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Created May 17, 2021 08:25
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const tester = @import("../test/tester.zig");
const std = @import("std");
threadlocal var parser_join_input_buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
threadlocal var parser_buffer: [1024]u8 = undefined;
// This function is based on Node.js' path.normalize function.
pub fn normalizeStringGeneric(str: []const u8, buf: []u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool, comptime separator: u8, comptime isPathSeparator: anytype, lastIndexOfSeparator: anytype) []u8 {
var i: usize = 0;
var last_segment_length: i32 = 0;
var last_slash: i32 = -1;
var dots: i32 = 0;
var code: u8 = 0;
var written_len: usize = 0;
const stop_len = str.len;
while (i <= stop_len) : (i += 1) {
if (i < stop_len) {
code = str[i];
} else if (@call(std.builtin.CallOptions{ .modifier = .always_inline }, isPathSeparator, .{code})) {
} else {
code = separator;
if (@call(std.builtin.CallOptions{ .modifier = .always_inline }, isPathSeparator, .{code})) {
if (last_slash == @intCast(i32, i) - 1 or dots == 1) {
} else if (dots == 2) {
if (written_len < 2 or last_segment_length != 2 or buf[written_len - 1] != '.' or buf[written_len - 2] != '.') {
if (written_len > 2) {
if (lastIndexOfSeparator(buf[0..written_len])) |last_slash_index| {
written_len = last_slash_index;
last_segment_length = @intCast(i32, written_len - 1 - (lastIndexOfSeparator(buf[0..written_len]) orelse 0));
} else {
written_len = 0;
last_slash = @intCast(i32, i);
dots = 0;
} else if (written_len != 0) {
written_len = 0;
last_segment_length = 0;
last_slash = @intCast(i32, i);
dots = 0;
if (allow_above_root) {
if (written_len > 0) {
buf[written_len] = separator;
written_len += 1;
buf[written_len] = '.';
written_len += 1;
buf[written_len] = '.';
written_len += 1;
last_segment_length = 2;
} else {
if (written_len > 0) {
buf[written_len] = separator;
written_len += 1;
const slice = str[@intCast(usize, @intCast(usize, last_slash + 1))..i];
std.mem.copy(u8, buf[written_len .. written_len + slice.len], slice);
written_len += slice.len;
last_segment_length = @intCast(i32, i) - last_slash - 1;
last_slash = @intCast(i32, i);
dots = 0;
} else if (code == '.' and dots != -1) {
dots += 1;
} else {
dots = -1;
return buf[0..written_len];
pub const Platform = enum {
pub fn isSeparator(comptime _platform: Platform, char: u8) bool {
const platform = _platform.resolve();
switch (platform) {
.auto => unreachable,
.loose => {
return isSepAny(char);
.windows => {
return isSepWin32(char);
.posix => {
return isSepPosix(char);
pub fn leadingSeparatorIndex(comptime _platform: Platform, path: anytype) ?usize {
switch (_platform.resolve()) {
.windows => {
if (path.len < 1)
return null;
if (path[0] == '/')
return 0;
if (path[0] == '\\')
return 0;
if (path.len < 3)
return null;
// C:\
// C:/
if (path[0] >= 'A' and path[0] <= 'Z' and path[1] == ':') {
if (path[2] == '/')
return 2;
if (path[2] == '\\')
return 2;
return null;
.posix => {
if (path.len > 0 and path[0] == '/') {
return 0;
} else {
return null;
else => {
return leadingSeparatorIndex(.windows, path) orelse leadingSeparatorIndex(.posix, path);
pub fn resolve(comptime _platform: Platform) Platform {
if (_platform == .auto) {
switch (std.Target.current.os.tag) {
.windows => {
return .windows;
.freestanding, .emscripten, .other => {
return .loose;
else => {
return .posix;
return _platform;
pub fn normalizeString(str: []const u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool, comptime _platform: Platform) []u8 {
return normalizeStringBuf(str, &parser_buffer, allow_above_root, _platform);
pub fn normalizeStringBuf(str: []const u8, buf: []u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool, comptime _platform: Platform) []u8 {
comptime const platform = _platform.resolve();
switch (platform) {
.auto => unreachable,
.windows => {
return normalizeStringWindowsBuf(str, buf, allow_above_root);
.posix => {
return normalizeStringPosixBuf(str, buf, allow_above_root);
.loose => {
return normalizeStringLooseBuf(str, buf, allow_above_root);
pub fn normalizeStringAlloc(allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, str: []const u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool, comptime _platform: Platform) ![]const u8 {
return try allocator.dupe(u8, normalizeString(str, allow_above_root, _platform));
pub fn normalizeAndJoin2(_cwd: []const u8, comptime _platform: Platform, part: anytype, part2: anytype) []const u8 {
const parts = [_][]const u8{ part, part2 };
const slice = normalizeAndJoinString(_cwd, &parts, _platform);
return slice;
pub fn normalizeAndJoin(_cwd: []const u8, comptime _platform: Platform, part: anytype) []const u8 {
const parts = [_][]const u8{
const slice = normalizeAndJoinString(_cwd, &parts, _platform);
return slice;
// Convert parts of potentially invalid file paths into a single valid filpeath
// without querying the filesystem
// This is the equivalent of
pub fn normalizeAndJoinString(_cwd: []const u8, parts: anytype, comptime _platform: Platform) []const u8 {
return normalizeAndJoinStringBuf(_cwd, &parser_join_input_buffer, parts, _platform);
pub fn normalizeAndJoinStringBuf(_cwd: []const u8, buf: []u8, parts: anytype, comptime _platform: Platform) []const u8 {
if (parts.len == 0) {
return _cwd;
if ((_platform == .loose or _platform == .posix) and parts.len == 1 and parts[0].len == 1 and parts[0] == std.fs.path.sep_posix) {
return "/";
var cwd = _cwd;
var out: usize = 0;
// When parts[0] is absolute, we treat that as, effectively, the cwd
var ignore_cwd = cwd.len == 0;
// Windows leading separators can be a lot of things...
// So we need to do this instead of just checking the first char.
var leading_separator: []const u8 = "";
if (_platform.leadingSeparatorIndex(parts[0])) |leading_separator_i| {
leading_separator = parts[0][0 .. leading_separator_i + 1];
ignore_cwd = true;
if (!ignore_cwd) {
leading_separator = cwd[0 .. 1 + (_platform.leadingSeparatorIndex(_cwd) orelse unreachable)]; // cwd must be absolute
cwd = _cwd[leading_separator.len..cwd.len];
out = cwd.len;
std.debug.assert(out < buf.len);
std.mem.copy(u8, buf[0..out], cwd);
for (parts) |part, i| {
// This never returns leading separators.
var normalized_part = normalizeString(part, true, _platform);
if (normalized_part.len == 0) {
switch (_platform.resolve()) {
.windows => {
buf[out] = std.fs.path.sep_windows;
else => {
buf[out] = std.fs.path.sep_posix;
out += 1;
const start = out;
out += normalized_part.len;
std.debug.assert(out < buf.len);
std.mem.copy(u8, buf[start..out], normalized_part);
// One last normalization, to remove any ../ added
const result = normalizeStringBuf(buf[0..out], parser_buffer[leading_separator.len..parser_buffer.len], false, _platform);
std.mem.copy(u8, buf[0..leading_separator.len], leading_separator);
std.mem.copy(u8, buf[leading_separator.len .. result.len + leading_separator.len], result);
return buf[0 .. result.len + leading_separator.len];
pub fn isSepPosix(char: u8) bool {
return char == std.fs.path.sep_posix;
pub fn isSepWin32(char: u8) bool {
return char == std.fs.path.sep_windows;
pub fn isSepAny(char: u8) bool {
return @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, isSepPosix, .{char}) or @call(.{ .modifier = .always_inline }, isSepWin32, .{char});
pub fn lastIndexOfSeparatorWindows(slice: []const u8) ?usize {
return std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, slice, std.fs.path.sep_windows);
pub fn lastIndexOfSeparatorPosix(slice: []const u8) ?usize {
return std.mem.lastIndexOfScalar(u8, slice, std.fs.path.sep_posix);
pub fn lastIndexOfSeparatorLoose(slice: []const u8) ?usize {
return std.mem.lastIndexOfAny(u8, slice, "/\\");
pub fn normalizeStringPosix(str: []const u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGenericBuf(str, &parser_buffer, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_posix, isSepPosix, lastIndexOfSeparatorPosix);
pub fn normalizeStringPosixBuf(str: []const u8, buf: []u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGeneric(str, buf, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_posix, isSepPosix, lastIndexOfSeparatorPosix);
pub fn normalizeStringWindows(str: []const u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGenericBuf(str, &parser_buffer, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_windows, isSepWin32, lastIndexOfSeparatorWindows);
pub fn normalizeStringWindowsBuf(str: []const u8, buf: []u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGeneric(str, buf, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_windows, isSepWin32, lastIndexOfSeparatorWindows);
pub fn normalizeStringLoose(str: []const u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGenericBuf(str, &parser_buffer, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_posix, isSepAny, lastIndexOfSeparatorLoose);
pub fn normalizeStringLooseBuf(str: []const u8, buf: []u8, comptime allow_above_root: bool) []u8 {
return normalizeStringGeneric(str, buf, allow_above_root, std.fs.path.sep_posix, isSepAny, lastIndexOfSeparatorLoose);
test "normalizeAndJoinStringPosix" {
var t = tester.Tester.t(std.heap.c_allocator);
const string = []const u8;
const cwd = "/Users/jarredsumner/Code/app";
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "../file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "./bar", "../file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "././././foo", "././././bar././././", "../file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "././././bar././././", "../file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", ".", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .posix),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "..", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .posix),
test "normalizeAndJoinStringLoose" {
var t = tester.Tester.t(std.heap.c_allocator);
const string = []const u8;
const cwd = "/Users/jarredsumner/Code/app";
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "./bar", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "././././foo", "././././bar././././", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "././././bar././././", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", ".", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "..", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "bar", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "foo", "./bar", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ ".\\.\\.\\.\\foo", "././././bar././././", "..\\file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "././././bar././././", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", ".", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .loose),
_ = t.expect(
normalizeAndJoinString(cwd, [_]string{ "/Code/app", "././././foo", "..", "././././bar././././", ".", "../file.js" }, .loose),
test "normalizeStringPosix" {
var t = tester.Tester.t(std.heap.c_allocator);
// Don't mess up strings that
_ = t.expect("foo/bar.txt", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar.txt", true, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar.txt", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar.txt", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar", true, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/././foo/././././././bar/../bar/../bar", true, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/foo/bar//////", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/////foo/bar//////", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo/bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/////foo/bar", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "/////", false, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("..", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "../boom/../", true, .posix), @src());
_ = t.expect("", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "./", true, .posix), @src());
test "normalizeStringWindows" {
var t = tester.Tester.t(std.heap.c_allocator);
// Don't mess up strings that
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar.txt", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar.txt", true, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar.txt", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar.txt", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar", true, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\.\\.\\foo\\.\\.\\.\\.\\.\\.\\bar\\..\\bar\\..\\bar", true, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\foo\\bar\\\\\\\\\\\\", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\\\\\\\\\foo\\bar\\\\\\\\\\\\", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("foo\\bar", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\\\\\\\\\foo\\bar", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "\\\\\\\\\\", false, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("..", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, "..\\boom\\..\\", true, .windows), @src());
_ = t.expect("", try normalizeStringAlloc(std.heap.c_allocator, ".\\", true, .windows), @src());
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