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Created April 7, 2016 18:34
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import flickrapi
import requests
import os
import re
FLICKR_KEY = "your api key"
FLICKR_SECRET = "your api secret"
USER_ID = "your user id"
SET_ID = "the set (album) id"
def make_url(photo):
# url_template = "http://farm{farm-id}
# {server-id}/{id}_{secret}_[mstzb].jpg"
photo['filename'] = "%(id)s_%(secret)s_z.jpg" % photo
url = ("http://farm%(farm)"
% photo)
return url, photo['filename']
def main():
#get new imaged from flickr
print " ---> Requesting photos..."
count = 0
update = False
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(FLICKR_KEY, FLICKR_SECRET)
photos = flickr.walk_set(SET_ID)
for photo in photos:
count += 1
url, filename = make_url(photo.attrib)
path = '/home/pi/photoframe/flickr/%s' % filename
image_file = open(path)
print " ---> Already have %s" % url
except IOError:
print " ---> Downloading %s" % url
r = requests.get(url)
image_file = open(path, 'w')
update = True
#check to see if it needs to remove photos from folder
filelist = os.listdir("/home/pi/photoframe/flickr")
if count < len(filelist):
print " ---> Removing photos"
for f in filelist:
pics = flickr.walk_set(SET_ID)
print f
for pic in pics:
url, filename = make_url(pic.attrib)
matchObj = re.match(f, filename)
if matchObj:
print " ---> Found %s, matched %s" %(f,filename)
print " ---> Deleting %s" %f
os.remove("/home/pi/photoframe/flickr/%s" %f)
update = True
#if it added or removed a photo, update slideshow
if update == True:
print " ---> Restarting slideshow"
os.system("killall feh && /home/pi/bin/")
if __name__ == '__main__':
export DISPLAY=:0.0
feh -q -Z -F -z -Y -D 5 /home/pi/photoframe/flickr
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gtdanny commented Jun 28, 2016


I found your code via the internet photo frame instructable and it helped me get mine working, thanks for sharing.

Just wondering, do you know how to change the size or quality of the photos it downloads? It only seems to download fairly small low resolution files. I'm using a large (22") monitor for my photo frame and the pictures don't look as good as they should.

Thanks in advance,

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Hey Danny!

I've actually been working on this same project and here is what I've found searching the web:

The Flickr api uses a variety of labels for this image sizes:

s - square 75x75
q large square
t - thumbnail
m -small
n - small
z - 640x 480
c -medium 800x600
b - large - 1024 x 768
o - original 2400x1800

So in line 16 of the code: photo['filename'] = "%(id)s_%(secret)s_z.jpg" % photo replace the z with another letter to change the download size.

Example: photo['filename'] = "%(id)s_%(secret)s_b.jpg" % photo

For some reason if you attempt to make the download option the original size, It will download a Flickr file not found

Here is where I got the info on the image sizes:

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So far the largest I've found that works would be "h" which gives a large resolution of 1600x1200

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gtdanny commented Jun 29, 2016

Thanks so much, that works perfectly!

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rmharrell commented Oct 9, 2016

My Pi isn't pulling in my photos from Flickr or booting into full screen mode

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Would recommend opening the file as binary, which allows this to work on Windows-based box too. My tests were on a Windows Python installation which caused corrupt jpgs to be downloaded until I added the binary flag 'b'

Line 39:
image_file = open(path, 'wb')

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Does anyone have an idea how to retrieve images from a personal photostream (and not just a Set or specific Album)?
The general feed allows you to use to push new Instagram images to Flickr ( which has a far easier implementation for photo frames implementations. The photo frame can then display most recent Instagram photos (Instagram seem to have closed their APIs for external app integrations)

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Everytime I try to run these commands:

export DISPLAY=:0.0
feh -q -Z -F -z -Y -D 5 /home/pi/photoframe/flickr

I get the error below:
feh ERROR: CAn't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
-Pi & Linux Newbie

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