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Created June 17, 2024 07:56
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Optional properties php trait that distinguish from unset and null properties, useful tin DTOs
trait OptionalProperties
public static function fromArray(array $args = [], bool $strict = true): self
$obj = (new ReflectionClass(self::class))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
foreach ($args as $prop => $value) {
if (!property_exists($obj, $prop)) {
if ($strict) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown property '.$prop);
} else {
if ($arrayableType = self::getArrayablePropType($prop)) {
self::setValue($obj, $prop, $arrayableType::fromArray($value));
} else {
self::setValue($obj, $prop, $value);
return $obj;
* Universal private setter to set also private properties
private static function setValue($obj, $prop, $value): void
(new ReflectionProperty($obj, $prop))->setValue($obj, $value);
public function toArray(): array
return array_filter(array_map(
fn ($val) => self::isArrayableVal($val) ? $val->toArray() : $val,
* isset($prop) && null !== $prop
public function isSet(string $prop): bool
return (new ReflectionProperty($this, $prop))->isInitialized($this);
private static function getArrayablePropType(string $prop): ?string
$type = (new ReflectionProperty(self::class, $prop))->getType();
if (method_exists($type->getName(), 'fromArray')) {
return $type->getName();
return null;
private static function isArrayableVal($val): bool
return is_object($val) && method_exists($val, 'toArray');
* Makes all object props public readonly and default null
public function __get($prop)
return $this->isSet($prop) ? $this->$prop : null;
class Address
use OptionalProperties;
public function __construct(
private string $country,
private ?string $city,
private ?string $street,
private ?Address $nestedAddress
) {}
$addressData = [
'country' => 'DE',
'street' => null,
'unknown' => 'value',
'nestedAddress' => [
'country' => 'E',
$address = Address::fromArray($addressData, false);
var_dump($address->city ?? 'default city');
if ($address->isSet('city')) {
// new value provided, even if null
var_dump('new city value:', $address->city);
} else {
var_dump('city value not provided');
var_dump($address->street ?? 'default street');
if ($address->isSet('street')) {
// new value provided, even if null
var_dump('new street value:', $address->street);
} else {
var_dump('street value not provided');
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