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<?php //do not copy
* This recipe associates a membership level with a Variable product's variation.
* You can specify that Variation A should get Level 1 and Variation B should get Level 2.
* Add variations/levels to the array in Line 31
* Use of this code recipe requires that the PMPro WooCommerce Add On is active.
* You can add this recipe to your site by creating a custom plugin
* or using the Code Snippets plugin available for free in the WordPress repository.
* Read this companion article for step-by-step directions on either method.
//Remove the default functionality.
function mypmpro_remove_default_add_membership_from_order(){
remove_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'pmprowoo_add_membership_from_order' );
add_action( 'init','mypmpro_remove_default_add_membership_from_order' );
* Adds the membership based on the variation and level ID set out
* in $pmprowoo_variation_levels
function mypmprowoo_add_membership_from_order( $order_id ) {
global $wpdb, $pmprowoo_product_levels;
$variation_products = array(
3580 => 13 //3580 - Variation ID. 13 - Level ID
$pmprowoo_product_levels = array_merge( $variation_products, $pmprowoo_product_levels );
// quitely exit if PMPro isn't active
if ( ! defined( 'PMPRO_DIR' ) && ! function_exists( 'pmpro_init' ) ) {
//don't bother if array is empty
if ( empty( $pmprowoo_product_levels ) ) {
does this order contain a membership product?
//get order
$order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
//does the order have a user id and some products?
$user_id = $order->get_user_id();
if ( ! empty( $user_id ) && sizeof( $order->get_items() ) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) {
$_product = $item->get_product();
$product_id = $_product->get_id();
if ( ! empty( $product_id ) && ! empty( $pmprowoo_product_levels[ $product_id ] ) ) {
//is there a membership level for this product?
//get user id and level
$pmpro_level = pmpro_getLevel( $pmprowoo_product_levels[ $product_id ] );
//if checking out for the same level they have, keep their old start date
$sqlQuery = $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT startdate
FROM {$wpdb->pmpro_memberships_users}
WHERE user_id = %d
AND membership_id = %d
AND status = 'active'
$old_startdate = $wpdb->get_var( $sqlQuery );
if ( ! empty( $old_startdate ) ) {
$startdate = "'" . $old_startdate . "'";
} else {
$startdate = "'" . current_time( 'mysql' ) . "'";
//create custom level to mimic PMPro checkout
$custom_level = array(
'user_id' => $user_id,
'membership_id' => $pmpro_level->id,
'code_id' => '', //will support PMPro discount codes later
'initial_payment' => $item['line_total'],
'billing_amount' => '',
'cycle_number' => '',
'cycle_period' => '',
'billing_limit' => '',
'trial_amount' => '',
'trial_limit' => '',
'startdate' => $startdate,
'enddate' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
//set enddate
if ( ! empty( $pmpro_level->expiration_number ) ) {
$custom_level['enddate'] = date( "Y-m-d H:i:00", strtotime( "+ " . $pmpro_level->expiration_number . " " . $pmpro_level->expiration_period, current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) );
* Filter for the level object.
$custom_level = apply_filters( 'pmprowoo_checkout_level', $custom_level );
// Is MMPU activated?
if ( function_exists( 'pmprommpu_addMembershipLevel' ) ) {
// Allow filter to force add levels (ignore MMPU group level settings).
$mmpu_force_add_level = apply_filters( 'pmprowoo_mmpu_force_add_level', false );
pmprommpu_addMembershipLevel( $custom_level, $user_id, $mmpu_force_add_level );
} else {
// Only add the first membership level found.
pmpro_changeMembershipLevel( $custom_level, $user_id );
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'mypmprowoo_add_membership_from_order' );
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