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Created July 1, 2020 20:17
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For random string s=‘zxzzzay’ and consecutive numbers as k=2 should return zzyzzxa.
Other example s=axxyyw & k=1 -> xyxywa
function isMaxConsecutive(result, consecutiveNumbersAllowed, currentHashmapKey) {
let lastK = result.slice(-consecutiveNumbersAllowed)
if (lastK.length === consecutiveNumbersAllowed) {
return lastK.split("").every(v => v === currentHashmapKey)
return false
function solution(s, k) {
const inputString = s
const consecutiveNumbersAllowed = k
// Check edge case of empty string
if (inputString === "") {
return 'Empty String'
// Scan characters from inputString 's' into hashmap
let hashmap = {}
for (let char of inputString) {
hashmap[char] = hashmap[char] + 1 || 1
// Calculate Result
let result = ''
// Iterate until hashmap becomes empty
while (Object.keys(hashmap).length !== 0) {
// Fuction getSorted returns keys based on largest value to smallest
// const sortedKeys = getSortedKeys(hashmap)
const sortedKeys = Object.keys(hashmap).sort((a, b) => hashmap[b] - hashmap[a])
let currentHashmapKey = sortedKeys[0]
if (isMaxConsecutive(result, consecutiveNumbersAllowed, currentHashmapKey)) {
// if we have only one key left in hashmap and max consective is reached;
// that means no solution is possible
if (sortedKeys.length === 1) {
return "No solution"
// else we be pick the second largest value from the sorted keys
currentHashmapKey = sortedKeys[1]
result += currentHashmapKey;
// If value of hashmap key currentHashmapKey is one then
// we remove the last char from hashmap and append to result.
// Else we decrement value by one and append value to result.
hashmap[currentHashmapKey] === 1 ?
delete hashmap[currentHashmapKey] :
// Debug output
// console.log(result, hashmap)
return result
console.log(solution('zxzzzay', 2))
console.log(solution('axxyyw', 1))
console.log(solution('', 1))
console.log(solution('abbcccccccc', 2))
console.log(solution(`${'a'.repeat(80)}${'b'.repeat(10)}${'c'.repeat(10)}`, 4))
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