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  • Save JarLowrey/c034a7f41090a615a21e3b54606ef51f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JarLowrey/c034a7f41090a615a21e3b54606ef51f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Loop through all files in current directory. If ImageMagick thinks it is an image, output a preloading statement with that image's dimensions for the Phaser engine.
echo $0 #this script requires ImageMagick, must be ran with bash
#copied from
echo $(printf %.f $(echo "scale=$2;(((10^$2)*$1)+0.5)/(10^$2)" | bc))
for entry in $(pwd)/* #each file in current working directory
WIDTH=$(convert $entry -print %w /dev/null)
HEIGHT=$(convert $entry -print %h /dev/null)
#do floating point division with the 'bc' command
#I expect the images to be about 120 pixels. Thus use that to approximate. This may be wrong, and the output will need to be checked in Phaser
NUM_FRAMES=$(bc -l <<< "$WIDTH / 120.0")
NUM_FRAMES=$(round $NUM_FRAMES 10) #Round to nearest integer
FILE_NAME=$(basename $entry)
echo "this.load.spritesheet('${FILE_NAME%.*}', 'assets/birds/$(basename $entry)', $INDIVIDUAL_WIDTH, $HEIGHT);"
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