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Jason JasonDeving

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JasonDeving / Max Number with es6
Created May 1, 2016 05:37
FInd the max number with es6 with an array.
let numbers = [4,6,3,8];
let max = Math.max(...numbers);
JasonDeving /
Last active March 26, 2016 04:01
Object Oriented
# Object oriented programming
var answer = {
get: function fn1() {
return this.val;
val: 42
var counter = (function() {
var i = 0;
return {
get: function() {
return i;
set: function(val) {
i = val;
JasonDeving / Callbacks
Created March 20, 2016 02:58
Write a function, funcCaller, that takes a func (a function) and an arg (any data type). The function returns the func called with arg(as an argument).
var funcCaller = function(func, arg) {
return func(arg);
Write a function, firstVal, that takes an array, arr, and a function, func, and calls func with the first index of the arr, the index # and the whole array.
var firstVal = function(arr, func){
return func(arr[0], 0, arr);
Change firstVal to work not only with arrays but also objects. Since objects are not ordered, you can use any key-value pair on the object.
JasonDeving / Toaster
Created March 20, 2016 02:52
var Toaster = function(){
//some private methods and properties
var maxTemp = 500,
temp: 0;
return {
//some public methods and properties, etc
setTemp: function(newTemp) {
if (newTemp > maxTemp) {
console.log("That temp is too high!");
} else {
JasonDeving / passing arguments as callbacks
Last active March 20, 2016 02:51
passing arguments as callbacks
var increment = function(n){ return n + 1; };
var square = function(n){ return n*n; };
var doMath = function(n, func){ return func(n); };
var squareAnswer = doMath(5, square);
var plusOne = doMath(4, increment);
JasonDeving / callback
Created March 20, 2016 01:54
var ifElse = function(condition, isTrue, isFalse){
} else {
var logTrue = function(){ console.log(true); };
var logFalse = function(){ console.log(false); };
JasonDeving / module pattern
Last active March 20, 2016 01:12
module pattern
var Module = function(){
var privateProperty = 'foo';
function privateMethod(args){
// do something
return {
publicProperty: "",
publicMethod: function(args){
// do something
JasonDeving / closures
Created March 20, 2016 00:46
var nonsense = function(string){
var blab = function(){
setTimeout(blab, 2000);
nonsense('blah blah');
function counter() {
var n = 0;
return {
count: function() {return ++n; },
reset: function() {n = 0;}
var myCounter = counter(), num;