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Last active March 23, 2022 06:04
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from math import ceil
from input_handler import __input_eval as enput
def __euler_step(dy_dx, initial_x, initial_y, steps, delta_x=0.00001, silent=False):
Performs `steps` steps of Euler's Method, starting at (`initial_x`,
`initial_y`). `dy_dx` is a function that takes 2 arguments, `x` and `y`.
`delta_x` is the step size for x. `silent` controls whether the intermediate
steps are printed. The final value of `y` is returned.
Example: Given dy/dx = 2y, y(0) = 1/2, do 5 steps of Euler's method
euler_step("2*y", 0, 0.5, 5, 0.1)
x = initial_x
y = initial_y
if not silent:
print("x, y, dy/dx, deltaY, new y")
for _ in range(steps):
# micropy on the numworks calculator is broken, as seen below
dy_dx_at_x = eval(dy_dx.replace('x', str(x)).replace('y', str(y)))
delta_y = dy_dx_at_x * delta_x
new_y = y + delta_y
if not silent:
print([x, y, dy_dx_at_x, delta_y, new_y])
x += delta_x
y += delta_y
if not silent: print([x, y])
return y
def euler(dy_dx, initial_x, initial_y, final_x, delta_x=0.00001, silent=False):
Like euler_step, but continues Euler's method until `final_x` is reached.
Example: Given dy/dx = 2y, y(0) = 1/2, estimate y(1/2)
euler("2*y", 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)
return __euler_step(dy_dx, initial_x, initial_y, ceil((final_x - initial_x) / delta_x), delta_x, silent)
def friendly_euler(silent=False):
Like euler, but more friendly
dy_dx = input("dy_dx: ")
initial_x = enput("xi: ", float)
initial_y = enput("y(" + str(initial_x) + "): ", float)
final_x = enput("final x value: ", float)
delta_x = enput("delta x: ", float)
return __euler_step(dy_dx, initial_x, initial_y, ceil((final_x - initial_x) / delta_x), delta_x, silent)
def __extendedEuclidean(a, b):
if a == 0:
return b, 0, 1
gcd, x1, y1 = __extendedEuclidean(b%a, a)
x = y1 - (b // a) * x1
y = x1
return gcd, x, y
def extendedEuclidean(a = None, b = None):
if a == None and b == None:
a = int(input("a = "))
b = int(input("b = "))
g, x, y = __extendedEuclidean(a, b)
print(str(g) + " = (" + str(a) + ") * (" + str(x) + ") + (" + str(b) + ") * (" + str(y) + ")")
__evaluated_types = [
int, float, complex, hex, oct
__split = " "
# out is the message right before the input, t is the type the input should be cast as
def __input_eval(out, t):
data = input(out+"\n")
if t in __evaluated_types:
data = eval(data)
return t(data)
def __input_list_eval(out, t):
raw = input(out+":\n").split(__split)
ret = []
for i in range(len(raw)):
if t in __evaluated_types:
return ret
def __input_list_list_eval(out1, out2, t):
return [__input_list_eval(out1 + str(j + 1), float) for j in range(__input_eval(out2, int))]
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