: UTF-8.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/!;usr;local;bin;ruby -w.plist
inflating: /Applications/ RDoc comment.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ruby if else.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ruby if.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ruby case.plist
inflating: /Applications/ '# =>' Marker.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |i| .. } (Arr).plist
inflating: /Applications/ do __ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/"..") do |file| .. end (Dir).plist
inflating: /Applications/["__"].tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ ("..") do |line| .. end (File).plist
inflating: /Applications/"__") { |file| __ }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/"__").tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |hash, key| hash[key] = .. } (Has).plist
inflating: /Applications/ ERb's <% __ %> or <%= __ %>.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/, file) (Md).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Ml).plist
inflating: /Applications/ __ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ documentation block.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ in Begin … Rescue … End.plist
inflating: /Applications/, file) (Yd-).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (Yl-).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ .. (am).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (all).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (any).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (app).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (as).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ (asid).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asio).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asko).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asm).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asn).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asnm).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asne).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asnn).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asns).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { .. } (asnr).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { .. } (asnt).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (aso).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { .. } (asr).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (asrt).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (ass).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (ass).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { .. } (ast).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (rw).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (r).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (w).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. < DelegateClass .. initialize .. end (class).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. < ParentClass .. initialize .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. < Struct .. initialize .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. < Test;;Unit;;TestCase .. end (tc).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. end (cla).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. initialize .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. instance_methods .. undef .. initialize .. end (class).plist
inflating: /Applications/ << self __ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (clafn).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (clas).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (col).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (dee).plist
inflating: /Applications/ end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ method_missing .. end (mm).plist
inflating: /Applications/ self .. end (defs).plist
inflating: /Applications/ test_ .. end (t).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (defd).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. (defds).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (deli).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (det).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ |obj| .. end (doo).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |n| .. } (dow).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (ea).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |byte| .. } (eab).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |chr| .. } (eac-).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |group| .. } (eac-).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |i| .. } (eai).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |key| .. } (eak).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |line| .. } (eal).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |name, val| .. } (eap).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |group| .. } (eas).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |val| .. } (eav).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e, i| .. } (eawi).plist
inflating: /Applications/ ___.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ string variable.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Forwardable (Forw).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |key| .. } (fet).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |i| .. } (fil).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (fin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (fina).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (fla).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (fl).plist
inflating: /Applications/;pattern;) { |match| .. } (gre).plist
inflating: /Applications/;..;) { |match| .. } (gsu).plist
inflating: /Applications/ pair (:).plist
inflating: /Applications/ pointer.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Comparable .. (Comp).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Enumerable .. (Enum).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |mem, var| .. } (inj).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |args| .. } (lam).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { __ }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (map).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e, i| .. } (mapwi).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |a, b| .. } (max).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |a, b| .. } (min).plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. ClassMethods .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ .. module_function .. end.plist
inflating: /Applications/ :__ do __ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ yield block ({).plist
inflating: /Applications/"path;or;url", "w") do |doc| .. end (ope).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { .. } (optp).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (par).plist
inflating: /Applications/ __ ).tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ (ran).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (rej).plist
inflating: /Applications/ ".." (req).plist
inflating: /Applications/ "tc_.." .. (ts).plist
inflating: /Applications/ "__".tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { __ }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (rea).plist
inflating: /Applications/;..;) { |match| .. } (sca).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (sel).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ { |a, b| .. } (sor).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (sorb).plist
inflating: /Applications/ { |e| .. } (ste).plist
inflating: /Applications/;..;) { |match| .. } (sub).plist
inflating: /Applications/ :task_name => [:dependent, :tasks] do __ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |n| .. } (tim).plist
inflating: /Applications/ __ ) do __ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ .. (uni).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (unless).plist
inflating: /Applications/ ___ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/;0.0) { |n| .. } (upt).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (usai).plist
inflating: /Applications/ (usau).plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ ___ end.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ { __ }.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ { |row| .. } (zip).plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Condensed SQL.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ for Current Word.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Line : Selection as Query.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Browser.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/Execute Current File in Window.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/Make Current File Executable.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/New Function.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/Open directory in Terminal.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/Toggle Backticks.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Commands/man.plist
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Preferences/
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Preferences/Comments.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Preferences/Miscellaneous.plist
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/#!:usr:bin:env (!env).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/Tempfile.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/case .. esac (case).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/elif .. (elif).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/for ... done (for).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/for … in … done (forin).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/here document (here).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/if ... then (if).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/until … (done).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Snippets/while … (done).plist
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Support/
creating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Syntaxes/
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/Syntaxes/Shell-Unix-Generic.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Script.tmbundle/info.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Assignments.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Block Comment.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Source Header.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ to EOL and Insert ";".plist
inflating: /Applications/ Comment.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ CamelCase vs Underscore.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Single:Double String Quotes.plist
inflating: /Applications/ comment.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ + LF.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to BOL and Insert LF.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to EOL and Insert Terminator + LF.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ spell checking for all.plist
inflating: /Applications/ spell checking for strings.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ typing pairs.plist
inflating: /Applications/ list.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ line comment.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Quote Pair: \"..\".plist
inflating: /Applications/ Single Quote Pair: \'..\'.plist
inflating: /Applications/ text.plist
inflating: /Applications/\n.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to Repository.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Revisions….plist
inflating: /Applications/ With Base.plist
inflating: /Applications/ With Latest.plist
inflating: /Applications/ With Previous.plist
inflating: /Applications/ With Revision….plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ XML.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ from Repository….plist
inflating: /Applications/ Conflicts With FileMerge….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ All Modifications.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Available Revisions for Merging.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ status.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Entire Project.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Latest.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Revision….plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Next Conflict.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Conflict With Newer Text.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Conflict With Older Text.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ spell checking for change set.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ commit message.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ TODO List.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to ASCII.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to hex.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Matching Lines into New Document.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Non-Matching Lines into New Document.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Document : Selection.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Line.plist
inflating: /Applications/ selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Lines.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Current URL.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Lines in Document : Selection.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ & Uniq.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Document : Selection.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ non-printables.plist
inflating: /Applications/ trailing spaces.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Count.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Line.plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Beginning of Line.tmMacro
inflating: /Applications/ + . + LF.plist
inflating: /Applications/ + ..plist
inflating: /Applications/ Lines.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ style: Bold.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Italic.plist
inflating: /Applications/ style: Underline.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ checking.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Copyright.plist
inflating: /Applications/ bullet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ light bullet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ star bullet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ISO date.plist
inflating: /Applications/ ipsum.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ text.plist
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ file/
inflating: /Applications/ file/info.plist
creating: /Applications/ Clipboard/
inflating: /Applications/ Clipboard/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ CSS from Theme.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML from Document : Selection with Lines.plist
inflating: /Applications/ HTML from Document : Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate URL Associations.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ to Ticket.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Menu Crash Preventer.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Scratch Snippet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ “Edit in TextMate”….plist
inflating: /Applications/ Selection : Line Online….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Scratch Snippet.plist
inflating: /Applications/ TextMate.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Keyboard Shortcuts.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Pairs (Regex Character Class).tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Checking: Disable for CamelCase Words.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Separator - Release Notes.tmPreferences
inflating: /Applications/ Separator.tmPreferences
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Edit in TextMate
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/Resources/
creating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Edit in TextMate.bundle/Contents/Resources/url map.plist
inflating: /Applications/ in TextMate/Info
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Expressions (Oniguruma).tmLanguage
inflating: /Applications/ Notes.tmLanguage
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Document to HTML.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Color….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ List.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Overview.plist
inflating: /Applications/ preview.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Bold to Bulleted List.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Spell Check in Raw.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: Heading.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Quotes.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ and Id.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ 2.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Tabs To Table.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ 1.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ 2.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ 3.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ 4.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ 5.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ 6.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Image.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ File.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Folder.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ File with Active Transmit Connection.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ XSL Generator for Selection.plist
inflating: /Applications/ XML.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ List: Templates.plist
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ return:indent for tag pairs.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Processing Instruction.tmSnippet
inflating: /Applications/ attribute tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ tag.plist
inflating: /Applications/ tag.plist
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Template/
inflating: /Applications/ Template/info.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Template/xsl-t_template_in.xsl
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ to Active Target.plist
inflating: /Applications/ & Run.plist
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Xcode Project….plist
inflating: /Applications/ to Next Error.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Files in Active Target.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Project….tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Frontmost Xcode Project.plist
inflating: /Applications/ Project in Xcode.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ (xcode target).plist
inflating: /Applications/ Tests.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/ Project.nib/
inflating: /Applications/ Project.nib/classes.nib
inflating: /Applications/ Project.nib/info.nib
inflating: /Applications/ Project.nib/keyedobjects.nib
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ list item.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ to Ruby.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Keys Alphabetically.tmCommand
inflating: /Applications/ Cheat Sheet.tmCommand
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
linking: /Applications/ -> ../../Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
creating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Hallow's Eve.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Black.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/ Dull.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Libre.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/ Classic.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/ (Amiga).tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/ on Dark.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/ & Poppies.tmTheme
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
inflating: /Applications/
finishing deferred symbolic links:
/Applications/ -> Resources/Info.plist
/Applications/ -> ../SharedSupport/Support/bin/mate
/Applications/ -> ../../C.tmbundle/Support/C++Lib.txt.gz
/Applications/ -> ../../C.tmbundle/Support/CLib.txt.gz
/Applications/ -> ../../Bundles/Latex.tmbundle/Support/lib/LaTeXUtils.rb
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: execute[extract text mate to /Applications] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[link textmate] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate line 14)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: execute[link textmate] sh(ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/mate)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: execute[link textmate] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if TextMate was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::textmate line 19)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if TextMate was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[link textmate] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate line 26)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles] action create (pivotal_workstation::textmate_bundles line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:04 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] action create (pivotal_workstation::textmate_bundles line 11)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[cd "/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles"; tar xzf Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz; rm Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate_bundles line 17)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[cd "/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles"; tar xzf Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz; rm Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] sh(cd "/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles"; tar xzf Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz; rm Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[cd "/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles"; tar xzf Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz; rm Pivotal.tmbundle.tar.gz] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set save on losing focus] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate_preferences line 3)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[set save on losing focus] sh(defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.macromates.textmate OakSaveAllOnDeactivate -bool TRUE)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[set save on losing focus] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[show line numbers] action run (pivotal_workstation::textmate_preferences line 8)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[show line numbers] sh(defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.macromates.textmate OakTextViewLineNumbersEnabled -bool TRUE)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: execute[show line numbers] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:05 -0400] INFO: Processing gem_package[plist] action install (pivotal_workstation::textmate_preferences line 13)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:09 -0400] INFO: gem_package[plist] installed version 3.1.0
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:09 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[soft tabs & tabs stop of 2] action create (pivotal_workstation::textmate_preferences line 16)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:10 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[soft tabs & tabs stop of 2] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:10 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[KeyCastr] action install (pivotal_workstation::keycastr line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:10 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:10 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:13 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:13 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:13 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:13 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
Checksumming whole disk (Apple_HFS : 0)…
whole disk (Apple_HFS : 0): verified CRC32 $C11BB755
verified CRC32 $4F4387EA
/dev/disk1 /Volumes/KeyCastr
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/KeyCastr.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/KeyCastr/' '/Applications'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 70)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/KeyCastr/' '/Applications'] sh(rsync -aH '/Volumes/KeyCastr/' '/Applications')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/KeyCastr/' '/Applications'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/Applications/] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 74)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/KeyCastr'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/KeyCastr'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/KeyCastr')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/KeyCastr'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:15 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install htop] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/htop
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:16 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install htop] sh(brew install htop)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Cloning
Cloning into /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Caches/Homebrew/htop--git...
==> ./
==> ./configure --disable-debug --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/htop/HEAD
==> make install DEFAULT_INCLUDES='-iquote .'
==> Caveats
For htop to display correctly all running processes, it needs to run as root.
If you don't want to `sudo htop` every time, change the owner and permissions:
cd /usr/local/Cellar/htop/HEAD/bin
chmod 6555 htop
sudo chown root htop
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/htop/HEAD: 6 files, 164K, built in 22 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:39 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install htop] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:39 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install watch] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/watch
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:39 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install watch] sh(brew install watch)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> make watch PKG_LDFLAGS=-Wl
/usr/local/Cellar/watch/3.2.8: 5 files, 48K, built in 2 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:40 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install watch] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:40 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install ack] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:41 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install ssh-copy-id] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/ssh-copy-id
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:41 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ssh-copy-id] sh(brew install ssh-copy-id)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
/usr/local/Cellar/ssh-copy-id/5.9p1: 5 files, 104K, built in 14 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:55 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install ssh-copy-id] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install pstree] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/pstree
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:12:55 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install pstree] sh(brew install pstree)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> make pstree
/usr/local/Cellar/pstree/2.33: 2 files, 24K, built in 5 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:13:01 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install pstree] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:13:01 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install tmux] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/tmux
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:13:01 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install tmux] sh(brew install tmux)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Installing tmux dependency: libevent
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.0.14
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/libevent/2.0.14: 47 files, 2.1M, built in 52 seconds
==> Installing tmux
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/tmux/1.5 --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc
==> make install
==> Caveats
Bash completion script was installed to:
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/tmux/1.5: 3 files, 524K, built in 20 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:14 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install tmux] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install tree] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/tree
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:15 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install tree] sh(brew install tree)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> make
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/tree/1.6.0: 4 files, 108K, built in 2 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:17 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install tree] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:17 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install wget] action run (pivotal_workstation::unix_essentials line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/wget
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:14:17 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install wget] sh(brew install wget)
Warning: Xcode is not installed! Builds may fail!
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --disable-debug --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/wget/1.13.4 --with-ss
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/wget/1.13.4: 7 files, 600K, built in 61 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:19 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install wget] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:19 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-git_completion line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if git-completion was installed] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-git_completion line 11)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if git-completion was installed] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] action create (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 21)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing log[no marker file found for rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8 in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running] action write (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: no marker file found for rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8 in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm] action create (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src] action create (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/rvm] action create (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/rvm] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/rvm
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/rvm] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[download rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 18)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:21 -0400] INFO: execute[download rvm] sh(curl -Lsf | tar xvz -C/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/rvm --strip 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:24 -0400] INFO: execute[download rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:24 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[install rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 23)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:24 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm] sh(./install)
RVM: Shell scripts enabling management of multiple ruby environments.
HELP: (#rvm on
Installing RVM to /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/
Correct permissions for base binaries in /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin...
Copying manpages into place.
Notes for Darwin ( Mac OS X )
For Snow Leopard be sure to have Xcode Tools Version 3.2.1 (1613) or later
You should download the latest Xcode tools from
(This is since the dvd install for Snow Leopard contained bugs).
If you intend on installing MacRuby you must install LLVM first.
If you intend on installing JRuby you must install the JDK.
If you intend on installing IronRuby you must install Mono
(version 2.6 or greater is recommended).
To use an RVM installed Ruby as default instead of the system ruby:
rvm install 1.8.7 # installs patch 352: closest supported version
rvm system ; rvm gemset export system.gems ; rvm 1.8.7 ; rvm gemset import system # migrate your gems
rvm --default 1.8.7
As of 1.8.0 RVM once again loads .rvmrc files, by default, after asking your
permission to trust it of course. If you do not wish to be enabled, simply set:
export rvm_project_rvmrc=0
Within either your /etc/rvmrc or $HOME/.rvmrc file. This will turn off the
cd/pushd hooks when sourcing the rvm() function into your shell.
Example: echo 'export rvm_project_rvmrc=0' >> $HOME/.rvmrc;
(Then close the current shell and open a new one.)
You must now complete the install by loading RVM in new shells.
If you wish to use RVM in an interactive fashion in your shells then
Place the following line at the end of your shell's loading files
(.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh),
after all PATH/variable settings:
[[ -s "/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
You only need to add this line the first time you install RVM.
If you are choosing to source RVM into your environment to switch current
shell environments, be sure to close this shell and open a new one so that
the RVM functions load.
Installation of RVM to /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/ is complete.
If you have any questions, issues and/or ideas for improvement please
fork the project and issue a pull request.
If you wish to disable the project .rvmrc file functionality, set
rvm_project_rvmrc=0 in either /etc/rvmrc or ~/.rvmrc.
Thank you for using RVM!
I sincerely hope that RVM helps to make your life easier and more enjoyable!!!
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[check rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 29)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[check rvm] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm --version | grep Wayne)
rvm 1.8.0 by Wayne E. Seguin ( []
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[check rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[install rvm package: readline] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: readline] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm package install readline)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: readline] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[install rvm package: autoconf] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: autoconf] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm package install autoconf)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: autoconf] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[install rvm package: openssl] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: openssl] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm package install openssl)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: openssl] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[install rvm package: zlib] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:25 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: zlib] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm package install zlib)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[install rvm package: zlib] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8 after successful run] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8 after successful run] sh(touch /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/rvm-c2a58c6779d19be17a3c3cfddc13e6a0297648b8 after successful run] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] sh(rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/archives/*; rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/*)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[installing ruby-1.9.2-p290 with RVM: /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 24)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:15:26 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ruby-1.9.2-p290 with RVM: /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] sh( /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error))
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ruby-1.9.2-p290 with RVM: /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[check ruby-1.9.2-p290] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 29)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: execute[check ruby-1.9.2-p290] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm list | grep ruby-1.9.2-p290)
ruby-1.9.2-p290 [ x86_64 ]
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: execute[check ruby-1.9.2-p290] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:55 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] sh(rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/archives/*; rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/*)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:56 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:56 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[installing ree-1.8.7-2011.03 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ree-1.8.7-2011.03 2>&1 | (! grep error)] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 24)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:22:56 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ree-1.8.7-2011.03 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ree-1.8.7-2011.03 2>&1 | (! grep error)] sh(CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ree-1.8.7-2011.03 2>&1 | (! grep error))
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:38 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ree-1.8.7-2011.03 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ree-1.8.7-2011.03 2>&1 | (! grep error)] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:38 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[check ree-1.8.7-2011.03] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 29)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:38 -0400] INFO: execute[check ree-1.8.7-2011.03] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm list | grep ree-1.8.7-2011.03)
ree-1.8.7-2011.03 [ x86_64 ]
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:39 -0400] INFO: execute[check ree-1.8.7-2011.03] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:39 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 9)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:39 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] sh(rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/archives/*; rm -rf /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/src/*)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:41 -0400] INFO: execute[clean out the archive and src directories each time. bad downloads cause problems with rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:41 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[installing ruby-1.8.7-p299 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p299 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 24)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:27:41 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ruby-1.8.7-p299 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p299 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] sh(CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p299 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error))
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: execute[installing ruby-1.8.7-p299 with RVM: CC=gcc-4.2 /Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm install ruby-1.8.7-p299 -C --with-openssl-dir=/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/usr 2>&1 | (! grep error)] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[check ruby-1.8.7-p299] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 29)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: execute[check ruby-1.8.7-p299] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm list | grep ruby-1.8.7-p299)
ruby-1.8.7-p299 [ x86_64 ]
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: execute[check ruby-1.8.7-p299] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[making 1.9.2 with rvm the default] action run (pivotal_workstation::rvm line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:14 -0400] INFO: execute[making 1.9.2 with rvm the default] sh(/Users/steveschwartz/.rvm/bin/rvm --default ruby-1.9.2-p290)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: execute[making 1.9.2 with rvm the default] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: Processing template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] action create (pivotal_workstation::bash_profile-no_sudo_gem_install line 5)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: template[/Users/steveschwartz/.bash_profile_includes/] updated content
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents] action create (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 7)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] action create (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 21)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: Processing log[no marker file found for mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running] action write (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: no marker file found for mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:15 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install mysql] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/mysql
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:32:16 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install mysql] sh(brew install mysql)
==> Installing mysql dependency: cmake
==> Downloading
==> ./bootstrap --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/2.8.6 --system-libs --no-system
==> make
==> make install
Warning: m4 macros were installed to "share/aclocal".
Homebrew does not append "/usr/local/share/aclocal"
to "/usr/share/aclocal/dirlist". If an autoconf script you use
requires these m4 macros, you'll need to add this path manually.
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/cmake/2.8.6: 628 files, 29M, built in 6.8 minutes
==> Installing mysql dependency: readline
==> Downloading
==> Downloading patches
==> Patching
patching file vi_mode.c
patching file callback.c
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1 --mandir=/usr/local/Ce
==> make install
==> Caveats
This formula is keg-only, so it was not symlinked into /usr/local.
OS X provides the BSD libedit library, which shadows libreadline.
In order to prevent conflicts when programs look for libreadline we are
defaulting this GNU Readline installation to keg-only.
Generally there are no consequences of this for you.
If you build your own software and it requires this formula, you'll need
to add its lib & include paths to your build variables:
LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/lib
CPPFLAGS -I/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1/include
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/readline/6.2.1: 28 files, 1.7M, built in 31 seconds
==> Installing mysql dependency: pidof
==> Downloading
==> make all
==> /usr/bin/gzip pidof.1
/usr/local/Cellar/pidof/0.1.4: 2 files, 20K, built in 2 seconds
==> Installing mysql
==> Downloading
==> Patching
patching file scripts/
Hunk #1 succeeded at 555 (offset 172 lines).
patching file scripts/
Hunk #1 succeeded at 137 (offset 5 lines).
patching file configure.cmake
==> cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15 -DMYSQL_DATADI
==> make
==> make install
==> Caveats
Set up databases to run AS YOUR USER ACCOUNT with:
unset TMPDIR
mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp
To set up base tables in another folder, or use a different user to run
mysqld, view the help for mysqld_install_db:
mysql_install_db --help
and view the MySQL documentation:
To run as, for instance, user "mysql", you may need to `sudo`:
sudo mysql_install_db ...options...
Start mysqld manually with:
mysql.server start
Note: if this fails, you probably forgot to run the first two steps up above
A "/etc/my.cnf" from another install may interfere with a Homebrew-built
server starting up correctly.
To connect:
mysql -uroot
To launch on startup:
* if this is your first install:
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/com.mysql.mysqld.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.mysql.mysqld.plist
* if this is an upgrade and you already have the com.mysql.mysqld.plist loaded:
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.mysql.mysqld.plist
cp /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/com.mysql.mysqld.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.mysql.mysqld.plist
You may also need to edit the plist to use the correct "UserName".
Warning: m4 macros were installed to "share/aclocal".
Homebrew does not append "/usr/local/share/aclocal"
to "/usr/share/aclocal/dirlist". If an autoconf script you use
requires these m4 macros, you'll need to add this path manually.
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15: 6276 files, 219M, built in 7.6 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:14 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install mysql] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy mysql plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 15)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:14 -0400] INFO: execute[copy mysql plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] sh(cp `brew --prefix mysql`/com.mysql.mysqld.plist /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:15 -0400] INFO: execute[copy mysql plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:15 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[mysql_install_db] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 20)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:15 -0400] INFO: execute[mysql_install_db] sh(mysql_install_db --verbose --user=steveschwartz --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp)
Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...
To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system
To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h Steve-Schwartzs-MacBook.local password 'new-password'
Alternatively you can run:
which will also give you the option of removing the test
databases and anonymous user created by default. This is
strongly recommended for production servers.
See the manual for more instructions.
You can start the MySQL daemon with:
cd /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15 ; /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/bin/mysqld_safe &
You can test the MySQL daemon with
cd /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/mysql-test ; perl
Please report any problems with the /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.5.15/scripts/mysqlbug script!
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: execute[mysql_install_db] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f after successful run] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f after successful run] sh(touch /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/mysql_homebrew-3d1a6ef3e896d456b2885bb6456d0114c02aab6f after successful run] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[load the mysql plist into the mac daemon startup thing] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 26)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: execute[load the mysql plist into the mac daemon startup thing] sh(launchctl load -w /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/com.mysql.mysqld.plist)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: execute[load the mysql plist into the mac daemon startup thing] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:19 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[Checking that mysql is running] action create (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 32)
ls: /tmp/mysql.sock: No such file or directory
ls: /tmp/mysql.sock: No such file or directory
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[Checking that mysql is running] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[set the root password to the default] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 42)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: execute[set the root password to the default] sh(mysqladmin -uroot password password)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: execute[set the root password to the default] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[insert time zone info] action run (pivotal_workstation::mysql line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:21 -0400] INFO: execute[insert time zone info] sh(mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -uroot -ppassword mysql)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: execute[insert time zone info] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] action create (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 21)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Processing log[no marker file found for postgres in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running] action write (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: no marker file found for postgres in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Processing log[Did not find plist at /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist don't try to unload it] action write (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 13)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Did not find plist at /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist don't try to unload it
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/var/postgres] action delete (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 17)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install postgresql] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:47:23 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install postgresql] sh(brew install postgresql)
==> Installing postgresql dependency: ossp-uuid
==> Downloading
Trying a mirror...
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --disable-debug --without-perl --without-php --without-pgsql --p
==> make
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/ossp-uuid/1.6.2: 11 files, 364K, built in 72 seconds
==> Installing postgresql
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --disable-debug --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4 --en
==> make install
==> make install-docs
==> cd contrib/adminpack; make install
==> cd contrib/auto_explain; make install
==> cd contrib/btree_gin; make install
==> cd contrib/btree_gist; make install
==> cd contrib/chkpass; make install
==> cd contrib/citext; make install
==> cd contrib/cube; make install
==> cd contrib/dblink; make install
==> cd contrib/dict_int; make install
==> cd contrib/dict_xsyn; make install
==> cd contrib/earthdistance; make install
==> cd contrib/fuzzystrmatch; make install
==> cd contrib/hstore; make install
==> cd contrib/intagg; make install
==> cd contrib/intarray; make install
==> cd contrib/isn; make install
==> cd contrib/lo; make install
==> cd contrib/ltree; make install
==> cd contrib/oid2name; make install
==> cd contrib/pageinspect; make install
==> cd contrib/passwordcheck; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_archivecleanup; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_buffercache; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_freespacemap; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_standby; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_stat_statements; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_trgm; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_upgrade; make install
==> cd contrib/pg_upgrade_support; make install
==> cd contrib/pgbench; make install
==> cd contrib/pgcrypto; make install
==> cd contrib/pgrowlocks; make install
==> cd contrib/pgstattuple; make install
==> cd contrib/seg; make install
==> cd contrib/spi; make install
==> cd contrib/sslinfo; make install
==> cd contrib/tablefunc; make install
==> cd contrib/test_parser; make install
==> cd contrib/tsearch2; make install
==> cd contrib/unaccent; make install
==> cd contrib/uuid-ossp; make install
==> cd contrib/vacuumlo; make install
==> cd contrib/xml2; make install
==> Caveats
If builds of PostgreSQL 9 are failing and you have version 8.x installed,
you may need to remove the previous version first. See:
To build plpython against a specific Python, set PYTHON prior to brewing:
PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python brew install postgresql
If this is your first install, create a database with:
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
If this is your first install, automatically load on login with:
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/org.postgresql.postgres.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
If this is an upgrade and you already have the org.postgresql.postgres.plist loaded:
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4/org.postgresql.postgres.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
Or start manually with:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
And stop with:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast
Some machines may require provisioning of shared memory:
If you want to install the postgres gem, including ARCHFLAGS is recommended:
env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg
To install gems without sudo, see the Homebrew wiki.
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.0.4: 2577 files, 35M, built in 4.1 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:39 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install postgresql] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:39 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[create the database] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 25)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:39 -0400] INFO: execute[create the database] sh(initdb -U steveschwartz --encoding=utf8 --locale=en_US /usr/local/var/postgres)
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "steveschwartz".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale en_US.
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
creating directory /usr/local/var/postgres ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting default max_connections ... 20
selecting default shared_buffers ... 2400kB
creating configuration files ... ok
creating template1 database in /usr/local/var/postgres/base/1 ... ok
initializing pg_authid ... ok
initializing dependencies ... ok
creating system views ... ok
loading system objects' descriptions ... ok
creating conversions ... ok
creating dictionaries ... ok
setting privileges on built-in objects ... ok
creating information schema ... ok
loading PL/pgSQL server-side language ... ok
vacuuming database template1 ... ok
copying template1 to template0 ... ok
copying template1 to postgres ... ok
Success. You can now start the database server using:
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l logfile start
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: execute[create the database] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents] action create (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy over the plist] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 38)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: execute[copy over the plist] sh(cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.*/org.postgresql.postgres.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: execute[copy over the plist] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[start the daemon] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 43)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: execute[start the daemon] sh(launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: execute[start the daemon] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:43 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[wait four seconds for the database to start] action create (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 48)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:47 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[wait four seconds for the database to start] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:47 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[create the database] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 54)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:47 -0400] INFO: execute[create the database] sh(createdb)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: execute[create the database] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/postgres after successful run] action run (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/postgres after successful run] sh(touch /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/postgres)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/postgres after successful run] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[rename Apple's stock postgres commands to avoid confusion] action create (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 63)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[rename Apple's stock postgres commands to avoid confusion] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[test to see if postgres is running] action create (pivotal_workstation::postgres line 77)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[test to see if postgres is running] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[Rubymine 3.2.4] action install (pivotal_workstation::rubymine line 4)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:52:48 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:07 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:07 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
hdiutil: imageinfo: Only a single input file can be specified.
Usage: hdiutil imageinfo [options] <image>
hdiutil imageinfo -help
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): verified CRC32 $EE9C1453
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)…
Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1): verified CRC32 $4A418E50
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 2)…
disk image (Apple_HFS : 2): verified CRC32 $76DDBE44
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 3)…
(Apple_Free : 3): verified CRC32 $00000000
verified CRC32 $475F6431
/dev/disk1 Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/disk1s1 Apple_partition_map
/dev/disk1s2 Apple_HFS /Volumes/RubyMine 3.2.4
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:10 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/Rubymine 3.2.4.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4/Rubymine' '/Applications'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 70)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:10 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4/Rubymine' '/Applications'] sh(rsync -aH '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4/Rubymine' '/Applications')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4/Rubymine' '/Applications'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/Applications/Rubymine 3.2.4] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 74)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: file[/Applications/Rubymine 3.2.4] created file /Applications/Rubymine 3.2.4
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: file[/Applications/Rubymine 3.2.4] mode changed to 755
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/Rubymine 3.2.4'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] action create (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 21)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing log[no marker file found for Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32 in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running] action write (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: no marker file found for Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32 in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[reset dir] action run (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 8)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[reset dir] sh(rm -rf /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine && mkdir -p /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[reset dir] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[get Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine] action run (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 13)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:14 -0400] INFO: execute[get Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine] sh(curl -Lsf | tar xvz -C/tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine --strip 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[get Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32] action create (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32] mode changed to 755
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps] action create (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps] mode changed to 755
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32] action create (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates] action create (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates] created directory /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates] mode changed to 755
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/keymaps/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps/] action run (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/keymaps/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps/] sh(cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/keymaps/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps/)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/keymaps/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/keymaps/] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/templates/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates/] action run (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/templates/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates/] sh(cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/templates/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates/)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[copy: cp /tmp/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine/templates/* /Users/steveschwartz/Library/Preferences/RubyMine32/templates/] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32 after successful run] action run (pivotal_workstation::rubymine_preferences_pivotal line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32 after successful run] sh(touch /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/Pivotal-Preferences-RubyMine-d0eb393ab3d4c92ac80ce3135aa9f71e59cccbd3-32 after successful run] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install imagemagick] action run (pivotal_workstation::imagemagick line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:55:16 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install imagemagick] sh(brew install imagemagick)
==> Installing imagemagick dependency: jpeg
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8c
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8c: 17 files, 1.6M, built in 35 seconds
==> Installing imagemagick dependency: libtiff
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libtiff/3.9.5 --mandir=/usr/local/Cel
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/libtiff/3.9.5: 235 files, 3.6M, built in 40 seconds
==> Installing imagemagick dependency: little-cms
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/little-cms/1.19 --disable-debug
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/little-cms/1.19: 20 files, 932K, built in 28 seconds
==> Installing imagemagick dependency: jasper
==> Downloading
==> Patching
patching file src/libjasper/jpc/jpc_dec.c
==> ./configure --disable-debug --enable-shared --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/jaspe
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/jasper/1.900.1: 33 files, 1.2M, built in 40 seconds
==> Installing imagemagick
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --disable-osx-universal-binary --without-perl --prefix=/usr/loca
==> make install
==> Caveats
Some tools will complain unless the ghostscript fonts are installed to:
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/imagemagick/6.7.1-1: 1389 files, 32M, built in 3.0 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install imagemagick] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/etc/gemrc] action create (pivotal_workstation::gem_no_rdoc_no_ri line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: file[/etc/gemrc] created file /etc/gemrc
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: file[/etc/gemrc] owner changed to 0
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: file[/etc/gemrc] group changed to 0
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: file[/etc/gemrc] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[link .gemrc to /etc/gemrc] action run (pivotal_workstation::gem_no_rdoc_no_ri line 10)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: execute[link .gemrc to /etc/gemrc] sh(ln -s /etc/gemrc /Users/steveschwartz/.gemrc)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: execute[link .gemrc to /etc/gemrc] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install node] action run (pivotal_workstation::node_js line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/node
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:00:43 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install node] sh(brew install node)
==> Downloading
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.4.12
==> make install
==> Caveats
Please add /usr/local/lib/node_modules to your NODE_PATH environment variable to have node libraries picked up.
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/node/0.4.12: 72 files, 7.6M, built in 4.9 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install node] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache/npm] action create (pivotal_workstation::node_js line 7)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: directory[/var/chef/cache/npm] created directory /var/chef/cache/npm
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: directory[/var/chef/cache/npm] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: Processing git[/var/chef/cache/npm] action sync (pivotal_workstation::node_js line 13)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: git[/var/chef/cache/npm] cloning repo to /var/chef/cache/npm
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:37 -0400] INFO: git[/var/chef/cache/npm] sh(git clone /var/chef/cache/npm)
Cloning into /var/chef/cache/npm...
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:45 -0400] INFO: git[/var/chef/cache/npm] checked out branch: v1.0.30 reference: aa43edae6e3b67de279a08f0bfeb84168bea7ae5
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:45 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[compile rvm] action run (pivotal_workstation::node_js line 20)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:05:45 -0400] INFO: execute[compile rvm] sh(cd /var/chef/cache/npm && make clean && make install)
! [ -d .git ] || git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'node_modules/abbrev' ( registered for path 'node_modules/abbrev'
Submodule 'node_modules/graceful-fs' ( registered for path 'node_modules/graceful-fs'
Submodule 'node_modules/ini' ( registered for path 'node_modules/ini'
Submodule 'node_modules/minimatch' ( registered for path 'node_modules/minimatch'
Submodule 'node_modules/node-uuid' ( registered for path 'node_modules/node-uuid'
Submodule 'node_modules/nopt' ( registered for path 'node_modules/nopt'
Submodule 'node_modules/proto-list' ( registered for path 'node_modules/proto-list'
Submodule 'node_modules/request' ( registered for path 'node_modules/request'
Submodule 'node_modules/rimraf' ( registered for path 'node_modules/rimraf'
Submodule 'node_modules/semver' ( registered for path 'node_modules/semver'
Submodule 'node_modules/slide' ( registered for path 'node_modules/slide'
Submodule 'node_modules/which' ( registered for path 'node_modules/which'
Cloning into node_modules/abbrev...
Submodule path 'node_modules/abbrev': checked out '3d509ef6a503703e357f2ffa1df05e4f09a43bba'
Cloning into node_modules/graceful-fs...
Submodule path 'node_modules/graceful-fs': checked out '07b2b53448b2f6453e5a4dbed1ee61986e2957ba'
Cloning into node_modules/ini...
Submodule path 'node_modules/ini': checked out 'c730e12ce5444c891e278bcb1aedd33fe121c50d'
Cloning into node_modules/minimatch...
Submodule path 'node_modules/minimatch': checked out '6e8c1c666a08a7d33bbc9c0d4027b213e628ab88'
Submodule 'node_modules/lru-cache' ( registered for path 'node_modules/lru-cache'
Cloning into node_modules/lru-cache...
Submodule path 'node_modules/lru-cache': checked out '83b610b23368e0b5300e0760e84ce7c85bab5fd3'
Cloning into node_modules/node-uuid...
Submodule path 'node_modules/node-uuid': checked out '6e6539b47bc338a8e3a1d38527e6be34656069b4'
Cloning into node_modules/nopt...
Submodule path 'node_modules/nopt': checked out '8c316e7e8a7c1cd0d098fa1f1b641f49051eb134'
Cloning into node_modules/proto-list...
Submodule path 'node_modules/proto-list': checked out 'e1f8f2578d33eea5b09346bfde163badd7e61c90'
Cloning into node_modules/request...
Submodule path 'node_modules/request': checked out 'cd22fbdb00b90c5c75187ecf41373cfbb4af5bcd'
Cloning into node_modules/rimraf...
Submodule path 'node_modules/rimraf': checked out '253363900511b119dd18b6396be509779fc4b336'
Cloning into node_modules/semver...
Submodule path 'node_modules/semver': checked out 'ef7cb88c0096d73cfb687208af6d950b680083de'
Cloning into node_modules/slide...
Submodule path 'node_modules/slide': checked out '53a6c974e960ad220a1bfacad11571e9db078e41'
Cloning into node_modules/which...
Submodule path 'node_modules/which': checked out '5266ec60fd95aea3c79a740f14fe86ddc194c8cf'
node cli.js rm npm -g -f
node cli.js cache clean
! [ -d .git ] || git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'node_modules/abbrev' () registered for path 'node_modules/abbrev'
Submodule 'node_modules/graceful-fs' () registered for path 'node_modules/graceful-fs'
Submodule 'node_modules/ini' () registered for path 'node_modules/ini'
Submodule 'node_modules/minimatch' () registered for path 'node_modules/minimatch'
Submodule 'node_modules/node-uuid' () registered for path 'node_modules/node-uuid'
Submodule 'node_modules/nopt' () registered for path 'node_modules/nopt'
Submodule 'node_modules/proto-list' () registered for path 'node_modules/proto-list'
Submodule 'node_modules/request' () registered for path 'node_modules/request'
Submodule 'node_modules/rimraf' () registered for path 'node_modules/rimraf'
Submodule 'node_modules/semver' () registered for path 'node_modules/semver'
Submodule 'node_modules/slide' () registered for path 'node_modules/slide'
Submodule 'node_modules/which' () registered for path 'node_modules/which'
Submodule 'node_modules/lru-cache' ( registered for path 'node_modules/lru-cache'
node cli.js install -g -f
/usr/local/bin/npm -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm.js
/usr/local/bin/npm_g -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm.js
/usr/local/bin/npm-g -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm.js
npm@1.0.30 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:06:01 -0400] INFO: execute[compile rvm] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:06:01 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install mongodb] action run (pivotal_workstation::mongodb line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:06:01 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install mongodb] sh(brew install mongodb)
==> Downloading
==> Caveats
If this is your first install, automatically load on login with:
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.0.1-x86_64/org.mongodb.mongod.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist
If this is an upgrade and you already have the org.mongodb.mongod.plist loaded:
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist
cp /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.0.1-x86_64/org.mongodb.mongod.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist
Or start it manually:
mongod run --config /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.0.1-x86_64/mongod.conf
MongoDB 1.8+ includes a feature for Write Ahead Logging (Journaling), which has been enabled by default.
To disable journaling, use --nojournal.
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.0.1-x86_64: 17 files, 120M, built in 63 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install mongodb] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents] action create (pivotal_workstation::mongodb line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[copy mongodb plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] action run (pivotal_workstation::mongodb line 11)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: execute[copy mongodb plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] sh(cp `brew --prefix mongodb`/org.mongodb.mongod.plist /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: execute[copy mongodb plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[load the mongodb plist into the mac daemon startup thing] action run (pivotal_workstation::mongodb line 16)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: execute[load the mongodb plist into the mac daemon startup thing] sh(launchctl load -w /Users/steveschwartz/Library/LaunchAgents/org.mongodb.mongod.plist)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: execute[load the mongodb plist into the mac daemon startup thing] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing pivotal_workstation_package[pgAdmin3] action install (pivotal_workstation::pg_admin line 1)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/var/chef/cache] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 37)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:07:06 -0400] INFO: Processing remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 47)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:08:08 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] updated
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:08:08 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] group changed to 80
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:08:08 -0400] INFO: remote_file[/var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] mode changed to 644
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 06:08:08 -0400] INFO: Processing ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 56)
pgAdmin III
Copyright (c) 2002 - 2009, The pgAdmin Development Team
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and
its documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written
agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
notice and this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear
in all copies.
Agree Y/N? Y
Checksumming Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0)…
Driver Descriptor Map (DDM : 0): verified CRC32 $BDAFECA9
Checksumming Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1)…
Apple (Apple_partition_map : 1): verified CRC32 $6BF0188F
Checksumming disk image (Apple_HFS : 2)…
disk image (Apple_HFS : 2): verified CRC32 $F50D75C5
Checksumming (Apple_Free : 3)…
(Apple_Free : 3): verified CRC32 $00000000
verified CRC32 $9AD41890
/dev/disk1 Apple_partition_scheme
/dev/disk1s1 Apple_partition_map
/dev/disk1s2 Apple_HFS /Volumes/pgAdmin3
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:08 -0400] INFO: ruby_block[attach /var/chef/cache/pgAdmin3.dmg] called
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:08 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/pgAdmin3/' '/Applications'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 70)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:08 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/pgAdmin3/' '/Applications'] sh(rsync -aH '/Volumes/pgAdmin3/' '/Applications')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[rsync -aH '/Volumes/pgAdmin3/' '/Applications'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing file[/Applications/] action create (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 74)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/pgAdmin3'] action run (/Users/steveschwartz/workspace/pivotal_workstation/providers/package.rb line 92)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/pgAdmin3'] sh(hdiutil detach '/Volumes/pgAdmin3')
"disk1" unmounted.
"disk1" ejected.
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[hdiutil detach '/Volumes/pgAdmin3'] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[brew install solr] action run (pivotal_workstation::solr line 5)
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/solr
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:11:10 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install solr] sh(brew install solr)
==> Downloading
==> Best Mirror
==> Caveats
To start solr:
solr path/to/solr/config/dir
See the solr homepage for more setup information:
brew home solr
==> Summary
/usr/local/Cellar/solr/3.4.0: 2200 files, 122M, built in 2.2 minutes
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[brew install solr] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 21)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing log[no marker file found for ssl_certificate in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running] action write (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 31)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: no marker file found for ssl_certificate in /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers, running
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/requests] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/requests] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/requests
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/requests] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/newcerts] action create (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 6)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/newcerts] created directory /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/newcerts
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: directory[/usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/newcerts] owner changed to 501
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[create database.txt] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 12)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[create database.txt] sh(touch /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/index.txt)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[create database.txt] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[create serial] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 17)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[create serial] sh(echo '01
' > /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/serial)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[create serial] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[generate key] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 22)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[generate key] sh(openssl genrsa -des3 -passout pass:password -out /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys/ca.key 1024)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[generate key] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[generate ca] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 27)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[generate ca] sh(cd /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA && openssl req -new -x509 -days 1001 -key /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys/ca.key -passin pass:password -out /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs/ca.cert -subj '/ Unit/O=My Org Pty Ltd/L=Sydney/ST=NSW/C=AU/')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[generate ca] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[trust our CA] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 32)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:54 -0400] INFO: execute[trust our CA] sh(security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs/ca.cert)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[trust our CA] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[generate server key] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 36)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[generate server key] sh(openssl genrsa 1024 > /usr/local/etc/certificates/server.key)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[generate server key] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[generate request] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 41)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[generate request] sh(openssl req -new -key /usr/local/etc/certificates/server.key -out /usr/local/etc/certificates/request.csr -subj '/CN=*.local/OU=Org Unit/O=My Org Pty Ltd/L=Sydney/ST=NSW/C=AU/')
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[generate request] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[sign request with CA] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 46)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[sign request with CA] sh(cd /usr/local/etc/certificates && openssl ca -policy policy_anything -cert /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/certs/ca.cert -batch -in /usr/local/etc/certificates/request.csr -passin pass:password -keyfile /usr/local/etc/certificates/demoCA/keys/ca.key -days 9999 -out /usr/local/etc/certificates/signed.cert)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[sign request with CA] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Processing execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/ssl_certificate after successful run] action run (pivotal_workstation::ssl_certificate line 35)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/ssl_certificate after successful run] sh(touch /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/ssl_certificate)
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: execute[touching marker file /Users/steveschwartz/.install_markers/ssl_certificate after successful run] ran successfully
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Chef Run complete in 22278.534681 seconds
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Running report handlers
[Tue, 01 Nov 2011 11:13:55 -0400] INFO: Report handlers complete
steves-macbook:workspace steveschwartz$
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