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Forked from wmoxam/gist:41713
Created May 13, 2010 15:39
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# adapted for RMSR from
# run every couple minutes via cron
# and output results to script_output.log
# sudo crontab -e
# then add the following:
# */2 * * * * ruby /bin/passenger_monitor_cron 2>&1 >> /var/log/script_output.log
command = '/usr/bin/passenger-memory-stats'
memory_limit = 200 # megabytes
def running?(pid)
return Process.getpgid(pid) != -1
rescue Errno::ESRCH
return false
`#{command}`.each_line do |line|
next unless /(\d+)\s+\d+\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+MB\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s+MB\s+Rails:/.match(line)
all, pid, vm_size, private = $~.to_a
if private.to_i > memory_limit
puts "#{}: Killing #{pid}, memory usage == #{private}"
Process.kill("SIGUSR1", pid.to_i)
puts "Finished kill attempt. Sleeping for 20 seconds..."
sleep 20
if running?(pid.to_i)
puts "Process is still running, sending term signal"
Process.kill("KILL", pid.to_i)
# remove these two lines after everything checks out
puts "#{}: Everything ok."
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Also, set the memory usage threshold for each Passenger process on line 11. This depends on the size of the server and the number of Passenger processes specified by the PassengerPoolSize. For a 256mb server running MySQL, 50mb is a good starting point. For a 512mb server, try starting with 200 maybe.

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