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Created August 9, 2021 09:22
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import Foundation
// Concurrent queue
// When the order of execution of tasks doesn't matter, you can use concurrent queue.
// Concurrent queue are faster than serial queue.
// Concurrent queue can create race conditions in the code.
// NSLock - Used to avoid the race condition.
var balance = 5000
let lock = NSLock()
struct Bank {
let withdrawType: String
func withdraw(amount: Int) {
if balance > amount {
print("\(withdrawType) : - Sufficient balance proceed with transcation!!!")
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: Double.random(in: 0...4))
balance = balance - amount
print("\(withdrawType): - \(amount) Rs withdrawn from your account")
print("\(withdrawType): - Current balance \(balance) Rs")
} else {
print("\(withdrawType): - You have insufficient balance in your account")
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "concurrentQueue", attributes: .concurrent)
queue.async {
let bank = Bank(withdrawType: "ATM")
bank.withdraw(amount: 3000)
queue.async {
let bank = Bank(withdrawType: "UPI")
bank.withdraw(amount: 4000)
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