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Created March 6, 2018 20:57
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➜ graphql-js git:(jannis/fix-cyclic-imports) ✗ yarn test
yarn run v1.3.2
$ npm run lint && npm run check && npm run testonly
> @jannispohlmann/graphql@0.13.1 lint /Users/jannis/Work/oss/graphql/graphql-js
> eslint --rulesdir ./resources/lint src || (printf '\033[33mTry: \033[7m npm run lint -- --fix \033[0m\n' && exit 1)
> @jannispohlmann/graphql@0.13.1 check /Users/jannis/Work/oss/graphql/graphql-js
> flow check
Found 0 errors
> @jannispohlmann/graphql@0.13.1 testonly /Users/jannis/Work/oss/graphql/graphql-js
> babel-node ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha $npm_package_options_mocha
Star Wars Introspection Tests
Basic Introspection
✓ Allows querying the schema for types
✓ Allows querying the schema for query type
✓ Allows querying the schema for a specific type
✓ Allows querying the schema for an object kind
✓ Allows querying the schema for an interface kind
✓ Allows querying the schema for object fields
✓ Allows querying the schema for nested object fields
✓ Allows querying the schema for field args
✓ Allows querying the schema for documentation
Star Wars Query Tests
Basic Queries
✓ Correctly identifies R2-D2 as the hero of the Star Wars Saga
✓ Accepts an object with named properties to graphql()
✓ Allows us to query for the ID and friends of R2-D2
Nested Queries
✓ Allows us to query for the friends of friends of R2-D2
Using IDs and query parameters to refetch objects
✓ Allows us to query for Luke Skywalker directly, using his ID
✓ Allows us to create a generic query, then use it to fetch Luke Skywalker using his ID
✓ Allows us to create a generic query, then use it to fetch Han Solo using his ID
✓ Allows us to create a generic query, then pass an invalid ID to get null back
Using aliases to change the key in the response
✓ Allows us to query for Luke, changing his key with an alias
✓ Allows us to query for both Luke and Leia, using two root fields and an alias
Uses fragments to express more complex queries
✓ Allows us to query using duplicated content
✓ Allows us to use a fragment to avoid duplicating content
Using __typename to find the type of an object
✓ Allows us to verify that R2-D2 is a droid
✓ Allows us to verify that Luke is a human
Reporting errors raised in resolvers
✓ Correctly reports error on accessing secretBackstory (49ms)
✓ Correctly reports error on accessing secretBackstory in a list
✓ Correctly reports error on accessing through an alias
Star Wars Validation Tests
Basic Queries
✓ Validates a complex but valid query
✓ Notes that non-existent fields are invalid
✓ Requires fields on objects
✓ Disallows fields on scalars
✓ Disallows object fields on interfaces
✓ Allows object fields in fragments
✓ Allows object fields in inline fragments
✓ is a class and is a subclass of Error
✓ has a name, message, and stack trace
✓ uses the stack of an original error
✓ creates new stack if original error has no stack
✓ converts nodes to positions and locations
✓ converts single node to positions and locations
✓ converts node with loc.start === 0 to positions and locations
✓ converts source and positions to locations
✓ serializes to include message
✓ serializes to include message and locations
✓ serializes to include path
✓ default error formatter includes path
✓ default error formatter includes extension fields
✓ passes GraphQLError through
✓ passes GraphQLError-ish through
✓ does not pass through elasticsearch-like errors
✓ prints an error with nodes from different sources
Execute: Handles execution of abstract types with promises
✓ isTypeOf used to resolve runtime type for Interface
✓ isTypeOf can be rejected
✓ isTypeOf used to resolve runtime type for Union
✓ resolveType on Interface yields useful error
✓ resolveType on Union yields useful error
✓ resolveType allows resolving with type name
✓ resolveType can be caught
Execute: Handles execution of abstract types
✓ isTypeOf used to resolve runtime type for Interface
✓ isTypeOf used to resolve runtime type for Union
✓ resolveType on Interface yields useful error
✓ resolveType on Union yields useful error
✓ resolveType allows resolving with type name
Execute: handles directives
works without directives
✓ basic query works
works on scalars
✓ if true includes scalar
✓ if false omits on scalar
✓ unless false includes scalar
✓ unless true omits scalar
works on fragment spreads
✓ if false omits fragment spread
✓ if true includes fragment spread
✓ unless false includes fragment spread
✓ unless true omits fragment spread
works on inline fragment
✓ if false omits inline fragment
✓ if true includes inline fragment
✓ unless false includes inline fragment
✓ unless true includes inline fragment
works on anonymous inline fragment
✓ if false omits anonymous inline fragment
✓ if true includes anonymous inline fragment
✓ unless false includes anonymous inline fragment
✓ unless true includes anonymous inline fragment
works with skip and include directives
✓ include and no skip
✓ include and skip
✓ no include or skip
Execute: Handles basic execution tasks
✓ throws if no document is provided
✓ throws if no schema is provided
✓ accepts an object with named properties as arguments
✓ executes arbitrary code
✓ merges parallel fragments
✓ provides info about current execution state
✓ threads root value context correctly
✓ correctly threads arguments
✓ nulls out error subtrees
✓ nulls error subtree for promise rejection #1071
✓ Full response path is included for non-nullable fields
✓ uses the inline operation if no operation name is provided
✓ uses the only operation if no operation name is provided
✓ uses the named operation if operation name is provided
✓ provides error if no operation is provided
✓ errors if no op name is provided with multiple operations
✓ errors if unknown operation name is provided
✓ uses the query schema for queries
✓ uses the mutation schema for mutations
✓ uses the subscription schema for subscriptions
✓ correct field ordering despite execution order
✓ Avoids recursion
✓ does not include illegal fields in output
✓ does not include arguments that were not set
✓ fails when an isTypeOf check is not met
✓ executes ignoring invalid non-executable definitions
✓ uses a custom field resolver
Execute: Accepts any iterable as list value
✓ Accepts a Set as a List value
✓ Accepts an Generator function as a List value
✓ Accepts function arguments as a List value
✓ Does not accept (Iterable) String-literal as a List value
Execute: Handles list nullability
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Rejected
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Contains reject
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Rejected
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Contains reject
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Rejected
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Contains reject
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Returns null
✓ Rejected
✓ Contains values
✓ Contains null
✓ Contains reject
Execute: Handles mutation execution ordering
✓ evaluates mutations serially
✓ evaluates mutations correctly in the presense of a failed mutation
Execute: handles non-nullable types
✓ nulls a nullable field that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls a nullable field that throws synchronously
✓ nulls a nullable field that returns null in a promise
✓ nulls a nullable field that throws in a promise
✓ nulls a synchronously returned object that contains a non-nullable field that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls a synchronously returned object that contains a non-nullable field that throws synchronously
✓ nulls a synchronously returned object that contains a non-nullable field that returns null in a promise
✓ nulls a synchronously returned object that contains a non-nullable field that throws in a promise
✓ nulls an object returned in a promise that contains a non-nullable field that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls an object returned in a promise that contains a non-nullable field that throws synchronously
✓ nulls an object returned in a promise that contains a non-nullable field that returns null in a promise
✓ nulls an object returned in a promise that contains a non-nullable field that throws in a promise
✓ nulls a complex tree of nullable fields, each that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls a complex tree of nullable fields, each that throws synchronously
✓ nulls the first nullable object after a field in a long chain of non-null fields that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls the first nullable object after a field in a long chain of non-null fields that throws synchronously
✓ nulls the top level if non-nullable field that returns null synchronously
✓ nulls the top level if non-nullable field that throws synchronously
✓ nulls the top level if non-nullable field that returns null in a promise
✓ nulls the top level if non-nullable field that throws in a promise
Execute: resolve function
✓ default function accesses properties
✓ default function calls methods
✓ default function passes args and context
✓ uses provided resolve function
Execute: Handles execution with a complex schema
✓ executes using a schema
Execute: synchronously when possible
✓ does not return a Promise for initial errors
✓ does not return a Promise if fields are all synchronous
✓ does not return a Promise if mutation fields are all synchronous
✓ returns a Promise if any field is asynchronous
✓ does not return a Promise for syntax errors
✓ does not return a Promise for validation errors
✓ does not return a Promise for sync execution
✓ throws if encountering async execution
Execute: Union and intersection types
✓ can introspect on union and intersection types
✓ executes using union types
✓ executes union types with inline fragments
✓ executes using interface types
✓ executes union types with inline fragments
✓ allows fragment conditions to be abstract types
✓ gets execution info in resolver
Execute: Handles inputs
Handles objects and nullability
using inline structs
✓ executes with complex input
✓ properly parses single value to list
✓ properly parses null value to null
✓ properly parses null value in list
✓ does not use incorrect value
✓ properly runs parseLiteral on complex scalar types
using variables
✓ executes with complex input
✓ uses default value when not provided
✓ properly parses single value to list
✓ executes with complex scalar input
✓ errors on null for nested non-null
✓ errors on incorrect type
✓ errors on omission of nested non-null
✓ errors on deep nested errors and with many errors
✓ errors on addition of unknown input field
Handles nullable scalars
✓ allows nullable inputs to be omitted
✓ allows nullable inputs to be omitted in a variable
✓ allows nullable inputs to be omitted in an unlisted variable
✓ allows nullable inputs to be set to null in a variable
✓ allows nullable inputs to be set to a value in a variable
✓ allows nullable inputs to be set to a value directly
Handles non-nullable scalars
✓ allows non-nullable inputs to be omitted given a default
✓ does not allow non-nullable inputs to be omitted in a variable
✓ does not allow non-nullable inputs to be set to null in a variable
✓ allows non-nullable inputs to be set to a value in a variable
✓ allows non-nullable inputs to be set to a value directly
✓ reports error for missing non-nullable inputs
✓ reports error for array passed into string input
✓ serializing an array via GraphQLString throws TypeError
✓ reports error for non-provided variables for non-nullable inputs
Handles lists and nullability
✓ allows lists to be null
✓ allows lists to contain values
✓ allows lists to contain null
✓ does not allow non-null lists to be null
✓ allows non-null lists to contain values
✓ allows non-null lists to contain null
✓ allows lists of non-nulls to be null
✓ allows lists of non-nulls to contain values
✓ does not allow lists of non-nulls to contain null
✓ does not allow non-null lists of non-nulls to be null
✓ allows non-null lists of non-nulls to contain values
✓ does not allow non-null lists of non-nulls to contain null
✓ does not allow invalid types to be used as values
✓ does not allow unknown types to be used as values
Execute: Uses argument default values
✓ when no argument provided
✓ when omitted variable provided
✓ not when argument cannot be coerced
✓ removes indentation in typical usage
✓ removes only the first level of indentation
✓ does not escape special characters
✓ also works as an ordinary function on strings
✓ also removes indentation using tabs
✓ removes leading newlines
✓ does not remove trailing newlines
✓ removes all trailing spaces and tabs
✓ works on text without leading newline
✓ supports expression interpolation
✓ Does not accept an empty list
✓ Returns single quoted item
✓ Returns two item list
✓ Returns comma separated many item list
✓ Limits to five items
✓ Returns results when input is empty
✓ Returns empty array when there are no options
✓ Returns options sorted based on similarity
✓ removes uniform indentation from a string
✓ removes empty leading and trailing lines
✓ removes blank leading and trailing lines
✓ retains indentation from first line
✓ does not alter trailing spaces
✓ disallows uncommon control characters
✓ accepts BOM header
✓ records line and column
✓ can be JSON.stringified or util.inspected
✓ skips whitespace and comments
✓ errors respect whitespace
✓ updates line numbers in error for file context
✓ updates column numbers in error for file context
✓ lexes strings
✓ lex reports useful string errors
✓ lexes block strings
✓ lex reports useful block string errors
✓ lexes numbers
✓ lex reports useful number errors
✓ lexes punctuation
✓ lex reports useful unknown character error
✓ lex reports useful information for dashes in names
✓ produces double linked list of tokens, including comments
✓ asserts that a source to parse was provided
✓ asserts that a source to parse was provided
✓ parse provides useful errors
✓ parse provides useful error when using source
✓ parses variable inline values
✓ parses constant default values
✓ does not accept fragments named "on"
✓ does not accept fragments spread of "on"
✓ parses multi-byte characters
✓ parses kitchen sink
✓ allows non-keywords anywhere a Name is allowed
✓ parses anonymous mutation operations
✓ parses anonymous subscription operations
✓ parses named mutation operations
✓ parses named subscription operations
✓ creates ast
✓ creates ast from nameless query without variables
✓ allows parsing without source location information
✓ Experimental: allows parsing fragment defined variables
✓ contains location information that only stringifys start/end
✓ contains references to source
✓ contains references to start and end tokens
✓ parses null value
✓ parses list values
✓ parses block strings
✓ parses well known types
✓ parses custom types
✓ parses list types
✓ parses non-null types
✓ parses nested types
Printer: Query document
✓ does not alter ast
✓ prints minimal ast
✓ produces helpful error messages
✓ correctly prints non-query operations without name
✓ Experimental: correctly prints fragment defined variables
✓ prints kitchen sink
block string
✓ correctly prints single-line with leading space
✓ correctly prints string with a first line indentation
✓ correctly prints single-line with leading space and quotation
Schema Parser
✓ Simple type
✓ parses type with description string
✓ parses type with description multi-line string
✓ Simple extension
✓ Extension without fields
✓ Extension without fields followed by extension
✓ Extension without anything throws
✓ Extension do not include descriptions
✓ Simple non-null type
✓ Simple type inheriting interface
✓ Simple type inheriting multiple interfaces
✓ Simple type inheriting multiple interfaces with leading ampersand
✓ Single value enum
✓ Double value enum
✓ Simple interface
✓ Simple field with arg
✓ Simple field with arg with default value
✓ Simple field with list arg
✓ Simple field with two args
✓ Simple union
✓ Union with two types
✓ Union with two types and leading pipe
✓ Union fails with no types
✓ Union fails with leading douple pipe
✓ Union fails with double pipe
✓ Union fails with trailing pipe
✓ Scalar
✓ Simple input object
✓ Simple input object with args should fail
✓ Directive with incorrect locations
✓ Option: allowLegacySDLEmptyFields supports type with empty fields
✓ Option: allowLegacySDLImplementsInterfaces
Printer: SDL document
✓ prints minimal ast
✓ produces helpful error messages
✓ does not alter ast
✓ prints kitchen sink
✓ validates path argument
✓ allows editing a node both on enter and on leave
✓ allows editing the root node on enter and on leave
✓ allows for editing on enter
✓ allows for editing on leave
✓ visits edited node
✓ allows skipping a sub-tree
✓ allows early exit while visiting
✓ allows early exit while leaving
✓ allows a named functions visitor API
✓ Experimental: visits variables defined in fragments
✓ visits kitchen sink (363ms)
✓ allows skipping a sub-tree
✓ allows skipping different sub-trees
✓ allows early exit while visiting
✓ allows early exit from different points
✓ allows early exit while leaving
✓ allows early exit from leaving different points
✓ allows for editing on enter
✓ allows for editing on leave
✓ maintains type info during visit (38ms)
✓ maintains type info during edit
✓ creates a failing async iterator
✓ can be closed before failing
✓ subscribe async-iterator mock
✓ maps over async values
✓ maps over async values with async function
✓ allows returning early from async values
✓ passes through early return from async values
✓ allows throwing errors through async generators
✓ passes through caught errors through async generators
✓ does not normally map over thrown errors
✓ maps over thrown errors if second callback provided
✓ closes source if mapper throws an error
✓ closes source if mapper rejects
✓ closes source if mapper throws an error
✓ closes source if mapper rejects
Subscription Initialization Phase
✓ accepts an object with named properties as arguments
✓ accepts multiple subscription fields defined in schema
✓ accepts type definition with sync subscribe function
✓ accepts type definition with async subscribe function
✓ should only resolve the first field of invalid multi-field
✓ throws an error if schema is missing
✓ throws an error if document is missing
✓ resolves to an error for unknown subscription field
✓ throws an error if subscribe does not return an iterator
✓ resolves to an error for subscription resolver errors
✓ resolves to an error if variables were wrong type
Subscription Publish Phase
✓ produces a payload for multiple subscribe in same subscription
✓ produces a payload per subscription event
✓ produces a payload when there are multiple events
✓ should not trigger when subscription is already done
✓ event order is correct for multiple publishes
✓ should handle error during execution of source event
✓ should pass through error thrown in source event stream
Type System: Example
✓ defines a query only schema
✓ defines a mutation schema
✓ defines a subscription schema
✓ defines an enum type with deprecated value
✓ defines an enum type with a value of `null` and `undefined`
✓ defines an object type with deprecated field
✓ includes nested input objects in the map
✓ includes interface possible types in the type map
✓ includes interfaces' thunk subtypes in the type map
✓ stringifies simple types
✓ identifies input types
✓ identifies output types
✓ prohibits nesting NonNull inside NonNull
✓ allows a thunk for Union member types
✓ does not mutate passed field definitions
Field config must be object
✓ accepts an Object type with a field function
✓ rejects an Object type field with undefined config
✓ rejects an Object type with incorrectly typed fields
✓ rejects an Object type with a field function that returns incorrect type
Field arg config must be object
✓ accepts an Object type with field args
✓ rejects an Object type with incorrectly typed field args
✓ does not allow isDeprecated without deprecationReason on field
Object interfaces must be array
✓ accepts an Object type with array interfaces
✓ accepts an Object type with interfaces as a function returning an array
✓ rejects an Object type with incorrectly typed interfaces
✓ rejects an Object type with interfaces as a function returning an incorrect type
Type System: Object fields must have valid resolve values
✓ accepts a lambda as an Object field resolver
✓ rejects an empty Object field resolver
✓ rejects a constant scalar value resolver
Type System: Interface types must be resolvable
✓ accepts an Interface type defining resolveType
✓ accepts an Interface with implementing type defining isTypeOf
✓ accepts an Interface type defining resolveType with implementing type defining isTypeOf
✓ rejects an Interface type with an incorrect type for resolveType
Type System: Union types must be resolvable
✓ accepts a Union type defining resolveType
✓ accepts a Union of Object types defining isTypeOf
✓ accepts a Union type defining resolveType of Object types defining isTypeOf
✓ rejects an Interface type with an incorrect type for resolveType
Type System: Scalar types must be serializable
✓ accepts a Scalar type defining serialize
✓ rejects a Scalar type not defining serialize
✓ rejects a Scalar type defining serialize with an incorrect type
✓ accepts a Scalar type defining parseValue and parseLiteral
✓ rejects a Scalar type defining parseValue but not parseLiteral
✓ rejects a Scalar type defining parseLiteral but not parseValue
✓ rejects a Scalar type defining parseValue and parseLiteral with an incorrect type
Type System: Object types must be assertable
✓ accepts an Object type with an isTypeOf function
✓ rejects an Object type with an incorrect type for isTypeOf
Type System: Union types must be array
✓ accepts a Union type with array types
✓ accepts a Union type with function returning an array of types
✓ rejects a Union type without types
✓ rejects a Union type with incorrectly typed types
Type System: Input Objects must have fields
✓ accepts an Input Object type with fields
✓ accepts an Input Object type with a field function
✓ rejects an Input Object type with incorrect fields
✓ rejects an Input Object type with fields function that returns incorrect type
Type System: Input Object fields must not have resolvers
✓ rejects an Input Object type with resolvers
✓ rejects an Input Object type with resolver constant
Type System: Enum types must be well defined
✓ accepts a well defined Enum type with empty value definition
✓ accepts a well defined Enum type with internal value definition
✓ rejects an Enum type with incorrectly typed values
✓ rejects an Enum type with missing value definition
✓ rejects an Enum type with incorrectly typed value definition
✓ does not allow isDeprecated without deprecationReason on enum
Type System: List must accept only types
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: String
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: Scalar
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: Object
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: Union
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: Interface
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: Enum
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: InputObject
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: [String]
✓ accepts an type as item type of list: String!
✓ rejects a non-type as item type of list: [object Object]
✓ rejects a non-type as item type of list: function String() { [native code] }
✓ rejects a non-type as item type of list: undefined
✓ rejects a non-type as item type of list: null
Type System: NonNull must only accept non-nullable types
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: String
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: Scalar
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: Object
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: Union
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: Interface
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: Enum
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: InputObject
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: [String]
✓ accepts an type as nullable type of non-null: [String!]
✓ rejects a non-type as nullable type of non-null: String!
✓ rejects a non-type as nullable type of non-null: [object Object]
✓ rejects a non-type as nullable type of non-null: function String() { [native code] }
✓ rejects a non-type as nullable type of non-null: undefined
✓ rejects a non-type as nullable type of non-null: null
Type System: A Schema must contain uniquely named types
✓ rejects a Schema which redefines a built-in type
✓ rejects a Schema which defines an object type twice
✓ rejects a Schema which have same named objects implementing an interface
Type System: Enum Values
✓ accepts enum literals as input
✓ enum may be output type
✓ enum may be both input and output type
✓ does not accept string literals
✓ does not accept values not in the enum
✓ does not accept values with incorrect casing
✓ does not accept incorrect internal value
✓ does not accept internal value in place of enum literal
✓ does not accept enum literal in place of int
✓ accepts JSON string as enum variable
✓ accepts enum literals as input arguments to mutations
✓ accepts enum literals as input arguments to subscriptions
✓ does not accept internal value as enum variable
✓ does not accept string variables as enum input
✓ does not accept internal value variable as enum input
✓ enum value may have an internal value of 0
✓ enum inputs may be nullable
✓ presents a getValues() API for complex enums
✓ presents a getValue() API for complex enums
✓ may be internally represented with complex values
✓ can be introspected without error
✓ executes an introspection query
✓ introspects on input object
✓ supports the __type root field
✓ identifies deprecated fields
✓ respects the includeDeprecated parameter for fields
✓ identifies deprecated enum values
✓ respects the includeDeprecated parameter for enum values
✓ fails as expected on the __type root field without an arg
✓ exposes descriptions on types and fields
✓ exposes descriptions on enums
Type predicates
✓ returns true for unwrapped types
✓ returns true for wrapped types
✓ returns false for type classes (rather than instances)
✓ returns false for random garbage
✓ returns true for spec defined scalar
✓ returns true for custom scalar
✓ returns false for wrapped scalar
✓ returns false for non-scalar
✓ returns true for object type
✓ returns false for wrapped object type
✓ returns false for non-object type
✓ returns true for interface type
✓ returns false for wrapped interface type
✓ returns false for non-interface type
✓ returns true for union type
✓ returns false for wrapped union type
✓ returns false for non-union type
✓ returns true for enum type
✓ returns false for wrapped enum type
✓ returns false for non-enum type
✓ returns true for input object type
✓ returns false for wrapped input object type
✓ returns false for non-input-object type
✓ returns true for a list wrapped type
✓ returns false for an unwrapped type
✓ returns true for a non-list wrapped type
✓ returns true for a non-null wrapped type
✓ returns false for an unwrapped type
✓ returns true for a not non-null wrapped type
✓ returns true for an input type
✓ returns true for a wrapped input type
✓ returns false for an output type
✓ returns false for a wrapped output type
✓ returns true for an output type
✓ returns true for a wrapped output type
✓ returns false for an input type
✓ returns false for a wrapped input type
✓ returns true for scalar and enum types
✓ returns false for wrapped leaf type
✓ returns false for non-leaf type
✓ returns false for wrapped non-leaf type
✓ returns true for object, interface, and union types
✓ returns false for wrapped composite type
✓ returns false for non-composite type
✓ returns false for wrapped non-composite type
✓ returns true for interface and union types
✓ returns false for wrapped abstract type
✓ returns false for non-abstract type
✓ returns false for wrapped non-abstract type
✓ returns true for list and non-null types
✓ returns false for unwrapped types
✓ returns true for unwrapped types
✓ returns true for list of non-null types
✓ returns false for non-null types
✓ returns undefined for no type
✓ returns self for a nullable type
✓ unwraps non-null type
✓ returns true for unwrapped types
✓ returns false for list and non-null types
✓ returns undefined for no type
✓ returns self for a unwrapped type
✓ unwraps wrapper types
✓ unwraps deeply wrapper types
Type System: Schema
Getting possible types
✓ throws human-reable error if schema.types is not defined
Type Map
✓ includes input types only used in directives
when not assumed valid
✓ configures the schema to still needing validation
✓ configures the schema for allowed legacy names
✓ checks the configuration for mistakes
when assumed valid
✓ configures the schema to have no errors
✓ still configures the schema for allowed legacy names
✓ does not check the configuration for mistakes
Type System: Scalar coercion
✓ serializes output int
✓ serializes output float
✓ serializes output strings
✓ serializes output boolean
Type System: A Schema must have Object root types
✓ accepts a Schema whose query type is an object type
✓ accepts a Schema whose query and mutation types are object types
✓ accepts a Schema whose query and subscription types are object types
✓ rejects a Schema without a query type
✓ rejects a Schema whose query root type is not an Object type
✓ rejects a Schema whose mutation type is an input type
✓ rejects a Schema whose subscription type is an input type
✓ rejects a Schema whose directives are incorrectly typed
Type System: Objects must have fields
✓ accepts an Object type with fields object
✓ rejects an Object type with missing fields
✓ rejects an Object type with incorrectly named fields
✓ accepts an Object type with explicitly allowed legacy named fields
✓ throws with bad value for explicitly allowed legacy names
Type System: Fields args must be properly named
✓ accepts field args with valid names
✓ rejects field arg with invalid names
Type System: Union types must be valid
✓ accepts a Union type with member types
✓ rejects a Union type with empty types
✓ rejects a Union type with duplicated member type
✓ rejects a Union type with non-Object members types
Type System: Input Objects must have fields
✓ accepts an Input Object type with fields
✓ rejects an Input Object type with missing fields
✓ rejects an Input Object type with incorrectly typed fields
Type System: Enum types must be well defined
✓ rejects an Enum type without values
✓ rejects an Enum type with duplicate values
✓ rejects an Enum type with incorrectly named values
Type System: Object fields must have output types
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: String
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeScalar
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeEnum
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeObject
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeUnion
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeInterface
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [String]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeScalar]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeEnum]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeObject]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeUnion]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeInterface]
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: String!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeScalar!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeEnum!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeObject!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeUnion!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: SomeInterface!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [String]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeScalar]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeEnum]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeObject]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeUnion]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Object field type: [SomeInterface]!
✓ rejects an empty Object field type
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Object field type: SomeInputObject
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Object field type: [SomeInputObject]
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Object field type: SomeInputObject!
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Object field type: [SomeInputObject]!
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Object field type: function Number() { [native code] }
✓ rejects with relevant locations for a non-output type as an Object field type
Type System: Objects can only implement unique interfaces
✓ rejects an Object implementing a non-Interface type
✓ rejects an Object implementing the same interface twice
✓ rejects an Object implementing the same interface twice due to extension
Type System: Interface extensions should be valid
✓ rejects an Object implementing the extended interface due to missing field
✓ rejects an Object implementing the extended interface due to missing field args
✓ rejects Objects implementing the extended interface due to mismatching interface type
Type System: Interface fields must have output types
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: String
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeScalar
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeEnum
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeObject
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeUnion
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeInterface
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [String]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeScalar]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeEnum]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeObject]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeUnion]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeInterface]
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: String!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeScalar!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeEnum!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeObject!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeUnion!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: SomeInterface!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [String]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeScalar]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeEnum]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeObject]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeUnion]!
✓ accepts an output type as an Interface field type: [SomeInterface]!
✓ rejects an empty Interface field type
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type: SomeInputObject
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type: [SomeInputObject]
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type: SomeInputObject!
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type: [SomeInputObject]!
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type: function Number() { [native code] }
✓ rejects a non-output type as an Interface field type with locations
Type System: Field arguments must have input types
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: String
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeScalar
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeEnum
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeInputObject
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [String]
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeScalar]
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeEnum]
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeInputObject]
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: String!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeScalar!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeEnum!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: SomeInputObject!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [String]!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeScalar]!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeEnum]!
✓ accepts an input type as a field arg type: [SomeInputObject]!
✓ rejects an empty field arg type
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeObject
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeUnion
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeInterface
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeObject]
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeUnion]
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeInterface]
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeObject!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeUnion!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: SomeInterface!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeObject]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeUnion]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: [SomeInterface]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg type: function Number() { [native code] }
✓ rejects a non-input type as a field arg with locations
Type System: Input Object fields must have input types
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: String
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeScalar
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeEnum
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeInputObject
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [String]
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeScalar]
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeEnum]
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeInputObject]
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: String!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeScalar!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeEnum!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: SomeInputObject!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [String]!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeScalar]!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeEnum]!
✓ accepts an input type as an input field type: [SomeInputObject]!
✓ rejects an empty input field type
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeObject
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeUnion
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeInterface
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeObject]
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeUnion]
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeInterface]
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeObject!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeUnion!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: SomeInterface!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeObject]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeUnion]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: [SomeInterface]!
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input field type: function Number() { [native code] }
✓ rejects a non-input type as an input object field with locations
Objects must adhere to Interface they implement
✓ accepts an Object which implements an Interface
✓ accepts an Object which implements an Interface along with more fields
✓ accepts an Object which implements an Interface field along with additional optional arguments
✓ rejects an Object missing an Interface field
✓ rejects an Object with an incorrectly typed Interface field
✓ rejects an Object with a differently typed Interface field
✓ accepts an Object with a subtyped Interface field (interface)
✓ accepts an Object with a subtyped Interface field (union)
✓ rejects an Object missing an Interface argument
✓ rejects an Object with an incorrectly typed Interface argument
✓ rejects an Object with both an incorrectly typed field and argument
✓ rejects an Object which implements an Interface field along with additional required arguments
✓ accepts an Object with an equivalently wrapped Interface field type
✓ rejects an Object with a non-list Interface field list type
✓ rejects an Object with a list Interface field non-list type
✓ accepts an Object with a subset non-null Interface field type
✓ rejects an Object with a superset nullable Interface field type
✓ throws for use of leading double underscores
✓ throws for non-strings
✓ throws for names with invalid characters
✓ converts boolean values to ASTs
✓ converts Int values to Int ASTs
✓ converts Float values to Int/Float ASTs
✓ converts String values to String ASTs
✓ converts ID values to Int/String ASTs
✓ does not converts NonNull values to NullValue
✓ converts string values to Enum ASTs if possible
✓ converts array values to List ASTs
✓ converts list singletons
✓ converts input objects
✓ converts input objects with explicit nulls
Schema Builder
✓ can use built schema for limited execution
✓ can build a schema directly from the source
✓ Simple type
✓ With directives
✓ Supports descriptions
✓ Supports option for comment descriptions
✓ Maintains @skip & @include
✓ Overriding directives excludes specified
✓ Adding directives maintains @skip & @include
✓ Type modifiers
✓ Recursive type
✓ Two types circular
✓ Single argument field
✓ Simple type with multiple arguments
✓ Simple type with interface
✓ Simple output enum
✓ Simple input enum
✓ Multiple value enum
✓ Simple Union
✓ Multiple Union
✓ Specifying Union type using __typename
✓ Specifying Interface type using __typename
✓ Custom Scalar
✓ Input Object
✓ Simple argument field with default
✓ Custom scalar argument field with default
✓ Simple type with mutation
✓ Simple type with subscription
✓ Unreferenced type implementing referenced interface
✓ Unreferenced type implementing referenced union
✓ Supports @deprecated
✓ Correctly assign AST nodes
✓ Root operation types with custom names
✓ Default root operation type names
✓ can build invalid schema
✓ Accepts legacy names
✓ Allows only a single schema definition
✓ Allows only a single query type
✓ Allows only a single mutation type
✓ Allows only a single subscription type
✓ Unknown type referenced
✓ Unknown type in interface list
✓ Unknown type in union list
✓ Unknown query type
✓ Unknown mutation type
✓ Unknown subscription type
✓ Does not consider operation names
✓ Does not consider fragment names
✓ Forbids duplicate type definitions
Type System: build schema from introspection
✓ builds a simple schema
✓ builds a simple schema with all operation types
✓ uses built-in scalars when possible
✓ builds a schema with a recursive type reference
✓ builds a schema with a circular type reference
✓ builds a schema with an interface
✓ builds a schema with an implicit interface
✓ builds a schema with a union
✓ builds a schema with complex field values
✓ builds a schema with field arguments
✓ builds a schema with default value on custom scalar field
✓ builds a schema with an enum
✓ builds a schema with an input object
✓ builds a schema with field arguments with default values
✓ builds a schema with custom directives
✓ builds a schema with legacy directives
✓ builds a schema with legacy names
✓ builds a schema aware of deprecation
✓ can use client schema for limited execution
throws when given incomplete introspection
✓ throws when given empty types
✓ throws when missing kind
✓ throws when missing interfaces
very deep decorators are not supported
✓ fails on very deep (> 7 levels) lists
✓ fails on a very deep (> 7 levels) non-null
✓ succeeds on deep (<= 7 levels) types
✓ coercing an array to GraphQLString produces an error
for GraphQLInt
✓ returns no error for int input
✓ returns no error for negative int input
✓ returns no error for exponent input
✓ returns a single error for empty value
✓ returns a single error for empty value
✓ returns error for float input as int
✓ returns a single error for char input
✓ returns a single error for char input
for GraphQLFloat
✓ returns no error for int input
✓ returns no error for exponent input
✓ returns no error for float input
✓ returns a single error for empty value
✓ returns a single error for empty value
✓ returns a single error for char input
✓ returns a single error for char input
for GraphQLEnum
✓ returns no error for a known enum name
✓ results error for misspelled enum value
✓ results error for incorrect value type
for GraphQLInputObject
✓ returns no error for a valid input
✓ returns no error for a non-object type
✓ returns no error for an invalid field
✓ returns multiple errors for multiple invalid fields
✓ returns error for a missing required field
✓ returns error for an unknown field
✓ returns error for a misspelled field
✓ concats two ASTs together
✓ returns the original schema when there are no type definitions
✓ extends without altering original schema
✓ can be used for limited execution
✓ can describe the extended fields
✓ can describe the extended fields with legacy comments
✓ describes extended fields with strings when present
✓ extends objects by adding new fields
✓ correctly assign AST nodes to new and extended types
✓ builds types with deprecated fields/values
✓ extends objects with deprecated fields
✓ extends objects by adding new unused types
✓ extends objects by adding new fields with arguments
✓ extends objects by adding new fields with existing types
✓ extends objects by adding implemented interfaces
✓ extends objects by including new types
✓ extends objects by adding implemented new interfaces
✓ extends objects multiple times
✓ extends interfaces by adding new fields
✓ allows extension of interface with missing Object fields
✓ extends interfaces multiple times
✓ may extend mutations and subscriptions
✓ may extend directives with new simple directive
✓ sets correct description when extending with a new directive
✓ sets correct description using legacy comments
✓ may extend directives with new complex directive
✓ does not allow replacing a default directive
✓ does not allow replacing a custom directive
✓ does not allow replacing an existing type
✓ does not allow replacing an existing field
✓ does not allow referencing an unknown type
✓ does not allow extending an unknown type
✓ does not allow extending an unknown interface type
✓ maintains configuration of the original schema object
✓ adds to the configuration of the original schema object
does not allow extending a non-object type
✓ not an object
✓ not an interface
✓ not a scalar
✓ should detect if a type was removed or not
✓ should detect if a type changed its type
✓ should detect if a field on a type was deleted or changed type
✓ should detect if fields on input types changed kind or were removed
✓ should detect if a non-null field is added to an input type
✓ should detect if a type was removed from a union type
✓ should detect if a value was removed from an enum type
✓ should detect if a field argument was removed
✓ should detect if a field argument has changed type
✓ should detect if a non-null field argument was added
✓ should not flag args with the same type signature as breaking
✓ should consider args that move away from NonNull as non-breaking
✓ should detect interfaces removed from types
✓ should detect all breaking changes
✓ should detect if a directive was explicitly removed
✓ should detect if a directive was implicitly removed
✓ should detect if a directive argument was removed
✓ should detect if a non-nullable directive argument was added
✓ should detect locations removed from a directive
✓ should detect locations removed directives within a schema
✓ should detect if a value was added to an enum type
✓ should detect interfaces added to types
✓ should detect if a type was added to a union type
✓ should detect if a nullable field was added to an input
✓ should find all dangerous changes
✓ should detect if a nullable field argument was added
✓ should detect if an argument's defaultValue has changed
✓ should report empty set for no deprecated usages
✓ should report usage of deprecated fields
✓ should report usage of deprecated enums
✓ Gets an operation from a simple document
✓ Gets an operation from a document with named op (mutation)
✓ Gets an operation from a document with named op (subscription)
✓ Does not get missing operation
✓ Does not get ambiguous unnamed operation
✓ Does not get ambiguous named operation
✓ Does not get misnamed operation
✓ Gets named operation
✓ converts a simple schema
✓ converts a simple schema without descriptions
✓ Returns no errors for a valid value
✓ Returns errors for an invalid value
✓ sort fields
✓ sort implemented interfaces
✓ sort types in union
✓ sort enum values
✓ sort field arguments
✓ sort types
✓ sort directive arguments
✓ sort directive locations
✓ sort directives
✓ sort recursive types
Type System Printer
✓ Prints String Field
✓ Prints [String] Field
✓ Prints String! Field
✓ Prints [String]! Field
✓ Prints [String!] Field
✓ Prints [String!]! Field
✓ Print Object Field
✓ Prints String Field With Int Arg
✓ Prints String Field With Int Arg With Default
✓ Prints String Field With String Arg With Default
✓ Prints String Field With Int Arg With Default Null
✓ Prints String Field With Int! Arg
✓ Prints String Field With Multiple Args
✓ Prints String Field With Multiple Args, First is Default
✓ Prints String Field With Multiple Args, Second is Default
✓ Prints String Field With Multiple Args, Last is Default
✓ Prints custom query root type
✓ Print Interface
✓ Print Multiple Interface
✓ Print Unions
✓ Print Input Type
✓ Custom Scalar
✓ Enum
✓ Prints custom directives
✓ One-line prints a short description
✓ Does not one-line print a description that ends with a quote
✓ Preserves leading spaces when printing a description
✓ Print Introspection Schema
✓ Print Introspection Schema with comment descriptions
✓ separates one AST into multiple, maintaining document order
✓ survives circular dependencies
✓ same reference are equal
✓ int and float are not equal
✓ lists of same type are equal
✓ lists is not equal to item
✓ non-null of same type are equal
✓ non-null is not equal to nullable
✓ same reference is subtype
✓ int is not subtype of float
✓ non-null is subtype of nullable
✓ nullable is not subtype of non-null
✓ item is not subtype of list
✓ list is not subtype of item
✓ member is subtype of union
✓ implementation is subtype of interface
✓ rejects empty input
✓ converts according to input coercion rules
✓ does not convert when input coercion rules reject a value
✓ converts enum values according to input coercion rules
✓ coerces to null unless non-null
✓ coerces lists of values
✓ coerces non-null lists of values
✓ coerces lists of non-null values
✓ coerces non-null lists of non-null values
✓ coerces input objects according to input coercion rules
✓ accepts variable values assuming already coerced
✓ asserts variables are provided as items in lists
✓ omits input object fields for unprovided variables
✓ parses simple values
✓ parses lists of values
✓ parses input objects
✓ parses enum values as plain strings
✓ parses variables
Validate: Executable definitions
✓ with only operation
✓ with operation and fragment
✓ with type definition
✓ with schema definition
Validate: Fields on correct type
✓ Object field selection
✓ Aliased object field selection
✓ Interface field selection
✓ Aliased interface field selection
✓ Lying alias selection
✓ Ignores fields on unknown type
✓ reports errors when type is known again
✓ Field not defined on fragment
✓ Ignores deeply unknown field
✓ Sub-field not defined
✓ Field not defined on inline fragment
✓ Aliased field target not defined
✓ Aliased lying field target not defined
✓ Not defined on interface
✓ Defined on implementors but not on interface
✓ Meta field selection on union
✓ Direct field selection on union
✓ Defined on implementors queried on union
✓ valid field in inline fragment
Fields on correct type error message
✓ Works with no suggestions
✓ Works with no small numbers of type suggestions
✓ Works with no small numbers of field suggestions
✓ Only shows one set of suggestions at a time, preferring types
✓ Limits lots of type suggestions
✓ Limits lots of field suggestions
Validate: Fragments on composite types
✓ object is valid fragment type
✓ interface is valid fragment type
✓ object is valid inline fragment type
✓ inline fragment without type is valid
✓ union is valid fragment type
✓ scalar is invalid fragment type
✓ enum is invalid fragment type
✓ input object is invalid fragment type
✓ scalar is invalid inline fragment type
Validate: Known argument names
✓ single arg is known
✓ multiple args are known
✓ ignores args of unknown fields
✓ multiple args in reverse order are known
✓ no args on optional arg
✓ args are known deeply
✓ directive args are known
✓ undirective args are invalid
✓ misspelled directive args are reported
✓ invalid arg name
✓ misspelled arg name is reported
✓ unknown args amongst known args
✓ unknown args deeply
Validate: Known directives
✓ with no directives
✓ with known directives
✓ with unknown directive
✓ with many unknown directives
✓ with well placed directives
✓ with misplaced directives
within schema language
✓ with well placed directives
✓ with misplaced directives
Validate: Known fragment names
✓ known fragment names are valid
✓ unknown fragment names are invalid
Validate: Known type names
✓ known type names are valid
✓ unknown type names are invalid
✓ ignores type definitions
Validate: Anonymous operation must be alone
✓ no operations
✓ one anon operation
✓ multiple named operations
✓ anon operation with fragment
✓ multiple anon operations
✓ anon operation with a mutation
✓ anon operation with a subscription
Validate: No circular fragment spreads
✓ single reference is valid
✓ spreading twice is not circular
✓ spreading twice indirectly is not circular
✓ double spread within abstract types
✓ does not false positive on unknown fragment
✓ spreading recursively within field fails
✓ no spreading itself directly
✓ no spreading itself directly within inline fragment
✓ no spreading itself indirectly
✓ no spreading itself indirectly reports opposite order
✓ no spreading itself indirectly within inline fragment
✓ no spreading itself deeply
✓ no spreading itself deeply two paths
✓ no spreading itself deeply two paths -- alt traverse order
✓ no spreading itself deeply and immediately
Validate: No undefined variables
✓ all variables defined
✓ all variables deeply defined
✓ all variables deeply in inline fragments defined
✓ all variables in fragments deeply defined
✓ variable within single fragment defined in multiple operations
✓ variable within fragments defined in operations
✓ variable within recursive fragment defined
✓ variable not defined
✓ variable not defined by un-named query
✓ multiple variables not defined
✓ variable in fragment not defined by un-named query
✓ variable in fragment not defined by operation
✓ multiple variables in fragments not defined
✓ single variable in fragment not defined by multiple operations
✓ variables in fragment not defined by multiple operations
✓ variable in fragment used by other operation
✓ multiple undefined variables produce multiple errors
Validate: No unused fragments
✓ all fragment names are used
✓ all fragment names are used by multiple operations
✓ contains unknown fragments
✓ contains unknown fragments with ref cycle
✓ contains unknown and undef fragments
Validate: No unused variables
✓ uses all variables
✓ uses all variables deeply
✓ uses all variables deeply in inline fragments
✓ uses all variables in fragments
✓ variable used by fragment in multiple operations
✓ variable used by recursive fragment
✓ variable not used
✓ multiple variables not used
✓ variable not used in fragments
✓ multiple variables not used in fragments
✓ variable not used by unreferenced fragment
✓ variable not used by fragment used by other operation
Validate: Overlapping fields can be merged
✓ unique fields
✓ identical fields
✓ identical fields with identical args
✓ identical fields with identical directives
✓ different args with different aliases
✓ different directives with different aliases
✓ different skip/include directives accepted
✓ Same aliases with different field targets
✓ Same aliases allowed on non-overlapping fields
✓ Alias masking direct field access
✓ different args, second adds an argument
✓ different args, second missing an argument
✓ conflicting args
✓ allows different args where no conflict is possible
✓ encounters conflict in fragments
✓ reports each conflict once
✓ deep conflict
✓ deep conflict with multiple issues
✓ very deep conflict
✓ reports deep conflict to nearest common ancestor
✓ reports deep conflict to nearest common ancestor in fragments
✓ reports deep conflict in nested fragments
✓ ignores unknown fragments
✓ does not infinite loop on recursive fragment
✓ does not infinite loop on immediately recursive fragment
✓ does not infinite loop on transitively recursive fragment
✓ finds invalid case even with immediately recursive fragment
return types must be unambiguous
✓ conflicting return types which potentially overlap
✓ compatible return shapes on different return types
✓ disallows differing return types despite no overlap
✓ reports correctly when a non-exclusive follows an exclusive
✓ disallows differing return type nullability despite no overlap
✓ disallows differing return type list despite no overlap
✓ disallows differing subfields
✓ disallows differing deep return types despite no overlap
✓ allows non-conflicting overlaping types
✓ same wrapped scalar return types
✓ allows inline typeless fragments
✓ compares deep types including list
✓ ignores unknown types
✓ error message contains hint for alias conflict
✓ works for field names that are JS keywords
Validate: Possible fragment spreads
✓ of the same object
✓ of the same object with inline fragment
✓ object into an implemented interface
✓ object into containing union
✓ union into contained object
✓ union into overlapping interface
✓ union into overlapping union
✓ interface into implemented object
✓ interface into overlapping interface
✓ interface into overlapping interface in inline fragment
✓ interface into overlapping union
✓ ignores incorrect type (caught by FragmentsOnCompositeTypes)
✓ different object into object
✓ different object into object in inline fragment
✓ object into not implementing interface
✓ object into not containing union
✓ union into not contained object
✓ union into non overlapping interface
✓ union into non overlapping union
✓ interface into non implementing object
✓ interface into non overlapping interface
✓ interface into non overlapping interface in inline fragment
✓ interface into non overlapping union
Validate: Provided required arguments
✓ ignores unknown arguments
Valid non-nullable value
✓ Arg on optional arg
✓ No Arg on optional arg
✓ Multiple args
✓ Multiple args reverse order
✓ No args on multiple optional
✓ One arg on multiple optional
✓ Second arg on multiple optional
✓ Multiple reqs on mixedList
✓ Multiple reqs and one opt on mixedList
✓ All reqs and opts on mixedList
Invalid non-nullable value
✓ Missing one non-nullable argument
✓ Missing multiple non-nullable arguments
✓ Incorrect value and missing argument
Directive arguments
✓ ignores unknown directives
✓ with directives of valid types
✓ with directive with missing types
Validate: Scalar leafs
✓ valid scalar selection
✓ object type missing selection
✓ interface type missing selection
✓ valid scalar selection with args
✓ scalar selection not allowed on Boolean
✓ scalar selection not allowed on Enum
✓ scalar selection not allowed with args
✓ Scalar selection not allowed with directives
✓ Scalar selection not allowed with directives and args
Validate: Subscriptions with single field
✓ valid subscription
✓ fails with more than one root field
✓ fails with more than one root field including introspection
✓ fails with many more than one root field
✓ fails with more than one root field in anonymous subscriptions
Validate: Unique argument names
✓ no arguments on field
✓ no arguments on directive
✓ argument on field
✓ argument on directive
✓ same argument on two fields
✓ same argument on field and directive
✓ same argument on two directives
✓ multiple field arguments
✓ multiple directive arguments
✓ duplicate field arguments
✓ many duplicate field arguments
✓ duplicate directive arguments
✓ many duplicate directive arguments
Validate: Directives Are Unique Per Location
✓ no directives
✓ unique directives in different locations
✓ unique directives in same locations
✓ same directives in different locations
✓ same directives in similar locations
✓ duplicate directives in one location
✓ many duplicate directives in one location
✓ different duplicate directives in one location
✓ duplicate directives in many locations
Validate: Unique fragment names
✓ no fragments
✓ one fragment
✓ many fragments
✓ inline fragments are always unique
✓ fragment and operation named the same
✓ fragments named the same
✓ fragments named the same without being referenced
Validate: Unique input field names
✓ input object with fields
✓ same input object within two args
✓ multiple input object fields
✓ allows for nested input objects with similar fields
✓ duplicate input object fields
✓ many duplicate input object fields
Validate: Unique operation names
✓ no operations
✓ one anon operation
✓ one named operation
✓ multiple operations
✓ multiple operations of different types
✓ fragment and operation named the same
✓ multiple operations of same name
✓ multiple ops of same name of different types (mutation)
✓ multiple ops of same name of different types (subscription)
Validate: Unique variable names
✓ unique variable names
✓ duplicate variable names
Validate: Supports full validation
✓ validates queries
✓ detects bad scalar parse
✓ validates using a custom TypeInfo
Validate: Values of correct type
Valid values
✓ Good int value
✓ Good negative int value
✓ Good boolean value
✓ Good string value
✓ Good float value
✓ Good negative float value
✓ Int into Float
✓ Int into ID
✓ String into ID
✓ Good enum value
✓ Enum with undefined value
✓ Enum with null value
✓ null into nullable type
Invalid String values
✓ Int into String
✓ Float into String
✓ Boolean into String
✓ Unquoted String into String
Invalid Int values
✓ String into Int
✓ Big Int into Int
✓ Unquoted String into Int
✓ Simple Float into Int
✓ Float into Int
Invalid Float values
✓ String into Float
✓ Boolean into Float
✓ Unquoted into Float
Invalid Boolean value
✓ Int into Boolean
✓ Float into Boolean
✓ String into Boolean
✓ Unquoted into Boolean
Invalid ID value
✓ Float into ID
✓ Boolean into ID
✓ Unquoted into ID
Invalid Enum value
✓ Int into Enum
✓ Float into Enum
✓ String into Enum
✓ Boolean into Enum
✓ Unknown Enum Value into Enum
✓ Different case Enum Value into Enum
Valid List value
✓ Good list value
✓ Empty list value
✓ Null value
✓ Single value into List
Invalid List value
✓ Incorrect item type
✓ Single value of incorrect type
Valid non-nullable value
✓ Arg on optional arg
✓ No Arg on optional arg
✓ Multiple args
✓ Multiple args reverse order
✓ No args on multiple optional
✓ One arg on multiple optional
✓ Second arg on multiple optional
✓ Multiple reqs on mixedList
✓ Multiple reqs and one opt on mixedList
✓ All reqs and opts on mixedList
Invalid non-nullable value
✓ Incorrect value type
✓ Incorrect value and missing argument (ProvidedNonNullArguments)
✓ Null value
Valid input object value
✓ Optional arg, despite required field in type
✓ Partial object, only required
✓ Partial object, required field can be falsey
✓ Partial object, including required
✓ Full object
✓ Full object with fields in different order
Invalid input object value
✓ Partial object, missing required
✓ Partial object, invalid field type
✓ Partial object, unknown field arg
✓ reports original error for custom scalar which throws
✓ allows custom scalar to accept complex literals
Directive arguments
✓ with directives of valid types
✓ with directive with incorrect types
Variable default values
✓ variables with valid default values
✓ variables with valid default null values
✓ variables with invalid default null values
✓ variables with invalid default values
✓ variables with complex invalid default values
✓ complex variables missing required field
✓ list variables with invalid item
Validate: Variables are input types
✓ input types are valid
✓ output types are invalid
Validate: Variable default value is allowed
✓ variables with no default values
✓ required variables without default values
✓ variables with valid default values
✓ variables with valid default null values
✓ no required variables with default values
✓ variables with invalid default null values
Validate: Variables are in allowed positions
✓ Boolean => Boolean
✓ Boolean => Boolean within fragment
✓ Boolean! => Boolean
✓ Boolean! => Boolean within fragment
✓ Int => Int! with default
✓ [String] => [String]
✓ [String!] => [String]
✓ String => [String] in item position
✓ String! => [String] in item position
✓ ComplexInput => ComplexInput
✓ ComplexInput => ComplexInput in field position
✓ Boolean! => Boolean! in directive
✓ Boolean => Boolean! in directive with default
✓ Int => Int!
✓ Int => Int! within fragment
✓ Int => Int! within nested fragment
✓ String over Boolean
✓ String => [String]
✓ Boolean => Boolean! in directive
✓ String => Boolean! in directive
✓ [String] => [String!]
1421 passing (3s)
✨ Done in 25.47s.
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