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Created May 10, 2014 11:16
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Custom Drag and Drop with multiple Canvas-elements
<Window x:Class="WPFTryOut.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<Canvas Name="rootCanvas" ZIndex="1">
<Canvas Name="Canvas2" Width="100" Height="100" ZIndex="0" Background="Aquamarine" Left="30" Top="30" MouseLeftButtonDown="DragStart" MouseMove="Drag" PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp="DragEnd">
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="10" Canvas.Top="10" Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Blue" MouseLeftButtonDown="DragStart" MouseMove="Drag" PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp="DragEnd"></Rectangle>
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="40" Canvas.Top="60" Width="20" Height="20" Fill="Red" MouseLeftButtonDown="DragStart" MouseMove="Drag" PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp="DragEnd"></Rectangle>
<Canvas Name="Canvas3" Width="100" Height="100" ZIndex="0" Background="Aquamarine" Left="330" Top="30" MouseLeftButtonDown="DragStart" MouseMove="Drag" PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp="DragEnd">
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace WPFTryOut
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow
public MainWindow()
bool _captured;
double _left, _top, _canvasX, _canvasY, _originalLeft, _originalTop;
UIElement _draggedElement;
private Canvas _draggedOverCanvas;
private Canvas _originalParentCanvas;
private void DragStart(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_draggedElement = (UIElement)sender;
_captured = true;
// Store original situation for possible reset
_originalParentCanvas = (Canvas)LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(_draggedElement);
_originalLeft = Canvas.GetLeft(_draggedElement);
_originalTop = Canvas.GetTop(_draggedElement);
// store coordinates
_left = _originalLeft;
_top = _originalTop;
_canvasX = e.GetPosition(rootCanvas).X;
_canvasY = e.GetPosition(rootCanvas).Y;
// For objects in another canvas, check if it is not the root canvas, than change the parent to the root canvas and update coordinates.
// While in drag-mode, the element belongs to the root canvas.
if (_originalParentCanvas != null && _originalParentCanvas != rootCanvas && _originalParentCanvas.Children.Contains(_draggedElement))
_left += Canvas.GetLeft(_originalParentCanvas);
_top += Canvas.GetTop(_originalParentCanvas);
// Do not drag any other objects
e.Handled = true;
private void Drag(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (_captured)
// Get new mouse position relative to root canvas
double x = e.GetPosition(rootCanvas).X;
double y = e.GetPosition(rootCanvas).Y;
// Change left and top of UIElement by the mouse-movement (new position - old position)
_left += x - _canvasX;
_top += y - _canvasY;
Canvas.SetLeft(_draggedElement, _left);
Canvas.SetTop(_draggedElement, _top);
// Store new mouse position
_canvasX = x;
_canvasY = y;
// Highlight (or UNhighlight) the canvas you are dragging over. Also: Store it (as a future target).
var hitTestResult = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(rootCanvas, e.GetPosition(rootCanvas));
if (hitTestResult != null && hitTestResult.VisualHit != null)
var hit = hitTestResult.VisualHit as Canvas;
if (hit != null && hit != _draggedOverCanvas)
if (_draggedOverCanvas != null)
_draggedOverCanvas.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
_draggedOverCanvas = hit;
hit.Background = Brushes.Yellow;
if (_draggedOverCanvas != null)
_draggedOverCanvas.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
_draggedOverCanvas = null;
e.Handled = true;
private void DragEnd(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
_captured = false;
// if there is a target canvas
if (_draggedOverCanvas != null)
_draggedOverCanvas.Background = Brushes.Aquamarine;
// and you are not dragging a canvas itself
if (_draggedElement.GetType() != typeof(Canvas))
// add the element to the new canvas
// and update its coordinates
var newLeft = _left - Canvas.GetLeft(_draggedOverCanvas);
var newTop = _top - Canvas.GetTop(_draggedOverCanvas);
Canvas.SetLeft(_draggedElement, newLeft);
Canvas.SetTop(_draggedElement, newTop);
_draggedOverCanvas = null;
// otherwise reset the element to its original position
if (_draggedElement.GetType() != typeof(Canvas))
// add the element to the original canvas
// and restore its coordinates
Canvas.SetLeft(_draggedElement, _originalLeft);
Canvas.SetTop(_draggedElement, _originalTop);
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