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JarLowrey / phaser_preloading_spritesheets_function_calls.bash
Last active April 7, 2016 15:36
Loop through all files in current directory. If ImageMagick thinks it is an image, output a preloading statement with that image's dimensions for the Phaser engine.
echo $0 #this script requires ImageMagick, must be ran with bash
#copied from
echo $(printf %.f $(echo "scale=$2;(((10^$2)*$1)+0.5)/(10^$2)" | bc))
JarLowrey /
Last active March 12, 2016 21:39
script to update rails website from a Git repo on a Digital Ocean 1-click Rails server
echo $0
#go to UACT website directory
cd ~rails/UACT
#update repo
git pull origin master