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Last active January 2, 2022 19:39
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Attempt to make a generic graph implementation and playing around with graph algorithms in C#
public class DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight>
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
where TWeight : IComparable<TWeight>, IEquatable<TWeight>
private readonly List<Vertex<TVertex>> _vertices = new();
private readonly List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> _edges = new();
private readonly Dictionary<Vertex<TVertex>, List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>> _adjacencyList = new();
public DirectedGraph() { }
public DirectedGraph(DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> other)
public List<Vertex<TVertex>> Vertices { get => _vertices; }
public List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> Edges { get => _edges; }
public Dictionary<Vertex<TVertex>, List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>> AdjacencyList { get => _adjacencyList; }
public void UpdateAdjacencyList()
foreach (Vertex<TVertex> vertex in _vertices)
_adjacencyList[vertex] = new();
foreach (Edge<TVertex, TWeight> edge in _edges)
public void AddVertex(Vertex<TVertex> vertex, bool updateAdjacency = true)
if (_adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add duplicate vertex.", nameof(vertex));
if (updateAdjacency)
public void RemoveVertex(Vertex<TVertex> vertex, bool updateAdjacency = true)
if (!_adjacencyList.ContainsKey(vertex))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot remove nonexistent vertex.", nameof(vertex));
if (updateAdjacency)
public void AddVertices(IEnumerable<Vertex<TVertex>> vertices)
foreach (Vertex<TVertex> vertex in vertices)
AddVertex(vertex, false);
public void RemoveVertices(IEnumerable<Vertex<TVertex>> vertices)
foreach (Vertex<TVertex> vertex in vertices)
RemoveVertex(vertex, false);
public void AddEdge(Edge<TVertex, TWeight> edge, bool updateAdjacency)
if (!_adjacencyList.ContainsKey(edge.Source))
if (_edges.Contains(edge))
throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add duplicate edge.", nameof(edge));
if (!_adjacencyList.ContainsKey(edge.Destination))
if (updateAdjacency)
public void AddEdges(IEnumerable<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> edges)
foreach (Edge<TVertex, TWeight> edge in edges)
AddEdge(edge, false);
public class Edge<TVertex, TWeight> : Identifiable
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
where TWeight : IComparable<TWeight>, IEquatable<TWeight>
public Edge(Vertex<TVertex> source, Vertex<TVertex> destination, TWeight weight)
Source = source;
Destination = destination;
Weight = weight;
public Vertex<TVertex> Source { get; }
public Vertex<TVertex> Destination { get; }
public TWeight Weight { get; }
public override string ToString()
=> $"{Source} -> {Destination} ({Weight})";
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
=> base.Equals(obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
=> base.GetHashCode();
public static class GraphExtensions
public static DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> BreadthFirstSearch<TVertex, TWeight>(
this DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> g,
Vertex<TVertex> source,
int? maxDistance = null)
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
where TWeight : IComparable<TWeight>, IEquatable<TWeight>
DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> gPrime = new(g);
IEnumerable<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> nextEdges = gPrime.AdjacencyList[source];
int distanceFromSource = 0;
while (nextEdges.Any() && (maxDistance is null || distanceFromSource <= (int)maxDistance))
foreach (Edge<TVertex, TWeight> next in nextEdges)
nextEdges = nextEdges
.Select(next => next.Destination)
.SelectMany(dest => gPrime.AdjacencyList[dest])
.Where(n => !n.Destination.Visited)
return gPrime;
public static DirectedGraph<TVertex, int> BreadthFirstSearchByDistance<TVertex>(
this DirectedGraph<TVertex, int> g,
Vertex<TVertex> source,
Func<int, bool> distancePredicate)
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
DirectedGraph<TVertex, int> gPrime = new(g);
IEnumerable<Edge<TVertex, int>> nextEdges = gPrime.AdjacencyList[source];
int distanceFromSource = 0;
while (nextEdges.Any() && distancePredicate(distanceFromSource))
foreach (Edge<TVertex, int> next in nextEdges)
nextEdges = nextEdges
.Select(next => next.Destination)
.SelectMany(dest => gPrime.AdjacencyList[dest])
.Where(n => !n.Destination.Visited)
return gPrime;
public static IEnumerable<List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>> GetPathsBetween<TVertex, TWeight>(
this DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> g,
Vertex<TVertex> source,
Vertex<TVertex> destination,
List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>? visited = null)
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
where TWeight : IComparable<TWeight>, IEquatable<TWeight>
List<List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>> paths = new();
visited ??= new();
List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> nextUnvisitedEdges =
.Where(e => !visited.Any(ve => e.Destination == ve.Source))
foreach (var edge in nextUnvisitedEdges)
List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> nextPath = new(visited);
if (edge.Destination != destination)
// Continue searching
IEnumerable<List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>>> nextPaths =
g.GetPathsBetween(edge.Destination, destination, nextPath);
foreach (var path in nextPaths)
// Return newly found paths
yield return path;
// Return current path
yield return nextPath;
public static long GetPathCount<TVertex, TWeight>(
this DirectedGraph<TVertex, TWeight> g,
Vertex<TVertex> source,
Vertex<TVertex> destination,
List<Vertex<TVertex>>? visited = null)
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
where TWeight : IComparable<TWeight>, IEquatable<TWeight>
visited ??= new() { source };
long totalPaths = 0;
List<Edge<TVertex, TWeight>> nextUnvisitedEdges =
.Where(e => !visited.Contains(e.Destination))
foreach (var edge in nextUnvisitedEdges)
List<Vertex<TVertex>> visitedThisPath = new(visited);
if (edge.Destination != destination)
totalPaths += g.GetPathCount(edge.Destination, destination, visitedThisPath);
return totalPaths;
public class Identifiable : IComparable<Identifiable>, IEquatable<Identifiable>
protected Identifiable()
Id = Guid.NewGuid();
public Guid Id { get; }
public int CompareTo(Identifiable? other)
=> other is null
? 1
: Id.CompareTo(other.Id);
public bool Equals(Identifiable? other)
=> CompareTo(other) == 0;
public override bool Equals(object? obj)
=> obj is Identifiable o && Equals(o);
public override int GetHashCode()
=> HashCode.Combine(Id);
public static bool operator ==(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> !(left == right);
public static bool operator <(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> left.CompareTo(right) < 0;
public static bool operator <=(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> left.CompareTo(right) <= 0;
public static bool operator >(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> left.CompareTo(right) > 0;
public static bool operator >=(Identifiable left, Identifiable right)
=> left.CompareTo(right) >= 0;
// Graph with letters (Reddit example)
DirectedGraph<string, int> charGraph = new();
// Vertices
Vertex<string> A = new("A");
Vertex<string> B = new("B");
Vertex<string> C = new("C");
Vertex<string> D = new("D");
Vertex<string> E = new("E");
// Edges (undirected)
Edge<string, int> a1 = new(A, B, 1);
Edge<string, int> a2 = new(B, A, 1);
Edge<string, int> b1 = new(B, C, 1);
Edge<string, int> b2 = new(C, B, 1);
Edge<string, int> c1 = new(C, D, 1);
Edge<string, int> c2 = new(D, C, 1);
Edge<string, int> d1 = new(D, E, 1);
Edge<string, int> d2 = new(E, D, 1);
Edge<string, int> e1 = new(A, E, 1);
Edge<string, int> e2 = new(E, A, 1);
Edge<string, int> f1 = new(B, E, 1);
Edge<string, int> f2 = new(E, B, 1);
Edge<string, int> g1 = new(B, D, 1);
Edge<string, int> g2 = new(D, B, 1);
charGraph.AddEdges(new List<Edge<string, int>>
var pathsFromAToD = charGraph.GetPathsBetween(A, D).ToList();
foreach (var path in pathsFromAToD)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" | ", path));
(A) -> (B) (1) | (B) -> (C) (1) | (C) -> (D) (1)
(A) -> (B) (1) | (B) -> (E) (1) | (E) -> (D) (1)
(A) -> (B) (1) | (B) -> (D) (1)
(A) -> (E) (1) | (E) -> (D) (1)
(A) -> (E) (1) | (E) -> (B) (1) | (B) -> (C) (1) | (C) -> (D) (1)
(A) -> (E) (1) | (E) -> (B) (1) | (B) -> (D) (1)
public class Vertex<TVertex> : Identifiable
where TVertex : IComparable<TVertex>, IEquatable<TVertex>
public Vertex(TVertex value) : base()
Value = value;
public TVertex? Value { get; private set; }
public bool Visited { get; private set; }
public int? Distance { get; private set; }
// BFS shenanigans, might need a rework
public void Visit(int distance)
if (!Visited)
Visited = true;
Distance = distance;
public void Reset()
Visited = false;
Distance = null;
public override string ToString()
=> Value is null
? "(null)"
: $"({Value})";
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