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Created November 3, 2017 13:26
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Assignment Problem in R - Deterministic vs. Stochastic
df <- read_csv("data_assignment_regular.csv")
df_with_variability <- read_csv("data_assignment_with_variability.csv")
# Helper Functions ####
SolverLP <- function(model, method = "CPLEX_LP", decimal = 0) {
model1.lp <- Rglpk_read_file(model, type = method, verbose = F)
model1.lp.sol <- Rglpk_solve_LP(model1.lp$objective,
model1.lp.sol.df <-$solution)
model1.lp.sol.df <- rbind(model1.lp.sol.df, c(model1.lp.sol$optimum))
rownames(model1.lp.sol.df) <- c(attr(model1.lp, "objective_vars_names"), "obj")
colnames(model1.lp.sol.df) <- "Solution"
table.sol <- knitr::kable(model1.lp.sol.df, digits = decimal)
results <- list(sol = model1.lp.sol, df = model1.lp.sol.df, latex = table.sol)
normVarNames <- function(vars, sep = "_") {
if (sep == ".") sep <- "\\."
# Replace all _ and . and ' ' with the nominated separator. Note
# that I used [] originally but that fails so use |.
pat <- '_|\u00a0|\u2022| |,|-|:|/|&|\\.|\\?|\\[|\\]|\\{|\\}|\\(|\\)'
rep <- sep
vars <- gsub(pat, rep, vars)
# Replace any all capitals words with Initial capitals. This uses an
# extended perl regular expression. The ?<! is a zero-width negative
# look-behind assertion that matches any occurrence of the following
# pattern that does not follow a Unicode property (the \p) of a
# letter (L) limited to uppercase (u). Not quite sure of the
# use-case for the look-behind.
pat <- '(?<!\\p{Lu})(\\p{Lu})(\\p{Lu}*)'
rep <- '\\1\\L\\2'
vars <- gsub(pat, rep, vars, perl=TRUE)
# Replace any capitals not at the beginning of the string with _
# and then the lowercase letter.
pat <- '(?<!^)(\\p{Lu})'
rep <- paste0(sep, '\\L\\1')
vars <- gsub(pat, rep, vars, perl=TRUE)
# WHY DO THIS? Replace any number sequences not preceded by an
# underscore, with it preceded by an underscore. The (?<!...) is a
# lookbehind operator.
pat <- paste0('(?<![', sep, '\\p{N}])(\\p{N}+)')
rep <- paste0(sep, '\\1')
vars <- gsub(pat, rep, vars, perl=TRUE)
# Remove any resulting initial or trailing underscore or multiples:
# _2level -> 2level
vars <- gsub("^_+", "", vars)
vars <- gsub("_+$", "", vars)
vars <- gsub("__+", "_", vars)
# Convert to lowercase
vars <- tolower(vars)
# Remove repeated separators.
pat <- paste0(sep, "+")
rep <- sep
vars <- gsub(pat, rep, vars)
# Reading Data ####
# Expects "Agent" in first column with "Tasks" in the remainder.
df <- read_excel("assign_problem.xlsx")
names(df) <- normVarNames(names(df))
agents <- df[[1]]
tasks <- names(df)[-1]
num_agents <- length(agents)
num_tasks <- length(tasks)
cost_vars <- unlist(df[, -1])
x_vars <- sapply(tasks, function(t) paste0(agents, "_", t))
cost_function <- paste0(cost_vars, x_vars, collapse = " + ")
agent_constraints <- %>%
unite("agent_constraints", 1:num_tasks, sep = " + ") %>%
glue_data("{agents} : {agent_constraints} <= 1")
task_constraints <- %>%
unite("task_constraints", 1:num_agents, sep = " + ") %>%
glue_data("{tasks} : {task_constraints} = 1")
paste0(" Cost : ", cost_function),
"Subject To",
paste0(" ", agent_constraints),
paste0(" ", task_constraints),
paste0(" ", as.vector(x_vars), collapse = "\n"),
file = "cplex_model.txt",
sep = "\n")
model <- SolverLP("cplex_model.txt")
Agent Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
A 11 14 6
B 8 10 11
C 9 12 7
D 10 11 7
Agent Task 1 Mean Task 1 Std Dev Task 2 Task 2 Std Dev Task 3 Task 3 Std Dev
A 11 2 14 1 6 1.5
B 8 3 10 2.5 11 1
C 9 1.5 12 0.5 7 0.5
D 10 1 11 2.5 7 1.5
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