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Created October 17, 2016 14:19
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JTextField extension with bunch of filtering stuff that might be useful sometime
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener;
import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument;
import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotRedoException;
import javax.swing.undo.CannotUndoException;
import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager;
* <code>JCustomField</code>, an extension of standard JTextField <br>
* Created by Jaskaranbir Singh
public class JCustomTextField extends JTextField {
// <Variable Declaration>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private String regex;
private String[] simpleWords; // Stores unfiltered string in array form
private boolean isFilteringEnabled = false;
private boolean limitChars = false;
private boolean limitWords = false;
private boolean autoCapitalize = false;
private boolean constCapitalize = false; // Since autoCapitalize goes false
// as soon as first char is
// entered, we need a reference
// if user decides to erase and
// re-enter first char
private boolean isTextErasable = true;
private boolean startupWhiteSpace = true;
private boolean isMultiSpacingAllowed = true;
private boolean playDingSound = false;
private int maxLength; // Maximum allowed string length (if specified)
private int maxWords; // Maximum allowed number of words (if specified)
private AbstractDocument doc;
private UndoableEditListener undoListener;
private UndoManager undo = new UndoManager();
// <Class extension methods>
* <b>setCustomPattern</b><br>
* Allows setting of custom <code>Pattern</code> to match or verify the
* entered data. Read more about <a href=
* "">
* Regex Patterns</a>.
* @param pattern
public void setCustomPattern(String pattern) {
regex = pattern;
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowOnlyNumbers</b><br>
* Allows only <b>numbers</b> to be entered in field.<br>
* <br>
* True as parameter means whitespaces are allowed.
* @param boolean
public void allowOnlyNumbers(boolean isWhiteSpaceAllowed) {
if (isWhiteSpaceAllowed)
regex = "^$|[0-9\\W]*$";
regex = "^$|[0-9]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowOnlyUppercase</b><br>
* Allows only <b>Uppercase alphabets</b> to be entered in field.<br>
* <br>
* True as parameter means whitespaces are allowed.
* @param boolean
public void allowOnlyUppercase(boolean isWhiteSpaceAllowed) {
if (isWhiteSpaceAllowed)
regex = "^$|[A-Z\\W]*$";
regex = "^$|[A-Z]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowOnlyLowercase</b><br>
* Allows only <b>Lowercase alphabets</b> to be entered in field.<br>
* <br>
* True as parameter means whitespaces are allowed.
* @param boolean
public void allowOnlyLowercase(boolean isWhiteSpaceAllowed) {
if (isWhiteSpaceAllowed)
regex = "^$|[a-z\\W]*$";
regex = "^$|[a-z]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowOnlyAlphabets</b><br>
* Allows only <b>alphabets</b> to be entered in field.<br>
* Case is not regarded.<br>
* <br>
* True as parameter means whitespaces are allowed.
* @param boolean
public void allowOnlyAlphabets(boolean isWhiteSpaceAllowed) {
if (isWhiteSpaceAllowed)
regex = "^$|[A-Za-z\\W]*$";
regex = "^$|[A-Za-z]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowNoSymbols</b><br>
* Allows only <b>alphabets and numbers</b> to be entered in field<br>
* Case is not regarded. <br>
* <br>
* True as parameter means whitespaces are allowed.
* @param boolean
public void allowNoSymbols(boolean isWhiteSpaceAllowed) {
if (isWhiteSpaceAllowed)
regex = "^$|[0-9A-Za-z\\W]*$";
regex = "^$|[0-9A-Za-z]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>allowNoSpacesAtStarting</b><br>
* Prevents entering of spaces at starting of text. By default they are
* <b>enabled</b>.
public void allowNoSpacesAtStarting() {
startupWhiteSpace = false;
* <b>allowSpacesAtStarting</b><br>
* Allows entering of spaces at starting of text. By default they are
* <b>enabled</b> so this isn't required unless
* <b>allowNoSpacesAtStarting()</b> is used.
public void allowSpacesAtStarting() {
startupWhiteSpace = true;
* <b>allowOnlyStandardChars</b><br>
* Allows only <b>alphabets</b> (case regardless), numbers and "<b>-</b>"
* and "<b>_</b>" to be entered.
public void allowOnlyStandardChars() {
regex = "^$|[0-9A-za-Z_-]*$";
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>disallowErasingText</b><br>
* Will prevent text entered in field from being erased.
public void disallowErasingText() {
isTextErasable = false;
* <b>allowErasingText</b><br>
* Will allow text entered in field to be erased. <br>
* This is enabled by default so should only be used if
* <b>disallowErasingText</b> has been used before.
public void allowErasingText() {
isTextErasable = true;
* <b>disableFilters</b><br>
* Can be used to disable any filters. Text will be entered normally.<br>
* Properties like <i>Word Limit</i>, <i>Char Limit</i> and
* <i>autoCapitalization</i> still work.
public void disableFilters() {
isFilteringEnabled = false;
* <b>enableFilters</b><br>
* Can be used to re-enable filters.<br>
* Should only be used if <b>disableFilters()</b> has been used since
* filters are enabled by default.
public void enableFilters() {
isFilteringEnabled = true;
* <b>getCurrentFilter</b><br>
* Returns current <a href=
* "">
* Regex</a> expression being used.<br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> String
public String getCurrentFilter() {
return regex;
* <b>setCharLimit</b><br>
* Will prevent entering of characters if string length reaches more than
* specified limit.
* @param limit
public void setCharLimit(int limit) {
maxLength = limit;
limitChars = true;
* <b>removeCharLimit<b><br>
* Can be used to remove char limit real-time if one was specified. <br>
* Please check function <b>setCharLimit</b>.
public void removeCharLimit() {
limitChars = false;
* <b>getCharLimit</b><br>
* Returns maximum allowed string length if specified or returns -1 if not
* specified. Check method <b>setCharLimit</b>.<br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> boolean
public int getCharLimit() {
if (!limitChars)
return -1;
return maxLength;
* <b>getWordCount</b><br>
* Returns Word Count of string entered in field.<br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> Integer
public int getWordCount() {
if (super.getText().isEmpty())
return 0;
else if (isMultiSpacingAllowed)
return super.getText().trim().split("\\W").length;
return super.getText().trim().split("\\W").length;
* <b>setWordLimit</b><br>
* Will prevent entering of new words if number of words in string reaches
* more than specified limit.
* @param limit
public void setWordLimit(int limit) {
maxWords = limit;
limitWords = true;
* <b>removeWordLimit<b><br>
* Can be used to remove word limit real-time if one was specified. <br>
* Please check function <b>setWordLimit</b>
public void removeWordLimit() {
limitWords = false;
* <b>getWordLimit</b><br>
* Returns maximum words allowed to be entered if specified or returns -1 if
* not specified. Check method <b>setWordLimit</b>.<br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> boolean
public int getWordLimit() {
if (!limitWords)
return -1;
return maxWords;
* <b>autoCapitalizeFirstCharacter</b><br>
* Will automatically set first character entered in field to UpperCase.
public void autoCapitalizeFirstCharacter() {
autoCapitalize = true;
constCapitalize = true;
* <b>disableCapitalizeFirstCharacter</b><br>
* Will disable automatically setting first character in field to UpperCase.
* <br>
* This is the case by default so this should only be used if
* <b>autoCapitalizeFirstCharacter</b> is used before.
public void disableAutoCapitalizeFirstCharacter() {
autoCapitalize = false;
constCapitalize = false;
* <b>allowMultiSpacing</b><br>
* Will allow multi spacing in text field. This is enabled by default so it
* should only be used if <b>disallowMultiSpacing</b> has been used. <br>
public void allowMultiSpacing() {
isMultiSpacingAllowed = true;
* <b>disallowMultiSpacing</b><br>
* Will disable multi spacing in text field.
public void disallowMultiSpacing() {
isMultiSpacingAllowed = false;
* <b>verifyForEmailAddress</b><br>
* Returns <b>True</b> if entered String matches email address pattern and
* <b>False</b> if it doesn't. <br>
* Expression check is in compliance with RFC 822 pattern for Email
* verification. <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> boolean
public boolean verifyForEmailAddress() {
// RFC 822 compliant expression check for email validation
// Credits to ejboy on StackOverflow for java adoption of RFC 822 regex
// (
regex = "(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*@(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)*\\<(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*)*:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] 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\\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*\\>(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:,\\s*(?:(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*@(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*|(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)*\\<(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:@(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*(?:,@(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*)*:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)?(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\"(?:[^\\\"\\r\\\\]|\\\\.|(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t]))*\"(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*@(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*)(?:\\.(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*(?:[^()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\] \\000-\\031]+(?:(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])+|\\Z|(?=[\\[\"()<>@,;:\\\\\".\\[\\]]))|\\[([^\\[\\]\\r\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\](?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*\\>(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])*))*)?;\\s*)";
if (super.getText().matches(regex))
return true;
return false;
* <b>verifyForWebsite</b><br>
* Returns <b>True</b> if entered String matches Website pattern and
* <b>False</b> if it doesn't. <br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> boolean
public boolean verifyForWebsite() {
// Credits to TomC on StackOverflow
// (
regex = "\\b(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]";
if (super.getText().matches(regex))
return true;
return false;
* <b>verifyForPalindrome</b><br>
* Returns <b>True</b> if entered String is <i>palindrome</i> and
* <b>False</b> if it isn't. <br>
* <br>
* <b>Return Type:</b> boolean
public boolean verfiyForPalindrome(boolean ignoreCase) {
String x;
if (ignoreCase)
x = super.getText().toLowerCase();
x = super.getText();
int y = x.length();
for (int i = 0; i < (y / 2) + 1; i++)
if (x.charAt(i) != x.charAt(y - i - 1))
return false;
return true;
* <b>enableUndoRedo</b><br>
* Enables Undo and Redo operations on text field. <br>
* <br>
* Parameter is the number of edits to store for undo/redo operation <br>
* @param Integer
public void enableUndoRedo(int undoCount) {
undoListener = new UndoableEditListener() {
public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent ev) {
* <b>disableUndoRedo</b><br>
* Disables Undo and Redo operations on text field. <br>
* <br>
* Should only be used if <b>enabledUndoRedo()</b> has been used since its
* off by default.
public void disableUndoRedo() {
* <b>undo</b><br>
* Will undo last edit. <br>
* Works only if Undo/Redo is enabled first.<br>
* Check function <b>enableUndoRedo</b>.
public void undo() throws CannotUndoException {
* <b>redo</b><br>
* Will redo last undo. <br>
* Works only if Undo/Redo is enabled first.<br>
* Check function <b>enableUndoRedo</b>.
public void redo() throws CannotRedoException {
* <b>geUndoManager</b><br>
* Returns default undo manager. <br>
* Works only if Undo/Redo is enabled first.<br>
* Check function <b>enableUndoRedo</b>.
* @return UndoManager
public UndoManager getUndoManager() {
return undo;
* <b>getCharCount</b><br>
* Returns character count in entered string<br>
* @return int
public int getCharCount() {
return super.getText().length() + 1;
* <b>reverse</b><br>
* Returns reversed string of text in field<br>
* @return String
public String reverse(){
String text = super.getText();
int len = text.length();
StringBuilder rev = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = (len - 1); i >= 0; i--)
return rev.toString();
* <b>playDingSounds</b><br>
* Play "Ding" sound everytime an invalid char is entered. <br>
* <br>
* "true" means it will play. By default it is "false".
public void playDingSounds() {
playDingSound = true;
* <b>disableDingSounds</b><br>
* Disables "Ding" sounds on entering invalid char<br>
* <br>
* This is disabled by default so should not be used unless ding sounds are
* enabled. Check method <b>playDingSounds</b>
public void disableDingSounds() {
playDingSound = false;
// <Internal Methods>
// This splits the string by spaces and returns the length after splitting
private int internalWordCount(String text) {
if (isMultiSpacingAllowed)
simpleWords = text.trim().split("\\W");
simpleWords = text.trim().split("\\W+");
return simpleWords.length;
// Checks if the previous char was Space or Tab
private boolean checkForSpace() {
if (super.getText().length() > 0
&& super.getText().substring((super.getText().length() - 1), super.getText().length()).matches("\\W"))
return true;
return false;
private void dingPlayer() {
if (playDingSound)
// For internal use
public String getText() {
return super.getText();
public void setText(String text) {
// Main method
public JCustomTextField() {
// We use Document Filter to filter the string
doc = (AbstractDocument) super.getDocument();
doc.setDocumentFilter(new DocumentFilter() {
public void insertString(FilterBypass fb, int offset, String string, AttributeSet attr)
throws BadLocationException {
// Check if auto Capitalization is on
if (offset == 0 && constCapitalize)
autoCapitalize = true;
// Case 1: Word limit is present---------------------
// Check if a word limit is specified and filter/trim words
// accordingly
if (limitWords && internalWordCount(string) > maxWords) {
// Check if white space at start of string is allowed, if
// not then remove it
if (!startupWhiteSpace && string.startsWith("[\\W+]")) {
string.replaceFirst("[\\w+]", "");
// Empty out existing string to set new string with filters
string = "";
// String trimming and filtering
for (int i = 0, counter = maxWords; i < counter; i++)
// Check if filtering is enabled or any filters are
// specified
if (isFilteringEnabled) {
if (simpleWords[i].matches(regex)) {
// If the element in array matches filter, add
// to string
string += simpleWords[i] + " ";
// If element is space, increase the loop limit
// since multi-space doesn't count as word
if (simpleWords[i].matches("^$"))
// If current word didn't match pattern, move on to
// next word and iterate the loop accordingly
else {
} else
string += simpleWords[i] + " ";
// Remove the one trailing space
string = string.substring(0, (string.length() - 1));
// Case 2: No word limit------------------------
// Just check for filters
else if (isFilteringEnabled) {
simpleWords = (isMultiSpacingAllowed) ? string.split("[\\W]") : string.split("\\W+");
string = "";
// Match array element with pattern and append
for (int i = 0; i < simpleWords.length; i++)
if (simpleWords[i].matches(regex))
string += simpleWords[i] + " ";
string = string.substring(0, (string.length() - 1));
if (!startupWhiteSpace && string.substring(0, 1).matches("\\W+")) {
string = string.replaceFirst("\\W+", "");
// Trim to match maximum length if specified
if (limitChars && string.length() > maxLength) {
string = string.substring(0, maxLength);
if (autoCapitalize) {
autoCapitalize = false;
string = string.replaceFirst(string.substring(0, 1), string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
fb.insertString(offset, string, attr);
public void replace(FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length, String text, AttributeSet attrs)
throws BadLocationException {
// Auto Capitalization check
if (offset == 0 && constCapitalize)
autoCapitalize = true;
// If text is manual typed and not a copy/paste
// Code returns if:
// Offset exceeds maximum length
// Starting with whitespace
// Exceeding max word count
if (text.length() <= 1 && ((limitChars && offset == maxLength)
|| (offset == 0 && text.matches("[\\W+]") && !startupWhiteSpace)
|| (limitWords && offset > 0 && getWordCount() == maxWords && text.matches("[\\W+]"))
|| (text.matches("\\W") && !isMultiSpacingAllowed && checkForSpace()))) {
// Rare case at insertion when offset < maxLength and
// string != null and char limit present
else if (limitChars && getCharCount() > (maxLength)) {
// Case 1: Copy/Pasted string
// Difference occurs due to multichar (Copy/Pasted string)
// vs single char
if (text.length() > 1) {
if (limitWords && internalWordCount(text) > maxWords) {
text = ""; // Ready to accumulate new filtered string
// Preserve variable value for maxWords
for (int i = 0, counter = maxWords; i < counter; i++)
if (isFilteringEnabled)
if (simpleWords[i].matches(regex))
text += simpleWords[i] + " ";
else {
// Move to next word if current doesn't
// match
text += simpleWords[i] + " ";
text = text.substring(0, (text.length() - 1));
// Trim text if length limit present and exceeded
if (limitChars && text.length() > maxLength) {
text = text.substring(0, maxLength);
if (autoCapitalize) {
autoCapitalize = false;
text = text.replace(text.substring(0, 1), text.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase());
fb.replace(offset, length, text.substring(0, (text.length() - 1)), attrs);
// Case 2: Manually entered char
// Single char string value
else if (isFilteringEnabled)
if (text.matches(regex)) {
if (autoCapitalize) {
autoCapitalize = false;
text = text.toUpperCase();
fb.replace(offset, length, text, attrs);
} else
// Case 3: Manually entered char and no filters enabled
else if (!isFilteringEnabled) {
if (autoCapitalize) {
autoCapitalize = false;
text = text.toUpperCase();
fb.replace(offset, length, text, attrs);
public void remove(FilterBypass fb, int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException {
if (isTextErasable) {
fb.remove(offset, length);
// Apply attributes to next char if first char in string was
// removed
if (offset == 0 && !getText().isEmpty())
if (getText().substring(0, 1).matches("\\W+") && !startupWhiteSpace) {
setText(getText().replaceFirst("\\W+", ""));
} else if (constCapitalize)
fb.replace(0, 1, getText().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(), null);
} else
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